Saturday, June 29, 2013

Did President Obama Side With Israel's Enemies?

In his Middle East address this week, President Obama called Israel to return to the 1967 borders. Unfortunately, these borders are indefensible, which means that if Israel did heed this call, the nation would be set up for terrorist extermination. In fact, what keeps its terrorist attacks down is its military presence in the West Bank. But guess what? In his speech, the president also called for Israel to withdraw its forces from the West Bank.

Ironically, the president stated that negotiations should begin with territory and security. However, his plan (which will likely be accompanied by pressure on Israel to submit to it) would remove Israel’s security. In fact, the call for Israel to withdraw to the 1967 borders (which, in reality, would be the pre-June 1967 borders, or the 1949 armistice borders), he seeks to bring the Jewish nation into what some have been termed “Auschwitz borders,” referring to the infamous concentration camp. In other words, as mentioned above, these borders would set up Israel for elimination.

In taking this stance, the president has aligned himself with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, who is no friend of Israel. However, in calling for a “full and phased withdraw of Israeli forces” from “occupied Palestinian lands,” he is putting a smile on the faces of Hamas leaders, as it has been Israel’s military presence that has, thus far, prevented Hamas from overtaking the West Bank. If Hamas would, in fact, overtake the West Bank at a point in which Israel is moved back to the 1949 borders (which would involve a land mass less than what was originally dispensed to the Jewish nation in 1948), every city in the Jewish nation would be within rocket attack. At that point, the entire country would be living in fear-every minute of every day.

This is truly a sad day for Israel, but, unfortunately, it is just as sad for the United States. The reason for that is because God has promised to bring trouble upon those who bring trouble upon Israel (see Genesis 12:3). Based upon the president’s speech, the U.S. should plan for much trouble ahead.

Fortunately, God will prevent Israeli leadership from falling into the trap of acquiescing to the president’s insane plan. How do we know that? It is because the Bible tells us that, as part of the end-times treaty-the seven-year covenant that will begin the final seven years leading to the return of Christ (see Daniel 9:24-27; also see Apocalypse 2012: The Ticking of the End Times Clock-What Does the Bible Say? for a detailed explanation of this treaty) – Israel will be granted permission to rebuild the Jewish temple on the Temple Mount. We know that for at least three reasons.

First, Daniel 9:27 shows the interconnectedness of the rebuilt temple with the final, seven-year treaty by revealing that when that treaty is broken (in the middle of the seven-year period), there will be “an end of sacrifice and offering”. Israel cannot have “sacrifice and offering” without a temple (which is why Jews have not been able to offer up sacrifices to God since A.D. 70); thus, the temple will be rebuilt prior to the mid-point of that final seven-year era.

Second, in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, the apostle Paul reveals that “the man of sin”-the future end-times character (called “the beast” in the book of Revelation) unveiled at the mid-point of that future, seven-year period-will enter into the Jewish temple to proclaim himself as god to be worshipped. Thus, this passage also shows a rebuilt temple within the first three and a half years following the signing of the seven-year treaty.

Third, the Lord Jesus also reveals that the temple will be rebuilt prior to the mid-point of that seven-year era. For in Matthew 24:15, He warns that “the abomination of desolation” will take place when the “desolator” stands in “the holy place,” which is the temple. This “abomination of desolation,” also mentioned in the book of Daniel, will occur three and a half years following the initiation of the end-times treaty.

So why does the rebuilt Jewish temple indicate that Israel will not withdraw to the 1949 borders? No Jewish individual longing for the rebuilt temple would even think of allowing it to be rebuilt anywhere but where the first two temples have been built, which is on the Temple Mount. In addition, this rebuilt temple is called “the temple of God” in 2 Thessalonians 2:4, indicating it will be built on the same site (the Temple Mount) where God’s temple previously existed and where Abraham was called to offer up his son Isaac (and where God provided a substitute offering for Isaac, typifying the substitutionary atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ)-a truly holy site.

