Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Cat of the Century by Rita Mae Brown

Is it weird that I like books co-written by animals? There are a couple of series I read where a cat is prominent in the story. Whatever. They are entertaining and Ms. Brown’s stories are wonderful. Harry, our heroine, is the main character who cannot but help herself get involved in mystery. She is extremely nosy and asks questions constantly, which often gets her into trouble.

This time Aunt Tally is about to celebrate her 100th birthday. Tally’s alma mater wants to honour her in a ceremony which will include fund raising for the college – a charity close to Tally’s heart. The college board members who are organizing everything have two members on it who are sworn enemies and are hell bent on making each other’s lives miserable. They have been digging up dirt on each other and one has been found to have taken money from the college association’s account and replacing it. Whenever the board meets all the members have to run interference as these two create so much trouble and extend each meeting by hours due to their squabbling. At the time that everyone is on the way to the celebration in Missouri, a huge blizzard threatens travel and the entire event.

As this is a mystery, there soon follows a murder but as it happens one of the things Tally wishes for is the answer to a suspicious death over 40 years earlier. Are these deaths connected in some way? This is another great Mrs. Murphy mystery which introduces us to some new characters and brings back some old ones.

Cat of the Century by Rita Mae Brown

Review - Gaea - A Novel

Gaea, Robina Williams, 2009, ISBN 9781606191835

Third in a series, this fantasy novel is about Quant, a house cat who can cross between physical dimensions (and do a lot more than that).

Gaea (Mother Earth) has had it with mankind’s wanton destruction of her resources, including plants and animals. After being physically attacked by a man, and left in a ditch, Gaea is ready to wipe mankind off the map. Quant, now in the form of a humanoid seraph, takes Gaea to visit God, the Lord of All (the Big Boss). God allows Gaea to warn mankind, or otherwise kick him in the rear end, but if there is any vengeance or smiting to be done, He will do it (and no one else). The pair gather a few friends, including Briareos (with fifty heads and one hundred arms), Cerberus, the three-headed Hell Hound, Demeter, Zeus and Triton, to see if they can change mankind’s thinking.

Meantime, the brothers at a rural friary are entering the world of green living on the orders of their leader, Brother Polycarp. Their initial reaction is reluctant, at best, but they soon get into the spirit of starting a vegetable garden, baking with fruit from their own orchard, and occasionally walking instead of always taking the car. Quant uses them as an example to Gaea that some humans are trying to live the right way.

When those giant factory fishing vessels, with the nets that destroy the ocean floor, are at sea and about to deploy their nets, they are suddenly best by huge storms that come out of nowhere. They speed back to port to try again tomorrow. The same thing happens time after time; clear skies instantly turn stormy. The sonar systems on all submarines suddenly and permanently malfunction, for no apparent reason. Large parts of the world experience bizarre weather patterns, like dust storms and snow in summer, while those that are living in harmony with nature, like the friary, experience beautiful weather. Does mankind start to get the idea? Does he realize that using the resources of Earth in moderation is actually a good idea?

This is a really well-done novel with a strong, but not overdone, environmental message. The next time you litter or waste resources, just think, Gaea is watching.

Review - Gaea - A Novel

Health, Family & Lifestyle Books

Beauty and Fashion
When it comes to beauty and fashion, helpful books abound. Books such as James Wong’s book entitled ‘Grow Your Own Drugs: Easy Recipes for Natural Remedies and Beauty Treats’. James Wong has a MSc in Ethnobotany from the University of Kent so he knows his subject. Basically, the book covers all the various natural remedies that you can grow and distill in your own garden to use as complementary therapies and to produce many natural beauty products. It is certainly an interesting book and pops a lot of questions into your mind – read it to find out what I mean!

Complementary Medicine
James Wong’s book naturally drifts over into the sector on complementary medicine and, I would reiterate – this book is certainly worthy of more than a cursory glance. Another interesting and useful book on complementary medicine is Louisa L. Hay’s book ‘You Can Heal Your Life’, a book that has been a bestseller for a number of years. Apart from the interesting and useful information contained within the pages of her book, you will find exquisite illustrations by Joan Perrin Falquet on each page. Apart from highly recommending this book, I would suggest you read this book in conjunction with Rhonda Byrne’s ‘The Secret’ – each book complements the other and offers very closely similar messages.

Diet and Nutrition
There have probably been more books written on dieting than practically any other subject – fad diets, celebrity diets, dietitian-recommended diets: in fact, you name it and it has probably been written about. Then we have the Harcombe Diet and the Holcombe Diet – and, of course, Paul McKenna ‘I Can Make You Thin’ which comes complete with a CD as well. The book by Zoe Harcombe ‘The Harcombe Diet – Stop Counting Calories and Start Losing Weight’ is actually a book based on very sound nutritional principles. The concept behind this book is easy to follow and makes sensible nutritional sense.

With regards to the Holcombe Diet, that is more of a lifestyle nutritional book that advises on cooking in a nutritional way. Holcombe’s book is entitled ‘How to Feed Your Whole Family a Healthy Balanced Diet, with Very Little Money and Hardly Any Time, Even if You Have a Tiny Kitchen, Only Three Saucepans (one with an ill-fitting lid) and no fancy gadgets – unless you count the garlic crusher’. The title is a bit of a mouthful (sorry about the pun!) but it does reflect the fun nature contained within the book. This is sound nutritional information, presented in a light-hearted, fun way that gets the message of healthy eating for the whole family across.

Family and Parents
Continuing with the theme of healthy eating for the family, Annabel Karmel has written a book about meal planning for the baby and toddler that continues to be a bestseller on the nutrition of babies and toddlers. The ‘Essential Guide to Feeding Babies and Young Children’ was first published in 1991 and hasn’t been out of print since. Annabel Karmel has now published the ‘New Complete Baby and Toddler Meal Planner’ which features home-cooked meals based on fresh, natural ingredients and integrates menu charts to make it easy to plan your shopping trips in advance.

Fitness and Exercise
Moving away from the theme of nutrition and dietetics, the fitness and exercise section features a pretty diverse collection of books from ‘Strength Training Anatomy’ by Frederic Delavier to ‘The Anatomy of Stretching’ by Brad Walker. A book that I have found in the Fitness and Exercise section is ‘Born to Run: the Hidden Tribe, the Ultra-Runners, and the Greatest Race the World has Never Seen: The Rise of Ultra-Running and the Super-Athlete Tribe’. This title is another mouthful, this time written by Christopher McDougall. It is a tale of endurance, of adventure – with that odd quirk that makes an ordinary book special. It should be way up there with the best sellers. Basically, it’s a story of Christopher McDougall running across the planet where no man should have gone before – but, there is much, much more to this book – and I am not about to spoil it for you by telling you any more about it. Read it for yourself – you will be very glad you did!

Men’s Health and Lifestyle
One book I would encourage every man and his partner to read is the book by Professor Jane Plant: ‘Prostate Cancer: Understand, Prevent and Overcome Prostate Cancer’. Many men are only vaguely aware of their prostate until it starts causing problems with the ‘waterworks’. However, what men need to be made aware of is that prostate cancer really can be the silent killer – unless it is caught early enough. Prostate cancer rarely gives any obvious symptoms until it is too late but, if you are fortunate enough for it to be caught early enough, prostate cancer is completely curable.

At present there are no routine tests to check for prostate cancer as the only real indication is the Prostate Specific Antigen in the blood. In a man of around 50 years old, his PSA level should never be above 3 – and, if it is above that level, he needs to see his doctor. Get it checked out – it may be nothing but, if this indicator gives you an idea that all may not be well, at least you have been given a chance of treatment before it’s too late. If there is one book out of the whole of our book-site that I would recommend, it would be this one – it could save your life!

Health, Family & Lifestyle Books

The Ugly Looking Crows

Crows are very common birds most frequently observed in the sky. They are actually passerine birds belonging to the genus Corvus and family Corvidae. Their body size may vary from small pigeon to large wild raven. They are the inhabitants of temperate regions except South America. The genus was described by Linnaeus for the first time in his 18th century work Systema Naturae. The name of the genus has been derived from a Latin word meaning raven. Fossils of crow have been obtained in Europe in large numbers but their relationship with most prehistoric birds is still unclear.

Common Raven, Australian Raven and the Carrion crows are always blamed for killing weak lambs as they are often seen feeding on the dead animals no matter how that animal died. They are also known to imitate human voices just like the parrots. They are often trained to speak and are very valuable birds in East Asia as they symbolize good luck. They are also kept as pets by some humans. In United States they are legally allowed to be killed around the months of August to the end of March as during this time they become a nuisance also acts as vectore for a number of diseases. It is believed that crows first evolved in central Asia and then radiated towards North America, Europe, Australia and Africa.

They are known to produce to produce wide variety of calls for communication. They are also known to respond to the call of other species. They show remarkable features of intelligence. Crows have a special place in literature and mythology. According to the popular legends in Europe crows especially the ravens are considered as the harbringers of death because of their dark ugly looking black coloured body, big size, and horrible look. It is believed that they feed on the carrion even of humans too. In mythology also crows symbolize spiritual aspects of death. Crows have been observed hovering around the cemeteries. In Hinduism it is believed that people after death become crows and will come to eat in the form of crows to pick up the food. In Mahabharata a famous battle is known that was fought between the crows and owls. It is also believed that if a crow attacks a human ill omen will gather around that person and will bring bad luck.

