Friday, May 31, 2013

Is Obama Now Paying the Price for the Left Wing Media's Relentless Attacks on Bush?

It is truly amazing to me in hindsight how Obama supporters are criticizing anyone who gives critique to the president’s performance. In fact, it seems to me that the Obama Administration has gotten by with much more than the Bush Administration could ever have hoped for. Indeed, the left wing media, and socialist-liberals were absolutely relentless attacking President Bush in the media, engaging his speeches with protest, and slamming him online in Internet forums at every step of the way.

So far, President Obama has had it easy comparatively speaking, but it also appears that things are starting to change. In fact the media is switching gears, and they are finally reporting on the facts and failures of the Obama Administration. So, I ask you this; “Is Obama Now Paying the Price for the Left Wing Media’s Relentless Attacks on Bush?” The answer is a resounding yes, but as one of the chief instigators, the former very junior and very naive Senator from Illinois during his campaign, is also much to blame.

It seems that we have a little bit of political payback going on, and the media is no longer shielding the Obama Administration from their own mistakes and complete failures as they had in the past. Speaking of past, I imagine much of President Obama’s past will start to rear its ugly head in books and shed a very unflattering and negative light on this particular young president. The other day, I found a book for $.25 in the throwaway box at the local used bookstore. And this book illustrates my point; the name of the book is:

“The Bush-Hater’s Handbook – A Guide to the Most Appalling Presidency of the Past 100 Years” by Jack Huberman, published by nations books, New York, NY, 2003, 338 pages, ISBN: 1-56025-569- 2.

The author grew up in Montreal Canada and obviously enjoyed writing this book very much. He is a product of academia, a freelance book editor, and admitted socialist, and has tried various unsuccessful careers and many things, much like Obama. When I bought the book I laughed because it was only $.25, meaning no one really wanted it, and I was able to offer $.10 and pick up the book. Why did I buy it, because it’s always interesting to see what the Bush haters have to say, and some of their ignorant arguments.

Indeed if you’d like to go back in time and listen to some of the nonsense that the opposing party had towards the Bush Administration you’ll see what I’m talking about. You see, you can’t say those things about President Obama because they’ll call you a racist, but when we look back and see some of the things and the horrific language used to describe President Bush’s presidency, you can see we have a real problem in the United States, and we have a group of socialist-liberals who are clearly living in a fantasy of hypocrisy. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this.

Is Obama Now Paying the Price for the Left Wing Media's Relentless Attacks on Bush?

Do Dog Training Books Teach You Anything?

If you have a dog and need to find the best resources to help learn more about training and working with the dog, you can find the dog training books that you need to help you learn everything that you need to know to make your training work and be easier. If you have looked at some of the training books that are available, but did not find any that really show you how to train well, you can find the books that you need online.

There are useful dog training books that can teach you a number of different ways to work with your new dog for training. When you are looking for the best dog books to try, you should look for ones that discuss the training for different breeds of dogs, ages of dogs and the skills that you are trying to teach them. It is best to start early with your puppy to make sure that they are going to learn what you need to teach them, but if you find the books to help you it can be a lot easier. And you will be able to learn the best ways to teach the training skills that you need for your dog without having to take them to a trainer and spend money on someone else training them.

Teaching a dog the basic skills that you need them to learn can take some time, and even if you do find a good book to use, you are still going to have to commit to spending time with your dog while you are training and follow the directions to help you learn the most effective ways to get your dog to learn what you are showing them. If you are looking for affordable dog training books that will still teach you what you need to know, you can find them online and find the ones that work the best for the dog that you have.

If you have been trying to teach your dog the skills that you want them to learn, but have not been able to find a good training practice, you can find dog training books that will help you learn effective ways to work with your dog, and the right ways to treat the dog that will make it better for you to train and will not take as much time. You can go online and search for the type of training book that you need and also search by the type of dog that you have. You can find the right books that will help you better train your new dog.

Do Dog Training Books Teach You Anything?

Boiled Down Money Goo by Daniel and Deborah Minteer - A Review

Title and Author: Boiled Down Money Goo by Daniel and Deborah Minteer

Synopsis of Content:

This is a guide on how to get out of debt, avoid debt and build personal wealth and financial security written by a couple in the Pacific Northwest who have experienced financial distress, debt and marital strain as a result and who also demonstrated how to escape all that and become financially independent.