The Temple Mount is outside of the pre-June 1967 borders. It resides in East Jerusalem, which is the place President Obama is proposing (in deference to Yassir Arafat) as the capital of a new Palestinian state. Certainly, then, if Israel were to withdraw to the borders being proposed by the U.S. president, the Jews would not hold onto East Jerusalem or the Temple Mount.

So, God will not allow Israeli leadership to submit to President Obama’s proposition; for His plan for Israel is much different than that of the president’s stratagem. However, while Israel will fortunately escape the consequences of that insane proposal, unfortunately, the U.S. will not. As nations have experienced in past history, leaders’ decisions to bring trouble to Israel result in trouble for the entire country.

Thus, this is one decision that will backfire on the president-and on the nation. Watch in the days ahead to see what consequences will transpire. We already know that the U.S. is not found in Bible prophecy (indicating that it will have stepped far away from Israel, which is at the center of the prophetic picture, by that point)-most likely due to decisions such as this plan by the president; however, this alignment with Israel’s enemies will undoubtedly bring greater consequences than that. We will see.

Did President Obama Side With Israel's Enemies?

Friday, June 28, 2013

Review - Diary: Alone on Earth

Diary: Alone on Earth, JD Weldy, 2011, B005W3NACK (Kindle e-book)

It’s normal to wonder what it would be like to be the last person on earth. That is, until it actually happens.

David is a senior citizen who has reasons for wanting to cut himself off from the rest of the world. He finds an isolated house outside of a small town in Alabama, where he plans to spend the rest of his days with his faithful dog, Ralph. One day, the whole world is menaced a strange humming sound. The media is full of speculation as to the cause. Several hundred people are driven to suicide, including one of David’s neighbors. Countries are ready for war, convinced that their “enemy” is about to attack. David goes to bed.

The next morning David wakes up to no electricity, and no battery power, either. Even new, freshly charged batteries are dead. David travels to the houses of his neighbors, to find them deserted. He visits the small town, a place called Axis, to find it also deserted. He finds a motorcycle that he can push start, and visits Mobile, Alabama. He finds hundreds and hundreds of abandoned, burning cars, like people were in a panic. But there are no people, not even dead bodies. He finds the same thing in Atlanta, along with signs that people tried very hard keep something out, or in.

The book turns into something of a psychological battle between David and a being that he calls The Blackness. David feels that it wants him dead, but it can’t kill him, so it torments him constantly. David hears Ralph barking, but no matter how much he calls out to Ralph, he doesn’t come. David also hears voices that he should recognize. David and The Blackness meet late in the book (think “demon from hell”). David decides to travel west to keep looking for any other people. For some reason, he feels that answers will be found at the end of Interstate 90, in the town of Van Horn, Texas. As he travels, with The Blackness making it as hard as possible, David has to maneuver around thousands and thousands of smashed and burning cars, but still no people. Does David reach the end of his journey? Does he discover what happened to mankind?

Told all in diary form, this is a really interesting suspense story. It does a very good job of showing the despair that will set in after the “novelty” wears off, including the wondering if God would really let such a thing happen to His people. It is very much worth reading.

Review - Diary: Alone on Earth

Simple Golf Swing Review - Lower Your Golf Handicap

In describing the game of golf in simple terms, it can be said that golf is a precision ball and club sport where by the competitors are known as golfers.

You might think that dropping at least seven strokes of your handicap swings might be impossible within a week.

By looking at some simple golf swing review, you will realize that by reading some easy to read articles by some of the world greatest golfers and practicing, then you might realize that dropping the handicap by seven strokes might change from imagination into reality.

Most golfers freely admit that when they first went through the articles like ‘the simple golf swing’ by David Nevogt, that at first they thought that it was just a joke and that the author was just out to make money for himself by selling a couple of copies.

Little did those that read it know that the information would change their perspective of the game forever.
The simple golf swing review on such articles addresses the concept of promoting consistency and maintaining the correct swing plane by the use of the spine as the axis.