Crows are also susceptible to viral attack. American crow is susceptible to the attack of West Nile virus. This disease has been recently introduced in North America. This disease is very fatal and the American crows die within a week after getting infection only few are able to survive. The virus is spreading at a faster rate. Two American species are considered to be endangered because of habitat destruction.

Wild life needs our attention otherwise our beautiful animals will be lost forever.

The Ugly Looking Crows

An Appreciation of Charles Webster Leadbeater, Clairvoyant Author

As I prepare ezine articles I am surprised by the output of information from people I appreciate. I knew Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854-1934) as a result of a visit to a used bookstore in Kansas City in 1987 where I picked up three of his books about the occult. During research for this article I found that a wealth of material flowed from his pen. He produced 40 book volumes plus a plethora of pamphlets and journals. The modern interest in the occult truth is largely due to his ideas; Theosophical terms and principles are used by today’s writers. A few of his volumes include:

o Reincarnation (1898)
o Thought Forms (1901)
o Man Visible and Invisible (1902)
o The Inner Life (1911) in my library
o Man, Whence, How and Whither (1913)
o Vegetarianism and Occultism (1913)
o The Hidden Side of Things (1913) in my library
o Occult Chemistry Book (1916)
o The Chakras (1927) in my library

Leadbeater’s discovery of the young Jiddu Krishnamurti in 1909 was a high point in his life. Krishnamurti was believed to be the vessel for a “World Teacher” who would embody the pattern of Moses, Zoroaster, Christ, and Muhammad bringing a new religious teaching to the World. Both Krishnamurti and Leadbeater believed they could read past lives and published 30 such past lives in The Theosophist. Although Krihsnamurti contributed much to mankind in his life he did not attain the status of those before him.

In 1910 Leadbeater conducted deeper research into the akashic records at the Theosophical Society Headquarters in Adyar, India, and the results were recorded in this book Man: How, Whence, and Whither. He predicted the future society of Earth in the 27th century powered by atomic energy.

He collaborated with Annie Besant beginning in 1895. They investigated:

o The cosmos
o Beginnings of mankind
o Chemistry and the elements
o Visiting the masters in their astral bodies

In many religions the word occult is considered to be on the dark side as a bad thing. My experience was positive. The world of the unseen is mysterious and inviting. The depth of the unseen is often unclear in our everyday life but each person needs something to believe in to lighten the burden of supporting the material world. I find solace there. Life is an adventure and lifting the veil through the eyes of a clairvoyant is rewarding. My trip to that used book store opened new vistas to explore and broadened the search to find myself.

An Appreciation of Charles Webster Leadbeater, Clairvoyant Author

Children's Books - The Best Source to Enlighten the Young Minds

Reading books is a good habit for all. Especially children must cultivate the habit of reading books. The most worst thing in the society is ignorance. To survive in this competitive world, everyone should get knowledge on all issues. So, children must be aware of all the realities in life. Naturally, Children like to play. They don’t show much interest in reading books. But, in this modern world so many books are especially written for children to entertain and create interest in them. These books are mainly focus on two important things such as entertainment and education. They play an eminent role in entertaining and guiding the children into a right path.

Children prefer the most interesting and interactive stories. While reading these books they do not loose their interest in the middle of the story. So, by considering and keeping this point in the mind books are written to attract the children. These books are classified into various categories such as traditional books, story books and fiction books.

During their development stage children have various imaginations and lot of questions in their mind. Parents and teachers should guide and create an interest of reading books in the children. So, children books are very helpful and useful for kids to get knowledge about this amazing world. Among all the books children like fairy tales and adventurous story books. To attract the children these stories are described with animated pictures. Children prefer the books which were written in simple language.

Nowadays numerous books are available for children in the market. Among those, the best children’s books are Harry Potter, Huckleberry Finn and Jungle book. These are the best selling books. It is so difficult to write books for the children because the writer do not have any specific point in his mind.

Children show interest in reading such books which contain a child character in them. The most interesting thing is that encyclopedia is also written in simple language for children to make easy to understand.

Today the parents can purchase the best childrens books not only from the book stores but also from online book stores. Children often forget what they taught in the class room. MP3 audio books are very useful to recall their lesson with in short time. So, the children books are playing a vital role in entertaining and enlightening spirit in the young minds.

Children's Books - The Best Source to Enlighten the Young Minds

The Bear and The Dragon - Book Review

This is a beast of a book, 1028 pages in the hard backed edition in a smallish point type. Don’t even consider tackling it unless you have lots of spare time, good eyes, and plenty of stickability.

When I set out on the road of The Bear and the Dragon I did not expect to complete it, I have never been a great Tom Clancy epic lover you see, but it surprised me. It unfailingly hooked me, and I stuck with through to the end.

Briefly, China threatens Russia, the U.S. through her superior all-knowing intelligence gathering networks (is anyone as confident in American intelligence gathering today as they once were?) forewarns Russia and invites “Ivan” into the NATO fold. Ivan, surprised and duly slobbering at the mouth, bites off the invitation, which allows American troops into Russia. Does that sound plausible? Possible perhaps, but likely – may be not.

As per normal Mister Clancy demonstrates a thorough knowledge of all things armament, which may interest many readers, bored me I have to say, though I found the human stories contained within this book far more interesting and readable, and if they are un-Clancy-like, well perhaps TC ought to concentrate more upon those, though I guess in that case half his readership would disappear in a multi-megaton. Size isn’t everything you know, so they say.

Would I read another Tom Clancy doorstep novel? Yes I would, without hesitation, especially if he could be persuaded to write more about people, and less about obliteration.

The Bear and the Dragon
by Tom Clancy.
ISBN: 071814337X

The Bear and The Dragon - Book Review

Moon in My Room Book Review

The Moon in My Room is the coolest nightlight ever made! Are you or your child afraid of things that go bump in the night? Are you or your child lulled to sleep by the gentle moonlight seeping through your window panes? Then have the man on the moon look after you and the light it emits soothe you each and every night.

This moon is not just some sticker that you place on your ceiling which emits icky green light at night. It also won’t be impossible to remove without you needing to repaint your entire ceiling. This moon is a 3-D replica of the real thing which you can opt to hang on your wall. It has a slightly textured surface and it emits a white light, giving the illusion that it really is the moon.

This moon also gives a peaceful white glowing effect that shifts between the 12 phases of the moon. You can opt to keep the shifting of these phases on manual mode, or you can shift it automatically. So if you want to sleep with a quarter moon one night and a full moon the next, it’s all possible with the moon in your room.

In order to save on power, the moon turns off automatically after a certain time. It also comes with an audio CD containing a 15 minute lecture on the moon. Sleep soundly at night and impress your friends at the same time with the only night light that’s out of this world- the Moon in My Room.

Moon in My Room Book Review

Alice Mattison Tells Us Why Nothing Is Quite Forgotten In Brooklyn

Alice Mattison takes two almost separate stories and intertwines them to make one in Nothing Is Quite Forgotten in Brooklyn , moving back and forth between the years of 1989 and 2003, yet the reader will find it surprisingly easy to follow. There is most definitely a link, a major one, holding the stories together.

First we find Constance (Con) Tepper in 1989 arriving from Philadelphia at her mother’s apartment in Brooklyn. Con is there to watch the place and especially her mother’s cat while her mother, Gert, goes to visit old friend Marlene Silverman in Rochester. Con settles in and, as always, wonders about the relationship between Gert and Marlene Silverman that has gone on every since Con, now 45, can remember. In fact, the friendship of Marlene and Gert, now 70, goes all the way back to World War II. Con learns this and more as she reads through old letters belonging to her mother that were written mainly by Marlene. Marlene even talked Gert into making an investment in an illegal business run by Marlene’s then boyfriend, Lou, who was a mobster. This seems so unlike the mother Con knows.

This is all rather unsettling to Con, but not as much as what happens the first night in the apartment and all that follows. When Con finds the apartment has been entered that night, her purse with all her money and keys in it stolen, she panics. She wants to get the lock fixed but has no money to pay and certainly can’t walk away leaving the apartment unlocked. Her only help is the phone, and she begins to call friends and family for help. By the end of that horrendous week, she encounters several disconcerting revelations about everything from her marriage to her job, even her family history, discoveries that change Con’s life forever.

Marlene, quick-tempered and domineering, calls over and over again to get Con to consent to let her have the power of attorney for Gert. Marlene claims that Gert is starting to experience dementia and losing all signs of common sense. Then, one night, Marlene calls to tell Con that Gert has died in her sleep. In shock, Con doesn’t stop to question the circumstances surrounding her mother’s death – like why didn’t Marlene call 911? Con also doesn’t immediately wonder about Marlene being handy with a euthanasia needle since she is an assistant to a vet, or why she keeps insisting that Con give her all of Gert’s financial records. The final tip should have been when Marlene is named executor of Gert’s will instead of Gert’s daughter.

The second story intertwining story occurs 14 years later. We find Con living in the apartment in Brooklyn, divorced from her husband, Jerry, although they somewhat remain friends. Con has gone from high-powered corporation lawyer to one who works for non-profit. Here in 2003, Con is expecting her friend Peggy; her daughter, Joanna; Marlene; and Jerry, all on one weekend – not something she looks forward to. Jerry is there to research an abandoned Brooklyn train project, bringing into the story the mystery of the now-lost elevated trains built to save time back in the 1920s. Jerry and Con together explore the vestiges of an unfinished elevated train line that they discover.