They take you on their personal journey from debt and helplessness to independence. When they got married Daniel was deeply in debt with credit cards, student loans, an upside down auto loan and little home equity. His bride, Deborah, was in better condition, having avoided much debt and having some investments, but their combined financial picture was grim when you deducted his debt from her equity.

They soon realized this was no way to live. Taking radical action they eliminated all debt including their home mortgage, owned two cars free and clear and began building investments for retirement. The book describes the techniques they used.

Daniel is an engineer and Deborah is a secretary. On their combined income they succeeded in going from living paycheck to paycheck to being completely debt free and they show you how you can do it too.

You will not find anything new or revolutionary in their approach. They studied debt avoidance techniques such as those taught by Dave Ramsey and other financial advisors and authors and then used great discipline to apply those techniques to their own lives.

What makes this book unique and valuable to read is the inspirational real life story of how they did it. They endured some very frugal years to come out on top. They demonstrate however how the typical middle class American family can eliminate and avoid debt through some commons sense financial disciplines. The process took them two years of very frugal living to get out of all debt except their home mortgage which they paid off in seven years.

Readability/Writing Quality:

This is a well written book in simple language aimed at the average person seeking financial independence and willing to sacrifice some of the material trappings of a consumerist society in the process.

Notes on Author:

The authors are a typical married couple with a comfortable income.

Three Great Ideas You Can Use:

1. Avoid debt by paying cash. If you cannot pay cash you cannot afford the purchase. Financial independence requires sustained financial discipline.

2. Educate yourself about the pitfalls of debt and consumerism. Change your mindset from keeping up with the Jones’s to building financial wealth.

3. Maintain a sense of humor and balance. You do not need to stop enjoying life to save and liquidate debt. You need to set goals and work toward them. Doing this not only improves our financial situation but can strengthen your marriage.

Publication Information:

Boiled Down Money Goo by Daniel and Deborah Minteer

Copyright 2011 by Daniel and Deborah Minteer. 200 pages, paperback. Self published and available on Kindle.

Rating for this Book

Over all Rating for Book: Very good.

Writing Style: Easy to read.

Usefulness: Very useful guide for the typical person with a steady income.

Boiled Down Money Goo by Daniel and Deborah Minteer - A Review

Shobha at Sixty - Thoughts About India From Shobhaa De

Shobhaa De is coming up with books at such a rapid pace, it’s difficult to keep track. Here we are just trying to discuss her thoughts, as they have evolved with the evolving India. Shobhaa De sees the change taking place in the country as tumultuous but good for the country which include everything, good, bad and ugly. She views herself as a global Indian who has kept pace with the changes in the country.

Shobhaa De Refuses To Fade Away

She says, the women have a natural ability to adjust to any new situation, which probably explains her own success at being what she is today. She is a natural at challenging the conventional so she may have the freedom to do what she wants to. She refuses to be a fading granny figure, and says it is possible to live life after sixty as well.

A Journey with India

She has always been known for writing the way she does (provocative), though she has largely remained around Bollywood most of the time. She has changed tack now and has started to write about India and how to live life after sixty (different books). She believes her life journey has gone along with India (both are sixty now), and that she has had a lovely journey so far. She wants the youth of the country to remain invested in the country, because that’s where the future is, she says. She wants to discourage the earlier Go West instinct ingrained into us by our own elders.

Believe in India

Shobhaa De says she never stopped believing in India because of her father and the way he brought her up. She never tried to write for the audience in Europe and USA, though the decision had nothing to do with any jingoistic reason. There was a time when Indians were apologetic about being Indian, now the body language of the younger generation has undergone a sea change. They believe they are right up there with the best.

Why Do We Run After The Oscars?

Shobhaa De believes the fundamentals of the country are extremely strong right now, and only a natural disaster or getting nuked may change the picture. At the age of sixty, she believes, India is a very young country.  She is strongly against the tendency of all of us to claim an Indian connection with a successful person (especially if he has done well in West). We are still running helter-skelter after the Booker prize, Oscars or anything that is remotely associated with it. It doesn’t matter if big names prefer to say they are American (Sunita Williams for example), we still want to claim them.