It all involves the timing and the correct hand action that helps in adding that extra distance in every short.

The simple golf swing review also offers you a step by step guide on the mental game which basically trains the golfer on how to tune their mind when playing, the full swing guide and finally the short game guide.

Apart from the books and articles that guide the golfer on these important steps, there are also DVD that physically show you on the angles and postures that you are supposed to take while you are taking that swing.

Some of the things you will learn include the grip. The grip deals with how you are supposed to hold and swing your club.

There is also the unique setup, alignment drill, the timing drill follow through unique, downswing and finally the back swing.

You will quickly learn these moves as you move on, and you are also advised that when you are reading or watching the simple golf swing reviews, you should be putting what you have learned in to practice as often as possible.

Another thing that you will learn from the reviews is that even if you have never played the game of golf, you will have an idea of what it involves before you start playing.

Simple Golf Swing Review - Lower Your Golf Handicap

3 Steps to a Closer Walk With Jesus

Many people wish for a better life in Christ. You may be surprised to find it is closer than you think. To be honest, just to simply share what gives me a close relationship with Jesus my Lord, is what I am writing this short article about. If I had to look at what made my faith strong this is what I would come up with.

Step 1 – The Living Word

Many people when they talk about steps to be closer to the Lord speak about having a regular relationship with the Word of God. I don’t think it is a matter of how much of the Word of God you know, it’s a matter of how much is living inside of you. Any person can quote the verse in Isaiah 53 that says, “By His Stripes you are healed” but a person that has that verse living inside of them is an actual healer that can be used to heal people.

We need more than the written Word, we need to have full revelation of the Word and believe in it with all our heart. A good relationship with Jesus comes with real revelation of scriptures in our heart. Only with living Word in our hearts can we fight the enemy. It takes a relationship with the Holy Spirit for the Word to become living within you, and I pray that this might happen for you.

Step 2 – A Two way conversational prayer life with Jesus

In the parable of the Good Shepherd Jesus says that His sheep know His voice and he speaks to them and they follow Him. It is an important part of your spiritual walk with Jesus to be able to hear Him speak to you. Some people reading this may scoff and think that only a mystic of prophet can hear from Jesus, but the parable of the Good Shepherd says otherwise.

Being able to pray and then listen to Jesus as He speaks to you is vital for a close walk with Jesus. Just as the living word is important to your spiritual walk so is a two way speaking relationship with Jesus. Many people have a great Christian life without speaking to Jesus but we are talking about having a closer walk with Jesus.

Step 3 – Obedience

When you have a two way conversational relationship with Jesus he will tell you things that He wants you to do. Added to that we have the commands of Jesus that exist in the gospels that we need to obey. You cannot have an abiding relationship with Jesus without obedience.

I feel these three steps will bring many people closer to Jesus. We could mention faith, humility, loving your neighbour and other things, but getting these three accomplished will have your relationship improve out of sight.

3 Steps to a Closer Walk With Jesus

Obstacles Welcome by Ralph De La Vega

Obstacles Welcome is Ralph de la Vega’s story. Part biography and part self-help book, it’s all about his inspiring journey to achieve the American Dream. He opens up his life to readers and grants them access to his experiences. He willingly shares what he’s learned as he faced and overcame life’s challenges to achieve success and climb the corporate ladder to become the president and CEO of AT&T Mobility and Consumer Markets.

It was 1962 and Ralph de la Vega was ten years old. He and his family were waiting to board a plane at the Havana Airport in Cuba. They had been approved to leave and they were flying to Miami. Airport officials told them there were irregularities with their documents and only Ralph could leave. The decision was made. Ralph would still go. Miraculously they were able to reach friends in the States who agreed to care for him. A few days turned into four years before Ralph saw his family again. Ralph has come a long way since then and he decided to write this book because so many people have been moved by his personal saga.