With Con apprehensive about everyone coming to visit at the same time, she begins to recall and rethink her mother’s death. She had forgotten them, but Joanna never has. She has long thought that Marlene did more than just take some money from Gert, and she decides to find out more. The reconstruction of the puzzle of Gert’s death and the part Marlene played in it makes for a mysterious twist to this second story within a story. The return of the stolen purse seems to bring everything to a head, and all of these mysteries come together at the end to answer some long-overdue questions because remember NOTHING IS QUITE FORGOTTEN IN BROOKLYN!

Alice Mattison Tells Us Why Nothing Is Quite Forgotten In Brooklyn

Book Review - Publish This Book by Stephen Markley

While searching the Internet for publishers, I recently stumbled upon an interesting book promotion by SourceBooks in Naperville, Illinois. Their promotion is for a book entitled, “Publish This Book” by Stephen Markley. They are offering a free critique for up to 5000 words of a manuscript when you purchase the book. I thought it would be worth the $10 (after the 35% discount) to purchase the book which appeared to address a topic of interest for me while meeting the promotional requirements allowing me to submit a portion of my manuscript for a fiction novel. So, I bought the book and obtained the required proof of purchase.

I looked at the cover art for Markley’s book and I chuckled as it shows a young man holding what appears to be a broken piece of sheetrock with the title of the book, “PUBLISH THIS BOOK”, along with the pitch line, “THE UNBELIEVABLE TRUE STORY OF HOW I WROTE, SOLD, AND PUBLISHED THIS VERY BOOK”. The young man has torn pieces of paper taped to his jeans with footnotes. His face is obscured by an adequately sized red label with “A Premature Memoir” written on it. I can appreciate good cover design, so I was immediately intrigued enough to give it a few minutes of my time. After all, I paid for the book so I thought I might as well give it a chance.

I began reading this interesting concept book with every intention of putting it down as soon as I reached a point of waning interest. It didn’t happen. I found the book interesting, irreverently funny and candid.

Actually, this book is multidimensional. It has many elements that may be difficult to describe without tarnishing the pure entertainment value. So, I will begin with the entertainment value. I believe this book is extraordinarily funny. Markley opens up his life in a way that would frighten the most daring among writers. He unabashedly offers his ego and id as window characters while describing the most private and objectionable details of his prurient mind. He is either dangerously self assured or he is completely nuts. Either way, I think he provides an insight that most of his contemporaries will enjoy. Yes, there is gross humor, but there is also a serious aspect to this guy that makes it very real.

At times, this book is an adult-coming-of-age love story. It is about friends who care about each other.

At other times, it is a narrative on the issues confronting writers. Markley offers his personal experience with writing and promoting his book. It is a dose of reality. It provides a play by play of an aspiring writer struggling to gain a foothold in an uncertain environment that is publishing today.

On a sociopolitical level, this book represents a significant voice among Markley’s generation. He describes the thoughts and reactions of his inner circle as they witness the presidential campaign of 2008.

If that isn’t enough to satisfy your literary palates, there is a truly complex aspect of this memoir. It is a concept. He is writing the book about writing the book. It is ambitious and I believe Markley pulls it off with aplomb. This concept provides many opportunities for comic effect which he astutely recognizes and exploits. His penchant for using footnotes (as referenced on the cover) adds to the humor.

I will say that Stephen Markley is a great writer. Perhaps he sells himself a little short on experience as I found his days at his school newspaper to be enriching. While I did not have the good fortune to write for my school newspaper, I got a nice perspective from his accounts.

Markley uses every opportunity to promote himself in this story. However, in all fairness, that is what the story is about. While some may consider Markley a bit self absorbed, I think it is clever.

In summary, the book should resonate among writers and people who enjoy high concept literature. It is ambitious and entertaining.

Book Review - Publish This Book by Stephen Markley

A New Terrorist Threat in Our Midst

We’ve heard of bombs on planes, suicide bombers, anthrax and car bombers. A new fictional thriller puts an incredible and unheard of spin on terrorists and what they might be up to that will make the hairs on your neck stand up. The Ovary Wars, written by Mike Hogan, effectively documents a type of bloodless terrorism targeting – American women.

In Hogan’s book, American women are becoming permanently sterilized by a method unknown to everyone except an evil foreign power. As the nation’s population dramatically declines over a four month period, the American economy begins to collapse and chaos ensues. Everyone is puzzled why women can’t become pregnant and are discovering that they’ve become sterilized by a process they had no part in.

A deadly type of silent terrorism, originating from an unknown, but lethal power, is obliterating America’s future – and no one knows how. From a state of overpopulation to almost non-existent, births become so rare in America that new form of crimes are being committed – drugs are rampant, baby-selling becomes a popular black-market affair, female immigrants are selling their eggs and ruthless criminals are selling fertility lists.

As America falls into the greatest and deadliest depression the world has ever known, people become desperate and would do anything to find a way out – even commit murder. In The Ovary Wars, terrorists have found the perfect way to destroy a population – prevent them from being born – and it seems as if their plan is going to work.

The Ovary Wars follows a cunning professor, Kirby Wadsworth, as he develops a means of controlling the world’s population by sterilizing young women of child-bearing age in a way that they won’t have a clue about what happened to them – until it’s too late. The idea is devious and evil, but Kirby succeeds in a way that even he didn’t know was possible.

Hogan also follows the lives of the Rosenbloom family as they fall from wealth to poverty. Steve and Joan Rosenbloom lived in a beautiful, professionally decorated home, befitting a prominent doctor’s salary and status in the city. They had produced the obligatory two children, John and Carol and were busy planning trips, purchasing objects of jewelry, art and “things” for their home when the strange decline of births began to fill the media and caught their attention.

The new situation of decreasing population was catching everyone’s attention. All of the Rosenbloom’s once prosperous friends were beginning to suffer financially and emotionally from the downturn in the economy caused by the severe loss of future inhabitants.

Mike Hogan has spun a tale of intrigue and cleverly introduced a possible new terrorist threat in our midst in his first book, The Ovary Wars. Readers will hate to put the book down until they know the ending to this captivating story of our times.

A New Terrorist Threat in Our Midst

Monday, April 29, 2013

New Children's Book Selected as Teaching Tool in Chicago's Battle Against Dog Fighting!

A new children’s book, Let’s Go Visit Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, has been selected to be used in a teen mentoring program for Safe, Humane Chicago.

In 2007 Chicago community leaders, city officials, local police and members of the faith based community joined with humane and animal related groups, to form Safe, Humane Chicago. This unique coalition’s mission is to educate children about the consequences of dog fighting, conduct animal education programs for both adults and children, and develop youth intervention programs, so kids will not become involved in this illegal activity. Their goal is also to teach an alternative to violence. A Massachusetts SPCA study concluded that those who attend dog fights are five times more likely to commit violent crimes against people.

Let’s Go Visit Best Friends Animal Sanctuary was specifically designed to be read aloud in home, library, or classroom settings and to encourage conversation with children about kindness to animals and responsible pet ownership. Kelsey’s books will be distributed to teen mentors in a Safe, Humane Chicago pilot program. The teenagers will be responsible for educating younger children about compassion and caring for animals.

People are starting to recognize that the issue of dog fighting is about preventing any acceptance of an atmosphere of violence in our communities. You don’t have to be a dog person to want a safe environment for you family. Seventy percent of dog fighter’s or other animal abuse offenders have also been arrested for violent crimes against people. They are intertwined! Children are the key to breaking the cycle.

New Children's Book Selected as Teaching Tool in Chicago's Battle Against Dog Fighting!

Putting it on Paper - Book Review

Dawn Josephson, author of 14 books, has written a fantastic author resource with her latest book Putting it on Paper – The ground rules for creating promotional pieces that sell books. This book discusses the development and use of contents within a media kit, and other marketing materials. From cover letters, press releases, book reviews, bios, sell and catalog sheets to articles – Dawn covers it all.

Each chapter concludes with two brief, but very helpful sections. ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ is an essential ingredient to this well-rounded book because it touches on creativity and exceptions to the rule. Her section ‘Key Points’ acts as a summery to the main ideas within the chapter.

There are many excellent samples of actual promotional pieces, which give authors a variety of choices and ideas to use in creating the content for their own marketing materials. The samples are also precluded with notes on the construction of the piece so that the reader can fully understand the purpose of each opening, paragraph or by-line. Dawn shows many ways to tweak text for each piece and then closes with how to present promotional materials to various markets.

I really enjoyed the thought provoking quotes she used throughout the book and felt Putting it on Paper was quite inspirational. As an author who has spent a year of intensive marketing research and hands on application, I can say that several of Dawn’s tips are unique and I cannot wait to try them. The information on multiple press releases, mock book reviews and catalog sheets were particularly helpful for my own applications.

I highly recommend this useful book to any author who is facing book promotion. Putting it on Paper will certainly help authors get noticed.

ISBN#: 0974496618
Publisher: Ground Rules Press
Author: Dawn Josephson

Putting it on Paper - Book Review

How to Manage Your Business and Get Results

The desire of anybody setting up a business is to make profit and sustain the business. But mastering the fundamentals of business success is critical to making any headway in one’s business engagement(s). This is especially so because business is both an art and a science. That is, it is a matter of practical experience, calculation, foresight and fortune.

However, one does not need to be weighed down by the thought of having to master art and science intricacies of business success, because Peter F. Drucker has come to the rescue with his book entitled “How to Manage Your Business and Get Results”. Drucker is a business management consultant of repute who is concerned with the economic tasks that any business needs to perform to be able to achieve enviable results.

He says this book attempts to organise these tasks so that executives can properly organise them so systematically, understandably and reasonably with the possibility of accomplishing tangible results.