Shobha at Sixty - Thoughts About India From Shobhaa De

Motley Fools Investment Guide For Teens

I just finished reading the “Motley Fools Investment Guide for Teens.” As the owner of a teen jobs website and father of two teenagers, I like to stay current on the latest teen help books. I had high expectations, since this was part of the famous “Motley Fools” series. I am happy to say that my expectations were far exceeded.

As the title suggests, the book is a how to guide that teaches teens how to invest their money. I really like how the book gave it to the reader straight. They give real sound advice without talking down to the reader. It is written in a very easy to read and easy to understand format. This is important because most teens do not read financial books for fun. I really enjoyed the chapter that talked about how bad habits could really cost you a lot of money and affect your entire financial future. They used the example of cigarettes to show how that bad habit could cost you thousands of dollars over the years. I also liked the information on credit cards. So many teenagers do not know enough about how credit cards work and I think the authors did a great job simplifying it and passing along the critical information.

In closing, I highly recommend this book for all teenagers, in fact, anyone at any age could benefit from the financial advice and information. I wish I had read this book when I was a teen. If I had, I guarantee you that I would have more money in the bank than I do now.

Motley Fools Investment Guide For Teens

Why Not Give A Child A Book This Christmas?

Christmas is a time of giving and with all the knowledge that surrounds us, we should be prepared to give a valuable gift this Christmas.

Reading expands a child’s knowledge, vocabulary and improves her comprehension skills. Studies show that a child that is read to from an early age has a wider vocabulary and most of the time she is able to construct sentences much earlier than her peers.

It is very important for parents to understand that the introduction of reading should be fun. When purchasing books for your toddler or preschooler you should choose colorful books that will attract their attention, as well as books with stories they can relate to.

Having interesting and fun books for your child will encourage her to have a love for reading. If she thinks it is difficult it will only make her feel she is not good at it.

Reading stimulates the brain. When you are reading for your child ensure that you are not reading as fast as you would if you were reading to yourself. Give her time to look at the pictures when you read, ask questions like who was her favorite character in the story, point to animals or characters in the story and ask her to name them. It is always a bonus when you are reading a familiar story and she can join in or finish phrases.

Reading should be done in a cozy and relaxed environment. It should also be used as bonding time for you and your child. You should show lots of excitement when it is time for reading. Seeing your reaction, will only encourage her and she will look forward to reading time.

Let your child see that you follow the text with your finger. Children will begin to recognize words as you read, especially in books with repetition.

With familiar books and favorite stories let her have a chance to read to you as well. Children enjoy this part of the reading session as they are doing what Mom or Dad does daily. Young children tend to read from memory but as they become older and they begin to learn new words this will soon be a thing of the past.

Paired-reading is also a great boost for young children. It helps with confidence building and not to focus on mistakes. Let your child be the one to choose the book, taking into consideration that if she is a non-reader it should be a book she knows, or if she can read a little it should be a simple book.

When you read together you should do it at a reasonable pace. You should point to the words in the book; the child should be reading fractionally behind you or simultaneously.
If the child makes a mistake just say the correct word and move on.

Why Not Give A Child A Book This Christmas?

Earl Nightingale's "You Become What You Think About!"

My favorite author, speaker, and business coach Mr. Earl Nightingale once wrote in a book “You Become What You Think About” Ever since the first time I read that phrase my life has changed in a big way and I hope to be able to pass that on to others.

I grew up in a very small town in Northern Canada. The whole time I was growing up I thought that once you hit the town limits the world just came to an end. As I grew up I saw that wasn’t the case, but my world was still very small.

In my early twenties I had chosen my career path to be a greens keeper on a golf course (remember Bill Murray’s character from the movie Caddy Shack, that was me) I loved my job but wasn’t always sure it was going to bring me to the promised land.

On my 24th birthday I received the book “The Strangest Secret” It changed my life forever (my Ah Ha! moment) Earl Nightingale wrote “You Become What You Think About” I didn’t like the person I thought of myself as, and from that moment on, made a conscious effort to change my thought patterns to the person I wanted to be.

It didn’t happen overnight. I struggled for a few months to see the person I wanted to be, but I continued to work on it. Mr. Nightingale challenged me to complete a 30 day challenge where I would continue to be in control of my thoughts. I failed to stay positive many times for 30 days, and forced myself to start my challenge over many times. But after I completed my challenge, everything was changed forever.