I enjoyed the chapters on the author’s personal life. Black and white photos of his family are included. I’m not a business person and I found myself skimming some of the chapters that focused on his corporate life. There is a lot of detail about author’s work in telecommunications and the AT&T and Cingular Merger but anyone interested in business will not be bored. The book is an easy read and provides a behind the scenes look at business. The lessons can be applied to other types of work and makes this a valuable tool for anyone who wants to learn or teach leadership principles.

Publisher: Thomas Nelson (October 27, 2009)

ISBN: 978-1595552648

Hardcover: 272 Pages

Price: $24.99

Obstacles Welcome by Ralph De La Vega

The Jim Rohn Leather Journal by Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn is a man that understands when you wish to improve your life it is very helpful to document your thoughts. This process opens the door for you at some point in the future to go back and look over your past reminisces and recollections. This allows you to put your life into perspective and ascertain whether you have truly carried through on those things in life you had planned for yourself. This is why The Jim Rohn Leather Journal makes such a nice purchase. It can prove to be a great resource for logging your musings about anything in life you wish to document.

Some may wonder why it is wise to purchase a leather bound journal. Is the Jim Rohn name all that you get with such a purchase? No, what you acquire is a solid journal that looks professional and can be kept as a true keepsake you may treasure in later years.

Beyond the sentimental value of The Jim Rohn Leather Journal, there is also a functional one. Namely, when you have a professional looking journal at your disposal, you will be much more likely to actually make entries in it. A $2 notebook may be cheaper but it lacks that appealing psychological component that would make you wish to log your entries in it. When you are seeking self-improvement, you will definitely want to add entries to journal. It becomes less likely that you will skip out on making journal entries when a very well produced bound leather journal is looking at you from your desk. The presence of the serious nature of making additions to the journal is a good thing because there are many benefits you can gain by keeping a journal.

A journal is more than a document of a life that has been lived. It can also include the following components:

A journal should be used to document your goals and to keep track of your progress with meeting your goals. Since he is a qualified and knowledgeable motivation coach, Jim Rohn knows about the importance of setting, meeting, and maintaining goals. In order to succeed in these three areas, you need to be consistent. Keeping track of your progress in The Jim Rohn Leather Journal can boost your potential for meeting your goals quite significantly,

Another added benefit to logging your thoughts in such a journal is that any negativity you may currently feel could be properly and effectively transferred from mind to pen to paper. That means you will not have negative thoughts hampering your mind since they will have been therapeutically removed through the writing process. Consider that an added self-help benefit to using The Jim Rohn Leather Journal.

The Jim Rohn Leather Journal is also as affordable as it is visually impressive. Those looking for a fine journal to record their thoughts will definitely find this leather bound journal to be an outstanding one. It may also make the process of recording your thoughts a more impactful experience that can help attain your self-help goals.

The Jim Rohn Leather Journal by Jim Rohn

Interview With Drew Silver, Author of "The Vampire Within - New Blood"

Drew Silver has been a huge fan of the classic vampire story since she saw the original Dracula movie starring Bela Lugosi. Inspired by observing the similarities between human lives and those of vampires, Silver’s Vampire trilogy was born. Silver holds a Criminal Justice Degree and has worked in law enforcement. She has also spent over twenty years studying the martial arts and mastering various weapons that come to play in the second and third novels of her vampire trilogy.

Tyler: Thank you for joining me today, Drew. To begin, I’m always intrigued when authors write a series of novels. Did you set out intending to write a trilogy, and if so, did you write all three novels before publishing, or did you finish the first, publish it, and then move onto the next?

Drew: From the start, I knew “The Vampire Within” would be a trilogy. To do otherwise, would have betrayed the characters and intricate storyline. I finished and published each novel at pivotal moments in order for the reader to absorb what had just happened to the characters and determine if they would have made the same choices.

Tyler: Would you tell us a little bit about what happened in the first novel, and where “New Blood” picks up from it?