Drucker asserts that though practical rather than theoretical, the book has a thesis. He adds that economic performance is the basic function and contribution of any business enterprise, and the major purpose of its establishment. The author stresses that to achieve economic performance and results, a lot of (hard) work is required, and the work has to be thought through and done with direction, method and purpose.

According to him, this book contains secrets of business success, and emphasises the need to focus on opportunities rather than problems in any business engagement.

As regards structure, the book is segmented into three parts of 14 chapters. Part one is eclectically christened “Understanding the business” and contains the first eight chapters. Chapter one is entitled “Business realities”. According to Drucker here, it is a universal complaint that executives give neither sufficient thought to the future. He adds that every executive voices it when he or she talks about his or her own working day and when he or she talks or writes to his or her associates. Drucker stresses that it is a recurrent theme in the articles and management books.

This business management expert says it is a valid complaint and executives should spend more time and thought on many other good things, their social and economic responsibilities for instance. He says both they and their businesses pay a stiff penalty for the neglect. Drucker asserts that to complain that executives spend so little time on the work of tomorrow is futile. He adds that the neglect of the future is only a symptom and an executive slights tomorrow because he or she cannot get ahead of today. Drucker says that too is a symptom and the real disease is the absence of any fountain of knowledge and system for tackling the economic tasks in business.

The business management expert educates that it is a matter of necessity for executives to spend more time and meditation on the future of their businesses. He expatiates that they should also spend more time and thought on their community responsibilities.

Chapter two is based on the subject matter of the result areas. Here, Drucker says the basic business analysis starts with an examination of the business as it is now and the business as it has been bequeathed to us by indecisions, actions and results of the past. He explains that we need to see the hard skeleton, the major stuff that is the economic structure. According to him, we need to see the relationship and interactions of resources and results of efforts and achievements of revenues and costs.

In Drucker’s words, “Specifically we need first to identify and understand those areas in a business for which results can be measured. Such result areas are the businesses within the larger business complex; products and product lines (or services); markets (including customers and end-users); and distributive channels….”

He educates that the analysis of the result areas has to begin with products or services and particularly with a definition of “product”. Drucker says questions regarding product-definition, though not simple, are at least known and understood by every experienced executive. He adds that this alone makes product analysis the best place to start.

Chapter three examines the concept of revenues, resources and prospects. Here, Drucker says every executive today is inundated with figures, and more and more data pour out daily. He educates that many businesses will ask that their financial analyses be based on cost accounting. The author explains that the answer is that it is misuse of cost accounting to derive from it, figures for a particular product’s share of total business costs.

Drucker educates that cost accounting has to find a place for every penny spent, and where the cost accountant cannot document what costs are directly incurred in making this or that product, he or she must therefore allocate. The author adds that the cost accountant can only do so by assuming that all non-direct costs are distributed either in proportion to direct costs or in proportion to the sales price of a product.

In chapters four to eight, Drucker examines concepts such as how we are doing; cost centres and cost structure; the customer as the business; knowledge as the business; and the business being ours.

Part two is generically entitled “Focus on opportunity” and covers three chapters, that is, chapters nine to 11. Chapter nine has the thematic focus of building on strength. Here, the author says analysis of the entire business and its basic economics always shows it to be in worse disrepair than anyone expected.

He explains that the products everyone boasts of turn out to be yesterday’s breadwinners or investments in ego. Drucker stresses that activities which no one paid much attention to later turn out to be cost centres and so expensive as to endanger the competitive position of the company. According to him, what everyone in the business believes to be quality turns out to have little meaning to customers.

Important and valuable knowledge either is not applied where it could produce results or produces results no one uses, asserts the author. Drucker says, “I know more than one executive who fervently wished at the end of the analysis that he could forget all he had learned and go back to the old days of the ‘rat race’ when ‘sufficient unto the day was the crisis thereof’.” The author adds that but precisely because there are so many different areas of importance, the day-to-day method of management is inadequate even in the smallest and simplest business. Drucker says because deterioration is what happens normally – that is, unless somebody counteracts it – there is need for a systematic and purposeful programme. He expatiates that there is need to reduce the almost limitless possible tasks to a manageable number. Drucker stresses that there is need to concentrate scarce resources on the greatest opportunities and results.

In chapters 10 and 11, the author X-rays the concepts of finding business potential and making the future today.

Part three, the last part is based on the general subject matter of a programme for performance and contains three chapters, covering chapters twelve to fourteen. Chapter 12 is tagged “The key decisions”. Drucker educates here that decisions are made and actions are taken at every step in the analysis of a business and of its economic dimensions. He adds that insights are “bled off” and converted into tasks and work assignments. At every step of the analysis there should be measurable results, guides the business management expert.

He says but for full effectiveness, all the work needs to be integrated into a united programme for performance. Drucker stresses that making the present business effective, may require one specific course of action. He adds that making the future of the business different may require a different action. “Yet what is done to make the present business effective inevitably commits resources, inevitably molds the future,” educates Drucker.

He expatiates that what is done to anticipate the future inevitably affects the present business in all its policies, expectations, products and knowledge efforts. The author says major actions in every one of the economic dimensions therefore have to be consistent with one another.

The business management expert adds that conflicts between the conclusions of the various analyses have to be reconciled. He submits that there has to be balance between the efforts, otherwise one effort undoes what another has been trying to achieve. Drucker explains that the hard reality of the present must not be obscured by the lure of tomorrow’s promises.

In chapters 13 and 14, Drucker beams his analytical searchlight on the concepts of business strategies and building economic performance into a business.

If there is one thing that makes this book a classic, it is the depth and creativity of the contents. By segmenting the text into three parts of 14 chapters, Drucker is able to make the book easy to read and study. The number of chapters, that is, 14, creates some poetic allusion as it reminds one of the fourteen-line poem technically called “Sonnet”.

The vehicle of communication, that is, language of the book is still contextually simple despite the technicality of the subject matter. What’s more, the “Stylistics” tool of “graphology” is also employed in the design of the title of the book on the outer front cover where keywords such as “Manage”, “Business” and “Results” are put in capital letters to convey their conceptual importance, while other less important words are in small letters. There is also application of separate colours to the keywords and less important words to show interface between visual distinction and conceptual uniqueness.

Also, the book looks like a typical essay in that it has the introduction, body and conclusion. Another of the enviable achievements of Drucker in this book is the combination of specific economic analyses with enviable knowledge of entrepreneurship or business success.

However, one of the errors noticed in the book is “Acknowledgement” instead of “Acknowledgements”. On page 28, omission of a comma immediately before the word “Figures” from the expression “…it is misuse of cost accounting to derive from it figures for a particular product’s share of total business costs” seems to make the expression ambiguous”. It is supposed to read “…it is misuse of cost accounting to derive from it, figures for a particular product’s share of total business costs”. Also the layout of the book needs to be improved upon to make it (more) eye-friendly.

In a nutshell, this text is a reservoir of effective business management strategies. If you want to run a successful business, then you need to read and digest this book. It is conceptually precious.

How to Manage Your Business and Get Results

On-Line Marketing For Authors - How to Increase Book Sales

Michael Volkin unlocks a new concept of earning potential by promoting marketing and selling books by using the technical tools available on the internet and through social networking websites. As a successful author and marketing specialist, Volkin shares his own proven principles to help authors increase book sales in his book “Social Networking for Authors.” Step by step he unfolds exactly how to use the technological tools available on the internet. He describes how to find websites which help increase your customer base and help you market and sell more books.

The book is divided into two parts. Part 1 includes a number of tips on how to increase website traffic to boost sales. Mike introduces a variety of free resources available on the internet which enable authors to turn their book sales into an effective “programmed” money making machine.

Part II talks about how to sell books via social networking. Mike concentrates on the most popular social networking sites which have the capability of driving customers to your website and open the way to sell more of your books.

Mike writes is clear. He converts technical terms into language that the technically challenged can grasp. He offers suggestion for sources to get help to download programs for those less computer literate or for those with time constraints. The more technically advanced will be rewarded by being able to quickly download information enabling them to apply the principles and put them into practice more quickly.

“Social Networking for Authors” is a noteworthy book for anyone wanting to increase their online presence, generate added search engine traffic, and sell more books. Volkin’s writing is fresh, informative, practical and a highly rewarding reading experience.

Volkin Associates, 978-0615299853

As Reviewed for Midwest Book Review

On-Line Marketing For Authors - How to Increase Book Sales

Chasing Eliot Ness Book Review

Eliot Ness has been featured in several fictional books, the most recent being Chasing Eliot Ness written by Michelle Regan. Although most of the books on the market portray the legendary crime fighter as just that, a legendary crime fighter, this book is a bit different and puts a whole new perspective on the character.

When I first purchased this book online, I was not sure what to expect. It is touted as a romantic thriller with a twist. The writer introduces the Ness character right away, although more as a fantasy in the head of the female protagonist of the novel, who begins to tell the story in first person narrative. It caught my attention right away because the novel implies that the crime fighter is somewhat different in the eyes of a woman than a man.

I liked the romantic aspect of the story and the setting that is vividly brought to life in 1930s Chicago.
Al Capone shows up as a minor character, which I thought was a bit interesting, considering his connection to the story. The entire story unfolds as a love story between the female narrator and the main male protagonist, a Persian gangster called Hassan Adeeni.

Eliot Ness is brought gradually back into the story and becomes more of a central figure as the book, which is over 500 pages, progresses. There are raids, Tommy gun shootouts and even an opium addiction mentioned in this book, which is a bit different than any other romance book I have ever read. You actually start rooting for the bad guys and against Ness, especially towards the end of the book.