In the next few years I worked on 2 of the top golf courses in North America, I started two successful businesses, I got married, had my first child, bought our first home and travelled to some of the most beautiful places in the Northern Hemisphere. I became what I thought about, and continue to do so today.

I carry a card in my pocket that I look at every day. As Mr. Nightingale suggested on one side of the card it reads:

You Become What You Think About
Ask; and it shall be given to you
Seek; and you shall find
Knock; and it shall be opened unto you

On the other side of the card my most prominent goal is written:

I am a millionaire earning over 1,000,000$ per year
By serving families and helping others
Become wealthy by the age of 30

Create your own card today and carry it with you. Look at it several times a day and especially when negative thoughts enter your mind. Try for 30 days to think about the person you want to become and then watch how “You Become What You Think About”

Earl Nightingale's "You Become What You Think About!"

Recycle This Book - 100 Top Children's Book Authors Tell You How to Go Green

Albert Einstein said it best when he stated that “Example isn’t another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.” And let’s face it, young people today learn from many influential people- the most important being their parents, but also teachers, friends and even athletes and celebrities. So when we teach kids about the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling, they should be seeing and hearing it straight from the horse’s mouth!

Recycle This Book: 100 Top Children’s Book Authors Tell You How to Go Green is a collection of essays from renowned children’s books authors. As the title indicates, 100 authors come together to compile simple tips for families to use to help save the planet and have fun while doing it. Some of the authors include Ann Brashares, Susan Beth Pfeffer, Bruce Coville, Daniel Pinkwater, Jack Prelutsky, Jane Yolen, Eve Bunting, Laurie Halse Anderson, Jon Scieszka, and Rick Riordan.

Did you know Gail Gibbons heats her Vermont home with solar panels? And Anne Brashares, author of “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants,” doesn’t own a car! There are so many gems in this book which make it a great tool to teach young readers how they can help make the Earth a greener place. I think it’s wonderful that young readers can learn from their favorite authors.

For example:

Gennifer Choldenko, author of “Al Capone Does My Shirts,” suggests buying reusable water bottles, putting each person’s name on them and filling them with water from the tap.

Jane Yolen suggests eating leftovers for breakfast: don’t throw food away.

Joseph Bruchac (“Buffalo Song”) suggests to reuse and recycle paper and envelopes.

What I like about this book is that you’ll find ideas you might not have thought of before or you’ll realize that great minds think alike! Either way, it gives you the chance to peek into the lives of people that bring you your favorite stories, and the ultimate result is making a positive impact on Mother Earth.

Additional Information:

Edited by: Dan Gutman
Reading level: Ages 9-12
Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Yearling (March 24, 2009)
ISBN-10: 0385737211
ISBN-13: 978-0385737210

Recycle This Book - 100 Top Children's Book Authors Tell You How to Go Green

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Laws of Influence

Perhaps you’ve read the book ‘Influence: The Science of Persuasion’ or any of the other books on the subject of Influence by Robert Cialdini.

Persuasion is an art and science you must master to be successful in converting your visitors to prospects, prospects to customers and customers to evangelists. Marketers have been using the Laws of Influence for many years now affecting the decision making processes of people and steering them in the direction the marketer desires.

You should be aware that these Laws of Influence can be used for good as well as for evil. By reading this post, you’re promising me you’re going to use these laws for the good of your peers, family and prospects, right?

The 7 Laws of Influence

Robert talks about the 7 Laws of Influence that affects people’s decision making processes. Before you start saying, “yeah, but I don’t fall for that shit!” Think again, everyone is affected by these Laws whether you’re consciously aware of it or not.

Law #1: The Law of Reciprocation

The Law of Reciprocation states that if you give something to someone, then they’re much more willing to “return the favour” as they feel indebted to you. If you’ve ever been to North African countries on holiday such as Tunisia or Morocco, you’ve probably experienced young children coming to you and handing you a jasmine flower. Smart… very smart! These children know that if they give you an extremely cheap (free) flower, then they’ll invoke a sense of reciprocity within the tourist that makes them want to offer them some money.

Reciprocity works the way it does because people don’t like to feel indebted to another person. People have a natural tendency to understand the exchange of value in situations.