Drew: In “The Vampire Within: The Beginning,” a group of college students are lured into participating in a University-sponsored research project that promises to cure ailments, enhance athletic performance, and make one more physically attractive with a mere series of injections. The students are divided into two groups, one controlled and the other experimental. What none of the students are aware of is that those promises are side effects of becoming a vampire. “New Blood” picks up after the “control” group learns they have also been given the genetically-altered vampire serum and must take the rest of it to keep from dying either by the serum coursing through their veins or the evil hunting them.

Tyler: I understand the setting for “New Blood,” Triton, California, appears to be a model town, especially lacking in homeless people, but that there is a sinister reason why the homeless are not around. Would you explain that reason to us?

Drew: The homeless are a mostly unaccounted part of society. There are many who have no family or friends who keep tabs on them. There are others who suffer from many different mental ailments including hallucinations. If a certain species needed human blood to thrive on, this would be a feasible group initially to prey upon. First, no one would believe them if they stated vampires were attacking them and second, who would notice that they were missing?

Living in San Diego, we have quite a few homeless… I’m sure it’s because of our mild winters and infrequent rainfall. If one of the homeless disappeared, another would take his or her place. It would take a substantial decrease to get the public’s attention. A comparable group is prostitutes … I think it’s why some serial killers target them. They’re easy prey considering they are willing to get into a stranger’s car just to make a few dollars.

Tyler: I am intrigued by your decision to have the characters become vampires through scientific testing rather than just a vampire going around turning others into vampires. Why did you choose to have the vampires be the result of scientific efforts?

Drew: There are already so many stories in circulation about the traditional means of being ‘turned’ into a vampire. I felt it was time to update the story with a new way of transmitting the vampire curse. Like so many diseases that are passed on through unprotected sex, swapping needles, etc. having the vampire serum injected intravenously into the majority of characters by a trusted source seemed more believable and more sinister.

Tyler: The vampire novel has been popular in English literature for two hundred years now, yet several vampire novels are produced each year. In your novel, you focus on genetic engineering. Is it because the vampire genre lends itself to commentary on modern day issues that it has survived?

Drew: The vampire is only a myth because we haven’t found anything to prove otherwise. Yet, there are those who have what is called Xeroderma pigmentosum or XP, who can’t go outside because pain and blistering occur immediately after contact with sunlight. There are others who believe they are actually vampires–they have what is called Clinical Vampirism. There are many other similarities that link the two worlds, including the quest for eternal youth, which present-day scientists are trying to zero in on. Vampires are a unique reflection of everything we fear and simultaneously, everything we want to be.

Tyler: Drew, what makes your vampire novels stand out from all the others, including the very popular novels of Anne Rice?

Drew: This trilogy just doesn’t bring what we know as vampires to modern day, it transforms them. Staying true to the “survival of the fittest” theory, Dr. Cohn, the ultimate nemesis in the story, uses his expertise in genetic engineering to manipulate the DNA recovered from vampire remains and to test the effects on unsuspecting students. The students are forced to decide whether to allow the vampire within them to consume them or use the vampire within to wage war against the evil that has been unleashed in their city.

Tyler: Are you personally interested in genetic engineering itself? Often, horror novels are seen as social criticism? Were you trying to say something similar here about the potential dangers of science?

Drew: I think genetic engineering should always be respected and that no one has the right to play God. In “The Vampire Within” trilogy, the students are lured into participating in a research project that promises them god-like results such as increased stamina, better eye sight, and eliminating the effects of asthma. Our society already has made great advances in increasing stamina, correcting vision with lasers, and having more effective asthma inhalers. The simple truth is that most of us desire more and more. If we acquire better vision or a faster internet connection, we are rarely satisfied for long and search for the next best thing. If you want examples, just turn on the television. “The Vampire Within” shows what happens when these students sign up for a get-fixed quick experiment and find that dealing with their physical limitations was much more appealing than stepping onto the other side of the proverbial fence which had promised greener pastures.

Tyler: Why did you choose the title “The Vampire Within” for your trilogy? Are you suggesting we all have a bit of the vampire within us?