I found the characters to be very well developed and the story is a fast read with no heavy drama or down time. The writer took a lot of creative liberties with Eliot Ness, however, more than have ever been featured in any other book. The character actually steals the book, however, much like Sean Connery stole the show in the Brian DePalma movie, The Untouchables.

All in all, I would say this is a pretty good book for someone who likes a romantic thriller and something other than the ordinary run of the mill romance. I found the book on Amazon and Barnes And Noble. For a first time writer, I think Michelle Regan did a nice job of creating a pretty interesting novel. Those who are looking for a factual account or biography, however, are not going to find it, although the writer mixes in some other interesting real people with fictional characters, as well as events, throughout the book.

Chasing Eliot Ness Book Review

The Skinny on the Art of Persuasion - How to Move Minds by Jim Randel

“The Skinny On The Art of Persuasion: How To Move Minds” by Jim Randel is another of the “skinny on” books. The goal of the “skinny on” books is to provide information in an enjoyable and condense manner to allow the reader to grasp the most important concepts in a short amount of time. In fact, they advertise that you can read most of the series in an hour each. I find that to be a true statement.

The books are a mix of quotes and important points mixed with stick figure stories explaining concepts. In this volume, Billy, a real estate broker, and his wife, Beth, a paralegal who is attending law school, are mentored by Jim Randel, a law professor who just happens to be teaching a class on persuasion, on the key principles, or rules, of persuasion. I like the little story lines and the way Randel presents the material. He includes a joke here and there and tries to make the learning fun. I’d guess Randel would joke about trying to see how many commas he could get in a sentence after a sentence like I wrote above.

The most important part of this book is the advice on persuasion, and the advice is spot on. Randel is an attorney and well read and experienced in the field. Besides his own experiences and examples, he quotes people such as Kevin Hogan and James Speakman, Dave Lakhani, Dale Carnegie, Robert Cialdini, Tom Hopkins, Malcolm Gladwell, and others. He presents nine rules of persuasion, but ends the book with the important concept of “persuasion is about integrity.” He even shares a personal story of his from 30 years ago that still bothers him.

This is not a deep treatise on persuasion. It’s not meant to be. It’s more of a quick and dirty lesson with many bullet points with a few examples. The book even ends with the 15 most important points to remember about being a good persuader. The tips are easy to understand, and more importantly they can be implemented just as easily. Besides that, they are effective!

Like the other “skinny on” books, if you are well read on the topic, you probably won’t find much new in this volume. However, it is a good little book to condense many others into the main topics and bullet points. If you haven’t read much on persuasion, but need or want a quick lesson on the basics, this is the perfect book for you. It’s a quick read and the advice is practical and solid. I recommend it to anyone who wants or needs a quick boost in the art of persuasion.

The Skinny on the Art of Persuasion - How to Move Minds by Jim Randel

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Seventeen Secrets to Help You to Become Financially Successful

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is one of the most persuasive and powerful book by T. Harv Eker. In this book, the author share the secrets to become wealthy, change the way you look at money and allowed you to identify your own money model.

The most important part in this book is “The Wealth Files”, which the author outline seventeen ways rich people think and act differently from poor and middle-class people. The seventeen ways are written based on his own experience and through the observation of rich people around him.

Personally, I like rules number 14 and number 15 in this book. Rules number 14 says: “Rich people manage their money well. Poor people mismanage their money well”. It is not the matter of earning $20,000 per annum or $200,000 per annum, there are many people who earn more than $200,000 annually go bankrupt because they are not a good money manager.

Rules number 15 stated “Rich people have their money work hard for them. Poor people work hard for their money.” No doubt, working hard to earn money is very important. People who achieved financial success have learned “money working for you” concept. Example include, involve in business to generate more income, investment in real estate, stocks, mutual funds and others asset that appreciate in value.

After you have learned seventeen ways rich people do differently compared to poor and middle-class people. There are some recommended action exercises, so that you can put material you’ve learned into practice.

If you are looking to increase financial wealth or move to a new level of success, this is definitely the book you must read.

Seventeen Secrets to Help You to Become Financially Successful

Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce - A Guide to Out of Body Experiences

For those who are seriously interested in developing their awareness of subtle energies and wish to practice astral projection or out of body experience, I highly recommend the book Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce. This comprehensive book gives specific techniques on how to go about leaving your body and has several extremely helpful chapters on energy work. Bruce also presents his theory of astral travel, how it works and potential dangers.

In order to achieve out of body experience consciously, Bruce says it is helpful to develop the energy body. The first stage is to become aware of energy and learn to sense where it is, which direction it is moving and guiding it through the body. Second, each minor energy center such as the hands and feet must be awakened. One may discover energy blockages in the body and those must be undone, similar to massaging a tight muscle in order to realise it. Once energy is able to move freely, a circular pattern is established from the toes to head and back down again. Specific techniques are then introduced to aid the process of separating the energy body from the physical body. For anyone interested in this topic, this is a must read. 

I practiced the exercises in this book diligently for several weeks and saw amazing results. I began to sense energy not only in my own body but also in other people’s energetic fields which greatly informed me about their personality and character. I almost succeeded in having an out of body experience at the end of the first week but the experience was extremely frightening and exhilarating at the same time. Since then, I have given up on attempting to leave my body but I still practice the energy exercises that I learned from the book. They are intuitive, simple, and extremely effective. 

Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce - A Guide to Out of Body Experiences

Is Lose the Back Pain For Real?

Lose The Back Pain is a program designed by Jesse Cannone that is said to help alleviate and sometimes completely eliminate your pain. As someone who has suffered from debilitating pain at different points in my life I was very interested to see what Lose The Back Pain was all about and if it was indeed for real. On more than one occasion I have been unable to work and forced to spend countless days at home on muscle relaxants as I prayed for relief while it hurt just to breathe. So far I have been one of the lucky ones that has only had intermittent issues with his back but I can imagine what life might be like to live on a daily basis with this kind of pain. There is no doubt that at some point again in my life I will hurt my back again so this is the real reason why I wanted to check this program out.

For myself, my problem was caused by doing stupid things like lifting heavy things like 125 pound Rottweiler’s with my back instead of my legs. Of course, the damage done to some of the muscles and the resulting way in which my body compensated for the injury led to further problems… mostly because I was too impatient and stubborn to allow my body to truly heal. Live and learn from back pain, I guess!

It wasn’t just the fact that the author claims that his system will alleviate your problem or minimize it, it was the fact that Jesse Cannone says that he can do so without the use of drugs or surgery. Instead, Lose The Back Pain uses techniques found in Muscle Balance Therapy to remove some of the stress on muscle tissue and instead allow your body to work in a more balanced way….thus the name Muscle Balance Therapy. The Lose The Back Pain system does this by guiding you through a series of stretching corrective exercises to help bring your muscles into harmony so they work together in a more balanced way.

Many people were skeptical when confronted with the notion that a regimen of stretching exercises could cure their back pain, and rightly so. Not just any stretching exercises are ever going to cure you of your back pain though. It is necessary to know what you’re doing… what muscles are the culprit and what can be done to loosen those tight muscles that are spasming and causing your problem. Through careful evaluation, guidance, patience and persistence others have found some pretty good results from Lose The Back Pain by using Muscle Balance Therapy and this is the focus of this system.

Just like anything though, success probably isn’t going to come overnight. Even if you were to go on a steady diet of pain killers, muscle relaxants and bed rest your back pain isn’t going to go away overnight. Likewise, those that used the Lose The Back Pain system said that it took some time but that they did see a reduction in their pain that they felt was directly related to the information in Jesse Cannone’s book. But just like anything, it isn’t going to do you a whole lot of good if you don’t follow through with it and you will probably only find partial relief is you only give it a half-hearted effort. The payoff may be that you rid yourself of that pain that has been making your life miserable. Now, isn’t that worth checking out further?

Is Lose the Back Pain For Real?

Science-Fiction Novel - Major Authors of Science Fiction

Science-fiction novels are generally based on imagined or actual scientific discoveries. The creation of self-aware robots, space travel, the discovery of other intelligent beings in space are some the common subjects for science fiction. English novelist Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818) is often considered as one of the precursors to science-fiction novels. The novel is the story of a doctor who constructs an artificial man making use of body parts.

Influence on the Science Fiction:

H. G. Wells, in the late 1800s, served as a great influence on science fiction. He gave thrilling novels like The Time Machine (1895), a tale about a man who travels forward in time; The Invisible Man (1897), a story about a man who invisible; and The War of the Worlds (1898), about a Martian invasion of Earth.

In the early 20th century, the best science fiction was written and published in magazines. In mid-century, some authors revived the genre in the novel form. They were Stanislaw Lem (Solaris, 1961; translated 1970) and Isaac Asimov (The Foundation Trilogy, 1951-1953), and Ursula K. Le Guin (The Left Hand of Darkness, 1969).

Cyberpunk Authors:

In the early 21st century, one movement in science-fiction novels came on the surface called cyberpunk. The authors of cyberpunk constructed action-oriented plots and featured hardcore scientific technology in their novels. Some of the major cyberpunk writers were Pat Cadigan, John Shirley, William Gibson, and Bruce Sterling.

Humanist Writers:

There are some science-fiction novelists, also known as so-called humanist writers. They focus on characterization and pay little attention to scientific developments. These humanist writers are Orson Scott Card, Ian Watson, and Vonda McIntyre. Other science-fiction novelists like Terry Brooks, Brian Aldiss, Arthur C. Clarke, Kim Stanley Robinson, and Michael Moorcock are also the influential writres.

