Tuesday, June 18, 2013

"The Conscious, Unconscious & Super-conscious Mind" author Gurdip Hari: BOOK REVIEW

The Conscious, Unconscious, & Super-Conscious
By Gurdip Hari

Jasmine Publishing House (2005)

Reviewed by Irene Watson for Reader Views (3/06)

Gurdip Hari, in the beginning of his book, explains in understandable
terms the conscious, unconscious, and the super-conscious aspect of
the mind. He iterates that only 10 percent of the mind is conscious,
that the remaining 90 percent is unconscious. Hari, in simple terms,
explains that the conscious mind is our truth, while the unconscious
mind is the part that is unaware, yet is detected and understood
through dreams, behavior, or hypnosis – either while asleep or in a

Hari makes clear that our growth is governed by a cycle of number
seven, first being our seven bodies: Physical, Etheric, Astral, Mental,
Spiritual, Cosmic, and Nirvanic. Second being the body is governed by
the seven Chakras: Root, Navel, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third
Eye, and Crown. He also explains that in the first seven years of life,
the Physical body and the unconscious mind are developed when the
Root Chakra is activated. The cycle continues as each Chakra is
activated, and the body developed, until the age forty-nine.

During the first seven years of development, Hari details not only do
the parents play a role in conditioning the child’s unconscious mind
with personal beliefs, but also with their fears and insecurities. This
conditioning continues to rule the person until they make a conscious
effort to change the ingrained belief system and transition into
sustaining the super-conscious mind, commonly known as

Hari takes the reader on a step-by-step understanding that before
transitioning into super-consciousness one must first heal the inner
child, the unconscious mind, where all the hurts, anger, unfulfilled
desires, and fears reside. Until these aspects are healed one is
prevented from rising to a higher consciousness. In the latter part of
the book, Hari explains methods to attain super-consciousness.

“The Conscious, Unconscious, & Super-Conscious Mind” is well put
together giving an understanding for someone embarking on a spiritual
path. Writing in simple terms, Hari gives the impression that attaining
super-consciousness is possible for anyone that desires to do so.

"The Conscious, Unconscious & Super-conscious Mind" author Gurdip Hari: BOOK REVIEW

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