Drew: Yes, I do think we all have a little bit of a vampire within us in the regard we share some of the basic characteristics of vampires. We all want to live forever, in a youthful way–not experience the effects of old age. If we had a chance to live forever, be beautiful forever, and perhaps powerful and wealthy forever, would any of us pass it up? I don’t think any of us could answer it truthfully until put in the situation.

Tyler: Of course, there are negative effects to being a vampire–if not for the vampire, for other people. The characters in your story did not choose to be vampires, but were tricked into it through the scientific study. But do you think people would choose to be vampires in exchange for eternal life and youth?

Drew: I think it comes down to what’s worth selling your soul for. For example, the leader of the good group of vampires turns out to be Justin Monroe. He’s been tricked into taking the first injection and he’s given the choice to live or die. Of course if I were put in his situation, I would have made the same choice to become a vampire. He’s doing it for all the right reasons–to be with the woman he loves, to protect his family, and hopefully to save Triton City and perhaps the world from the diabolical plan that Dr. Cohn has put into motion.

We all make choices everyday that impact our lives. I’ve met some of the greediest people in the world and some of the most giving. I know people who would sell their souls for eternal life and youth and people who would sell their souls to save a loved one from a tragic disease. It’s all about what we value because what we value is a reflection of ourselves.

Tyler: Drew, I understand college students are the main characters in “New Blood.” Why did you choose college-age main characters?

Drew: College is where most of us are free to make our own decisions for the first time. It is also the age where we still believe we are “invincible.” In this trilogy, Triton University is made up of the best and brightest students from around the world. More importantly, none of the students in attendance are there to fail. They will do almost anything to get ahead and be recognized as future leaders. Dr. Cohn preys upon this theory with deadly results.

Tyler: As I mentioned at the beginning, you have a great interest in martial arts. Would you tell us a little bit about that interest and why and how you used it in “New Blood”?

Drew: I fell in love with the martial arts when I was eight years old after watching a Chuck Norris movie. I’ve studied the martial arts since and have mastered every weapon I’ve laid my hands on. My favorite weapon is the Kama, which is best described as a modified version of a farming sickle with a shortened handle and blade. Two of the characters, who are brother and sister in “The Vampire Within Trilogy,” have extensive martial arts training. It is touched upon in “New Blood” and a modified Kama is also introduced, but the real value of this training will be put to the test in the third novel.

Tyler: Drew, when can your readers expect the third novel in the trilogy, and would you tell us its name and give us a little preview?

Drew: The third installment is called “The Vampire Within: Life Eternal” and will be available summer 2008. In “Life Eternal,” Justin and his group are forced to divide their efforts. One half of the group is headed to Romania to see if they can recover a pure DNA sample and the other half is staying in Triton City in the hope of stopping Dr. Cohn and his henchmen.

Tyler: What do you mean by a pure DNA sample? Are they seeking out an actual vampire–one of their predecessors? Is this where the serum came from, and do they expect this sample will cure them?

Drew: I don’t want to give too much of the third book away, but the band of good vampires has many reasons for seeking out a pure DNA sample. A little sneak peek is that those who already turned know that there is no turning back, but the question remains is there a way to keep those who haven’t been injected from being infected since it’s quite apparent the scheming mind of Dr. Cohn could have world-wide implications.

Tyler: Drew, what do you plan to write next? Will there be more vampire tales or will you concentrate on another genre?

Drew: There is a possibility of a follow-up trilogy called “The Vampire Unleashed,” and expanding the storyline to include werewolves.

Tyler: Thank you so much, Drew, for joining me today. Before we go, would you tell our readers your web site address and how they can purchase a copy of “New Blood”?

Drew: I invite everyone to check out my site at and email me with any questions. Both novels can be purchased at Dark Delicacies Bookstore, Borders,, and other online outlets.

Tyler:Thank you, Drew, and best of luck with your future books.

Interview With Drew Silver, Author of "The Vampire Within - New Blood"