Science-Fiction Novel - Major Authors of Science Fiction

The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer

The Emperor Wears No Clothes is a timeless non-fictional book about the versatile plant Cannabis sativa that every marijuana proponent should be informed about. The author, Jack Herer, presents a historical, social, and economic view of hemp based on twelve years of research. Sixty consistent years of government deception and suppression of the truth, topics ignored by most media, are revealed in this enraging book about marijuana prohibition.

This book, whose title makes an analogy to the classic children’s tale The Emperor’s New Clothes, surprises, enlightens, shocks, angers, and initiates activism as it informs about one of nature’s most utilitarian plants. It covers general facts about Cannabis sativa, history of it’s use, the effects of smoking the plants flower buds, the many other uses for the plants other parts, the corruption of the U.S. government and of the wealthy and powerful corporations to whom Cannabis sativa is business competition, the “War on Drugs”, the ignorance of our constitutional rights, and suggestions on how we can protect them.

Hemp is a dioecious, woody, herbaceous annual. Each short growing season it reaches heights of twelve to twenty feet, and grows well in any climate or soil condition. Its roots penetrate deep (one foot per month), breaking up compacted and overworked soil, and combating soil erosion. Since it grows so quickly, it could be a year round crop, harvested twice a year, or it could be planted as a second crop, after harvest of a different one. Hemp is also resistant to UV radiation damage, a current threat to 30-50% of soya production. In fact, hemp actually flourishes in the presence of high UV radiation since it protects itself by creating more cannabiniods. This willing plant is able to provide many basic needs of humans anywhere on the planet: food, medicine, treeless shelter and paper, clothing and other textiles, and a renewable fuel alternative to those presently creating acid rain, global warming, and deforestation.

One acre of hemp provides the same amount of cellulose and fiber pulp, used to make paper products and pressed or particleboard, as four acres of trees, while producing four to seven times less pollution. More than anything else, the U.S. imports textiles. Hemp is softer, warmer, stronger and more absorbent than cotton, and it doesn’t require the agricultural chemicals that cotton does. Loggers and truck drivers would still have jobs, reforestation could occur; and rivers could recover from wood and paper chemicals.

Nutrition wise, hemp seed is the highest in essential fatty acids and the lowest in saturated fats. It can be made into a tofu-like curd at a cheaper cost than can soya, sprouted to make milk and ice cream or for use in salad, ground and used like flour, or pressed into an oil, whose by-product is a high protein animal feed.

Hemp as fuel for industrial use, electricity, and transportation -each acre is capable of yielding 1,000 gallons of methanol; that’s ten tons per acre every four months. It’s an annually renewable fuel source, that can be grown for this purpose at the cost of only thirty dollars a ton, Hemp for biomass could be a trillion dollar a year industry, while also improving air quality, reducing our dependence on foreign oil, and bringing millions of jobs in energy production, distributing wealth to rural areas and away from the monopolies.

The hurds (pulp left over after fiber is removed) are 77% cellulose (that’s 50-100 times the cellulose found in sugarcane or corn stalks) that could be used to produce chemicals, biodegradable plastics, paint, dynamite, and fibers.

Around the same time as pottery making, people began weaving hemp; it’s the earliest known woven fabric (8,000-7,000 B.C.). Based on evidence using the Bushmen of Africa, Scientist-Philosopher Carl Sagan suggested that hemp may have been the first cultivated plant dating back to hunter-gatherer time. By 1,000 years B.C. hemp was believed to be our planets largest agricultural crop. Between the years of 1763 and 1767, during a cannabis shortage in America, you could be jailed for not growing it. Our forefathers George Washington and Benjamin Franklin grew it. It’s even been speculated by historians that the ‘War of 1812′ was about hemp! According to the 1850 U.S. Census they counted 8,327 hemp plantations, each over 2,000 acres large – this doesn’t count family patches or small farms. Until 1883 75-90% of all paper in the world was made of hemp fibers, and until 1937, 70-90% of all rope was hemp. For thousands of years almost all paints and varnishes were made of hempseed and linseed oils (in 1935 alone, in the U.S., 58,000 tons of hempseed were used for this purpose). In the early 1900′s the U.S. Department of Agriculture foresaw the huge potential that marijuana had to be the planets largest industry, claiming that once a machine was invented that could harvest, strip, and separate the fiber from the pulp that hemp would be the U.S.’s number one crop. In 1916, the U.S. government was advising and offering American farmers incentives to grow marijuana for plastic, paper, fiber, and energy needs. In 1917, GW Schlicten realized this mechanic vision the USDA had been waiting for; he called it a ‘decorticator’. Both Popular Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering magazines wrote articles foreseeing hemp as being the ”new billion dollar crop” (It’s estimated that today, in the U.S., the hemp industry could be raking in five hundred billion to one trillion dollars annually). In 1942 the U.S. Department of Agriculture even put out a war movie titled “Hemp For Victory”, urging farmers to grow it.

So what happened, you ask? Soon after the ‘decorticator’ was invented, DuPont invented petrochemical fibers and all too easily ‘convinced’ the U.S. Congress and Treasury that with his technology, they could replace hempseed oil with these synthetic petrochemicals. The U.S. Treasury dutifully drafted the Marijuana Tax Act. Stick with me as I attempt to untangle this tangled web of interconnected corruption they’ve woven-DuPont’s financial lending institution was Mellon Bank. President Hoover’s Secretary of Treasury was Mellon. Mellon then appointed a member of his extended family, Harry Anslinger, as head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (currently known as the DEA-Drug Enforcement Agency). DuPont, who had just patented a method of making plastic from oil and coal (enter the interests of oil companies), along with Hearst Paper Company, also feeling threatened by the invention of the ‘decorticator’, paid politicians to outlaw marijuana as a ‘narcotic’, and suppress hemp knowledge from schools, researchers, and scientists.

In the U.S., from the 1840′s through the 1890′s, Cannabis sativa was being used medicinally. In fact, during this time marijuana tinctures and extracts were the second and third most used medicines in America. At this point in history, for over 3,500 years, Cannabis sativa had been the most widely used plant medicinally all over the world. By 1883 every major city in the U.S. had legal hashish smoking bars. In 1930 the U.S. government did a study on the effects of smoking the herb on off-duty American servicemen in Panama. They came to the conclusion that marijuana smoking wasn’t a problem and recommended that no criminal penalties apply to its use. Seven years later the Assistant U.S. Attorney General announced that marijuana could be used long term without “social or emotional outbreaks” and that it was only habit forming on the same level as coffee or sugar. Based on the next seven years of study, in the La Guardia Marijuana Report, the mayor of New York City, Fiorello LaGuardia, the New York Academy of Medicine, and the doctors’ researching the report also concluded that marijuana did not cause any kind of violence, and that it also had positive effects on it’s smokers.

Marijuana has never acted as a ‘gateway drug’; in fact it’s been used in alcohol addiction treatment. In Costa Rica, where smoking is socially accepted, as opposed to on neighboring ‘cannabis-free’ islands, they don’t experience the alcoholic social problems of their island neighbors; and in Holland, where marijuana is available in coffee shops and bars, and smokers aren’t persecuted, the number of heroin addicts has declined by 33% since legalization. 1968-1975 Jamaican studies of people who had smoked high level THC marijuana for 6-30 years, in heavy quantities, showed no social consequences, like relation to crime and no psychological consequences, like impairment of motor skills or mental problems. What it did reveal was the plants positive effects as a work motivator, as a tool for concentration and meditation (by the way, marijuana has a historical use in many major religions worldwide), creating an all around sense of well-being, self-assertiveness, and a merry, conscious, and responsible attitude.

Since 1964, at least 60 of over 400 separate compounds that have been isolated from over 1,000 suspected compounds have been found to be therapeutic. In America today there are over 26 million daily marijuana smokers, and 40 million ‘occasional’ smokers. Some therapeutic uses of smoking: stops asthma attacks, reduces ocular pressure of those with Glaucoma, relieves nausea, stimulates appetites of chemotherapy patients and anorexics, lung expectorant, antispasmodic, reduces intensity of epileptic seizures, relieves symptoms of Muscular Dystrophy, relieves migraine headaches, lowers blood pressure, relaxes muscles, relieves stress, promotes a restful sleep, relieves dementia and depression, and invokes positive ‘vibrations’-all without the negative, and sometimes deadly side effects of pharmaceuticals. The plants antibiotic cannabidiolic acids can be applied in a topical form to treat gonorrhea, herpes, arthritis, rheumatism, and cystic fibrosis. Two universities in Madrid, Spain, involving studies on mice and rats stated that, Cannabis sativa’s active ingredient, THC, killed tumor cells in a type of cancer previously thought to be 100% fatal. Cannabiniods, the plants active compounds, when injected directly into cancerous brain tumors, were found to completely destroy the tumors, while leaving normal cells untouched. More recent studies show that THC even has its own unique receptor sites in the brain, to which, so far, no other compounds have been found to bind.

These were some reasons the pharmaceutical companies got worried. If marijuana were to be legalized, right away it would replace 10-20% of pharmaceutical drugs, taking billions of dollars a year away from the pharmaceutical companies, who have so far been unsuccessful at synthetically replicating the positive effects of marijuana. Roughly ½ of the funds contributed to government sponsored ‘against marijuana’ groups come from American pharmaceutical drug companies. The other ½, surprise, surprise, come from the legal tobacco and liquor companies (oil and paper companies are also contributors). In its 10,000-year-old history, zero deaths have been linked to marijuana, but each year alcohol is linked to 100,000 deaths and 70% of child rape, wife beating and murders. An even worse offender is tobacco, as addictive as heroin, which kills more people each year than AIDS, heroin, crack, cocaine, alcohol, car accidents, fire, and murder combined. Meanwhile, Tobacco receives more government subsidies than any other agricultural product in the U.S.. In 1976 Aslinger, head of the DEA, went on a warpath. He denounced the previously mentioned studies, the American Medical Association, and The New York Academy of Medicine and it’s doctors, and forbade all federal research on the therapeutic effects of marijuana, even to universities. However, a special exception was made for the pharmaceutical companies, who are not only the only ones allowed to research it, but they even are trusted to regulate themselves.

The American Medical Association spoke out against this law, testifying that what the government was saying about marijuana was “outright tabloid sensationalism” and that the prohibitive marijuana laws would deny the world medicine that had been being safely used for a plethora of symptoms for thousands of years. In 1988, even a DEA judge, after considering fifteen days of testimony and DEA reports, concluded that, “Marijuana is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man”. Still, a year later the director of the DEA ordered Cannabis to remain listed as a schedule one narcotic-one having no known medicinal use!

Prison building is currently the largest growth industry. Every state in America is expanding its prisons. Since the 1998 birth of the DEA’s “War on Drugs” 75% of those imprisoned (600,000 a year) are there for mere possession of marijuana for personal consumption (not dealing), and since this “war” began, this is what our drug enforcement tax money has been paying for.

In the authors analogy of his book to the well-known children’s book The Emperor’s New Clothes, Jack Herer likens the Emperor’s lies and manipulation to that of our U.S. government, compares the Emperor’s powerful guards to our FBI, CIA, DEA, etc. Like the Emperor, our government uses its power to buy the allegiance of other countries through bribery or intimidation (foreign aid, arms sales). And like in the children’s story, anyone daring to speak out is slandered, threatened by loss of job, property, or family. Herer likens the Government, using fear and a virtual police state, paid for by our own taxes, to tyrants and prohibitionists of the past who relied on brute force and intimidation. The Emperor Wears No Clothes (because exposed by the truth) author, Jack Herer, alerts us that “it’s a crime against our citizens Bill of Rights (written on hemp paper) to imprison innocents to wage a campaign of lies and omission of the facts with our taxes” such as that which has been carried out by our last four presidents (Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan), and that “they’re taking away more of our guaranteed constitutional rights than have been taken away for political actions, insurgencies, strikes, uprisings, and wars in the last 200 years combined. In 1999, Herer warned that a top priority of the government, the DEA, and the Republican Party is to pass a bill that automatically takes away 100% of your rights to privacy and freedom from an unwarranted search (A prophecy of the Patriot Act?).

What can we do to preserve our basic rights? Herer suggests working to get the issues on the ballots, so we can vote like we’re supposed to be able to do, educating others about hemp, and demanding the release of the POW’s of the “War on Drugs”.

The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer

Less-Than-100-Calorie Snacks for YOU!

If you love snacks, you are not alone. Many people love snacking, if not for the taste of the food they are eating then for the activity, which helps to keep them occupied and pass the time. Snacks can be helpful and help to control appetites, but there is some moderation that needs to be adhered to when it comes to snacks. By snacking too much, individuals can become dependent on a particular type of food and they can gain more weight than they may mean to gain. As a result, many people can benefit from learning about snacks that are not high in calories. Calories that are consumed by individuals and not burned off are part of what makes people gain weight. The energy or calories are stored on the body for when they might be needed later. As a result, individuals can benefit from snacks that are low in calories because they can keep their appetite in check without sacrificing the delicious taste and routine that comes from having snacks.

There are a number of snack foods specifically marketed for individuals who are looking to keep an eye on what they eat. 100 calorie packs of snacks are available and prepackaged so that if the individual eats one package of snacks, they are only consuming 100 calories from the snack. This allows individuals the freedom of eating an entire snack, as well as the freedom of knowing it is only 100 calories and not a snack that will make the individual worry that they have entirely forsaken their diet and weight loss plan. However, these prepackaged foods are not the only ones available to individuals who are looking to snack. There are other options for individuals, and some of these options include frozen treats such as low calorie fudgsicles and fruit bars. These are great treats and they taste delicious, but some fudgsicles without added sugar contain only forty calories in a single, full pop. This allows individuals a great indulgence without any of the guilt.

Cool-Whip is a topping that can be added to many different types of foods, including Jell-O and pudding because it adds extra sweetness and it is low calorie. It still allows the individual to feel as though they are not denying themselves anything even though they are watching what they eat and trying to control their weight and health. Fresh fruit is another great snack for individuals, with or without the Cool-Whip. Naturally sweet, fruit is able to provide individuals with energy but it is not bad for the individual who is eating the fruit. Tasty and healthy, fruit is one of the best options for individuals who are dieting but still interested in snacking. Despite the fact that these snacks are available to dieters, it is also important that they watch how much they snack. It is still not healthy to be snacking constantly, even if the snacks are not bad for the individual. Everything still needs to be ingested in moderation. If you would like to purchase the book this article came from go to. /diet/weight-loss/

Less-Than-100-Calorie Snacks for YOU!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Want to Invest in China - Book Review on a Bull in China

China has experienced explosive growth over the last three decades and it is ranging in the neighborhood of 10% year over year, and it just keeps going, even during the global economic recession, China is breaking speed records for growth. If you’ve ever wanted to get in on the market in China and perhaps, invest a little to increase your nest egg, then boy can I recommend a very good book to you. The book is called;

“A Bull in China,” by Jim Rogers, Random House, New York, NY; 2006; ISBN: 978-1-4000-6616-2

The author gives information on the then and now, as in 30-years forward with a good couple chapters of culture, attitudes, and the people of China. He explains the leadership, government, and all the potential sectors to consider. Industries such as:

  • Energy

  • Transportation

  • Health Care

  • Auto

  • Tourism

  • Construction

  • Agriculture

This book mentions names of companies, the types of shares you should consider, and information about the exchanges and stock markets. It explains what those companies do, and why they are good picks for stocks, or large scale investment.

You see, Jim Rogers rode his motorcycle across China looking for potential investment, later drove a customized Mercedes, he knows China like no other investment banker in the World. Mr. Rogers is well known in the industry and this book is written in a “straight-up” format.

Another good book on a similar topic is called; “Investment Biker” also by Jim Rogers and it’s sitting on my desk and next up to read, and although I have not read it yet, I recommend it, because this book is so good and I know there is more to learn on the topic of investing in China. Please consider all this.

Want to Invest in China - Book Review on a Bull in China

People Are Seeking Motivational and Religious Books More Than Ever

During these trying and uncertain times, people are increasingly turning to religious books and literature. To be sure, today is an age of increased divorce, increased drug and alcohol abuse, and extreme financial insecurity.

Finding a proper perspective is easier said than done. One of the best religious books in decades is called “It’s A Silver Lining” and has recently been released. It proves that it’s never quite as bad as it seems. While definitely a Religious book, “It’s A Silver Lining” takes several unexpected turns while ushering the reader through the joy, sadness, betrayal, and financial ruin of one man’s life.

Faced with a debris field of wreckage all about him, and quickly losing the will to go on, this man sets out to take stock of his life and decisions. He eventually sees the hand of God in every situation of his life and receives the ultimate gift of gratitude. He discovers that his wealth can be measured more by his abundance of friends than his bank account.

Some people embrace religion and religious books while others hold such things in contempt. The author was the latter and had spent twenty five years erecting a wall between himself and God. As the book explains, a chance visit to an Arizona monastery facilitates the melting of this iron wall within a few short hours.

The whole lesson of the book is this; every situation in our life (especially the seemingly bad), has been placed there deliberately-for our benefit. All events in our life set-up the next and when the dust settles, we can always see the Silver Lining, if we look for it. The key is to minimize the time between the event and our recognition of its purpose. The faster we see it, the happier we’ll be, regardless of the outcome-trust me, it’s a wonderful way to live!

If you honestly seek your path, you will find that someone or something has left a trail of breadcrumbs just for you. It is there for you to see right now, if only you will look. Take a look at the religious books, especially It’s A Silver Lining and we will help you pick up the trail.

People Are Seeking Motivational and Religious Books More Than Ever

Title - A Christian's Guide to Overcoming Sexual Struggle - Author - Michael Clairborne

Why hasn’t Jesus sent me my lifelong love? In my particular case, He has. I’m one of the lucky ones. But for many, the struggle for a relationship, then nurturing the relationship once joined, with all of the emotional and sexual ramifications of behavior so innate in humans becomes overwhelming. A guide, a tutorial of lessons, a handbook for this struggle is what Michael Clairborne so openly wrote in his book, “A Christian’s Guide to Overcoming Sexual Struggle.”

Needing to cope with the reality of life’s circumstances while following the teachings of Christ brings to mind such fundamental questions like: How to control sexual sinful impulses; how to handle loneliness; how to handle homosexual feelings or coping with others of such persuasion; should one take back a cheating spouse? Each topic is discussed openly and honestly, with examples he gathered from his years of work within these areas.

He uses only the first name of people in his stories, for obvious reasons of confidentiality, but by doing this, his writing becomes very thought provoking with regards to defining the strengths and weaknesses of those individuals. To follow Christ’s teachings with perfection, the path is revealed as people know right from wrong. God gives us free will, but everyone isn’t perfect, Christians nor non-Christians. Following the Bible’s teaching is a difficult course filled with challenges. How far should forgiveness be granted? When must we draw the line and how should we do it? These very fundamental questions are discussed in”A Christian’s Guide to Overcoming Sexual Struggle.”

Having a contemporary understanding of society’s trends, along with knowing the many pressures subjected to individuals in today’s culture, Michael Clairborne is no prude, nor a fool, when it comes to his understanding and reason. He has an inner knowledge gained by his conviction in his faith, and he is able to explain these many situations with enlightenment from his understanding of the Bible. Possessing an understanding of human sexual behavior, he writes candidly about where to put one’s strength of will, and where to rest one’s faith in God. He describes a sexual maturity that will lead the way to have one become eligible to gain what most all people seek, an honest loving spouse with a satisfying monogamous sexual bond.

Having Christianity referenced throughout his work, Michael Clairborne differs from the conventional relationship icons such as Dr. John Gray, Dr. Ruth, or relationship gurus such as Dr. Laura Schlessinger, or even Oprah Winfrey. His work is easily assimilated and although focused on his faith teachings, provides a healthy foundation for mental stability and honest living. God doesn’t give you more than you can handle, and handling the strength necessary to guide yourself to sexual maturity within a relationship is something we all have within ourselves. This book is an excellent guide for keeping the course, for helping achieve the goal, a lifelong love under God, with God, and with your spouse.

Title - A Christian's Guide to Overcoming Sexual Struggle - Author - Michael Clairborne

The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven by Kevin and Alex Malarkey (2010)

‘The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven’ is a dual memoir penned by Kevin Malarkey and his son Alex. In 2004, when Alex was only six, Kevin and Alex were in a terrible car accident. While Kevin escaped with only relatively minor, non-lingering injuries, Alex’s condition was serious. Alex suffered an internal decapitation – his skull became detached from his spinal cord. In medical terms, this is not compatible with life. Alex should have died, yet thanks to the persistent prayers of the paramedics, bystanders and Alex’s family, Alex lived.

He was in a coma and never expected to come out. Even if he did awaken from his coma, doctors told Kevin and Alex’s mother, Beth, that Alex would have severe brain damage and never again be the same boy they knew. They were told he would never be able to speak or even to swallow food on his own. Remarkably, none of this was true. Alex emerged from a coma with his personality fully intact. He relearned how to speak and to eat. Alex and his family never lost hope and have faith that one day Alex will even walk again.

If this wasn’t remarkable enough, though, there is more to Alex’s amazing story. As soon as he regained speech, Alex began telling his mother and father about what really happened when his body was so badly injured in the accident: Jesus took Alex’s spirit to heaven. Ever wondered what heaven is really like? Alex knows. He’s talked to Jesus and God the father, though he wasn’t able to see God’s face. Seeing angels became routine for Alex, even when his spirit and body were reunited. The struggle of Alex and his family to adapt to his painful new circumstances, Kevin came to realize, was a new battle in the age-old war between good and evil in the unseen spirit world.

Was Alex telling the truth, or did he simply have a very active imagination? Kevin Malarkey gives the various reasons why he doesn’t think so. The Malarkeys are evangelical Christians, but they had never been the type of charismatic Christians who expected to have this personal type of supernatural experience. Even though Alex was only six when he had this experience, his description of heaven is completely consistent with the Bible.

Alex Malarkey is a humble survivor. Though he’s shown incredible strength and resilience, he takes none of the credit. He gives God all the glory. He is truly a child readers will never forget.

The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven by Kevin and Alex Malarkey (2010)

Understanding the Middle Aged Male in America

Most women do not understand men and their midlife crisis much, of course, if you watch their behavior sometimes it seems like perhaps they do not understand themselves much either. Indeed, this is because many things happen to men as they cross over the hump in life. Their bodies change, their desire changes and they are basically all messed up. A very good book on this subject to read is:

“The Male Climacteric” by Helmut J. Ruebsaat, MD. And Raymond Hull – 1975.

It sub-title is: “A guide for all concerned men and women to understanding and coping with the often unpleasant social, physical and psychological effects of the male change of life”

The book dives into the male Midlife Crisis issues and all the rotten things that go along with that. Things that society never much liked to talk about such as Impotency, well now there is a solution for that – Viagra. But this is just one issue, they also have Temporary Loss of Memory, which can be aggravating to them.

Many wives of middle-aged men get upset because they want to go around chasing Younger Women, perhaps to prove themselves as they begin Losing Physical Strength and this really is a tough challenge for a man who prides himself on athletic ability. Another thing that goes is their Visual Equity, which is very noticeable and psychologically upsetting to them.

The reason I recommend this book for both men and women is because it explains the cold hard facts that middle aged men must deal with, whether they choose to acknowledge the reality or not. Growing older is no fun, it is akin to Nature’s Dirty Trick on us, nevertheless, it is real and must be dealt with. Think on this.

Understanding the Middle Aged Male in America

Nuts Magazine - The Way to a Man's Heart

The nuts magazine was considered to be one of its kind when it started its publication. It made a history of sorts by becoming the first ever lads magazine to come out on a weekly basis. Thursday was the initially marked as publication day. However, it soon changed to Tuesday and the marketing slogan associated with it gained popularity as it warns women not to expect any help from their men folk on that particular day of the week.

The lads’ magazine is a term that means a magazine catering to the men. Consequently, opting for a nuts magazine subscription will enable you to peep into your fantasy world and enjoy yourself thoroughly. However, it will be wrong to assess the magazine as a girlie magazine only. While the topic of girls does pop up at regular intervals, it is definitely not the lone subject matter of the magazine called nuts.

Let us now have a look at some of the regular features on the nuts magazine.

Games- Casino games as well as online poker games are one of the biggest draws of the magazine version on the web. The lure of making a quick buck remains strong and most of the subscribers do take a shot at the game of luck, week after week.

Sports News – Sporting news from around the world gets to be featured regularly. Spain winning the world cup is big news now and men all across UK can get to read about their game plan and luck as well as the analysis of the final. Rugby, basketball and cricket also get to be highlighted at the appropriate times.

Gaming- News and reviews about the popular web based games is proving to be a hit with men of all ages. The technical information about downloading or playing it online are described in detail too.

Girls- A number of interesting photographs featuring attractive girls is the prime attraction for most men. Pictures of celebrities a well as models along with ordinary girls whom you may happen to meet at the street corner are features that are carried out religiously every week.

Travel News- Interesting locations all over the world along with their extraordinary photographs also form a part of every issue.

News- News from around the world including politics, entertainment and sports are also available for the men who like to stay in tune with the world of today.

Jokes- Hilarious jokes that would appeal to men cutting across all sections of the society are a permanent feature as well.

There are a number of sections that most men will find interesting. The availability of a new issue every 7 days is another factor which helps in increasing the circulation of the magazine. It has, in fact, topped the list of the men’s magazine selling in the British Isles.

Nuts Magazine - The Way to a Man's Heart

Friday, April 26, 2013

Book Review - Levi's Will by W Dale Cramer

Returning to his Amish roots to attend his father’s funeral, Will McGruder, an Amish prodigal, remembers the span of his life from the time he originally fled in shame. Traveling with his son back to Amish country, Will recalls his life as the scenery and the conversation spark flashbacks of his childhood and the events that propelled him to leave.

The story is told in two parallel time lines which create intrigue as the reader assemblies both the past and the present events, adding a sense of mystery to the story.

Memories of bravery, dedication, responsibility, fear, love, and friendship are described with endearment, focusing the reader to think of their own lives and relationships. I was surprised to read of the Amish custom of ‘bundling’ and the impact it has on some. It is an Amish custom not often discussed in fiction. This custom was the focus of much of the storyline.

This is a book that you want to savor as it is filled with common sense wisdom. The story is not so much told as unfolded as you read. This is a wonderful story with authentic, believable characters, and rich history. Love, forgiveness, mercy and reconciliation are all play a part in making this a very enjoyable read.

It has been said that W. Dale Cramer writes enduring characters and this is true. In W. Dale Cramer’s novel Levi’s Will, you are left with the feeling as if you know these people and this family.

Pick this book up and settle in for a long enjoyable read.

Book Review - Levi's Will by W Dale Cramer

Archery and Psycho-Cybernetic Strategies

There is an incredible amount of truth to the reality that whatever you can imagine in your mind you can achieve in the waking hours. Thus, combining this strength of mind to your archery talents is a match made for the superstars of the sport. There is a famous book on this topic, it is a classic called; “Psycho Cybernetics,” by Maltz written in the late 1950s.

He explains the power of the mind, and does not go into too much scientific detail because at the time we really didn’t know that much, but he shows after many studies of athletes, movie stars, politicians, sports heroes, military generals, and other notable human professions that the advantage goes to those who can imagine the outcome of the events prior to them happening in reality.

In one famous study basketball stars were divided into two groups. One group would sit in a chair at the free-throw line and imagine swishing baskets one after another. The other group would practice for the same amount of time actually shooting the basketball into the hoop. When it came to game time it wasn’t the basketball players that shot the basketball and practiced that had the highest free-throw statistics, rather it was the ones who sat and imagined that they had.

If we take this and apply it to the sport of archery and we consider this psycho cybernetic strategy, we could predict that the archer who stared at the target and imagined hitting bull’s-eye after bull’s-eye would in fact win the event come the day of the competition. This provided that both archers had superior skill in archery to begin with. Guess what, it turns out that is correct, that is exactly what happened. Please consider all this.

Archery and Psycho-Cybernetic Strategies