In fact, think of this situation. You’ve gone to your families house for Christmas and you begin to exchange your gifts. At the house is your uncle who you haven’t seen for quite a while who hands you over a present. How do you feel as he hands you the present?

I’m sure the majority of use would feel guilty that we didn’t get a present for him. You might say on a rational level that you didn’t know he was going to be there. Tell me, if you had a spare universally suitable Christmas present wrapped in the car boot, would you feel inclined to go out and get it because you “forgot” the presents.

Law #2: The Law of Commitment and Consistency

The Law of Commitment and Consistency states that if we make a commitment to do something, then we want to act consistently in accordance with the commitment we made. Have you ever wondered why salespeople ask you a series of easy questions which are “yes” or “no” answers where the obvious answer to their questions are “yes”. A series of “yes” answers can lead you towards making the big “yes” which results in the sale being made.

Law #3: The Law of Social Proof

The Law of Social Proof simply says that if enough people are doing something, then it must be true. Well, that makes good sense, right? Did your mum ever tell you, “well if your best mate stuck his head in the fire, would you?” I think mum was trying to teach us a valuable lesson about the law of social proof.

This law can be seen in full effect when there is a car accident with a wrecked car at the roadside. Everyone drives past the car and looks to see what happened and wonders whether the driver and passengers are OK. As the drivers are short of time to gather information and make an informed decision about the wellbeing of the passengers, they look to the other drivers to see if they have stopped. When they see the other drivers in front of them haven’t stopped, they make the snap unconscious decision that the other drivers were correct and carry on as normal having decided that the passengers wellbeing is OK.

Law #4: The Law of Liking

This law simply states that we are more likely to take the desired action if we like, know and trust someone. This is one of the reasons why marketers always need to bridge the credibility gap. If the marketer is not known, trusted and liked, then there is little scope and opportunity for a sale to be made. If you want to know a master of invoking this law in the world of Internet Marketing, look to Frank Kern. Frank can sell thousands of dollars as an affiliate without offering the super-charged bonus packages that many other affiliates offer for prospects to buy products using their affiliate link. Frank can do this because he has credibility, likability and trust in the Internet Marketing community. If you’ve seen Frank speak at seminars, you’ll know that he stumbles on stage cracking jokes every minute. Sure, he’s a fun kinda guy but he sure knows that people will like, trust and respect him for being real, authentic and genuine and therefore end up buying more of his stuff.

Law #5: The Law of Authority

The Law of Authority states that people are more likely to believe an authority figure or source than a non authority. When was the last time you asked the postman for legal advice? Exactly! Our society is even set up in such a way as to go to authority figures as a trusted source of knowledge and wisdom. I’ll leave you to make your own judgements as to whether this set up is right or wrong?

Law #6: The Law of Scarcity

The law states that the less of a resource that is available, the more that we want it. If you’ve studied the basics of economics, then you’ll have covered the demand and supply curves and understand the relationship that demand and supply has on the price of the product or service. The higher the demand and lower the supply of the product, the higher the price point can be because the perceived scarcity of the product raises its value.

Want a real world example?

Hands up if you’ve had problems getting your mits on an iPhone in the past. Some people say that Apple do it on purpose to keep the phone seem scarce, the demand up and the buzz, appetite, demand and price high for the product. And you thought a good distribution was simply transporting the goods from a factory to a warehouse to a shop? Shame on you!

Law #7: The Law of Contrast and Comparison

The Law of Contrast and Comparison states that when you compare things against something else, you can get a more favourable result by comparing your offering against something much bigger.

To Your Influence,

The Profit Share

The Laws of Influence

The Phonic Book Industry Has Revolutionized Reading

The phonic book industry makes it possible for a child to obtain the necessary reading skills at any level. Whether the child is school-aged or has yet to attend school, many of the products that are offered provide children with resources that will benefit them throughout their years of learning. Getting a proper understanding of the basic concepts of the English language and word and sound building is key to having a successful academic career.

Phonics helps children to read by introducing first only letters and their related sounds. Children practice associating these sounds with their letters until they are comfortable enough to begin combining sounds to form words. As they start at the first levels of word study they begin to practice word patterns such as rhyming, recognizing similar beginning and ending sounds, and determining the number of syllables that a word has.

This then progresses to an ability to use these skills to decipher words that have not yet been encountered. Children can read new words and find that with their basic understanding, with practice they can progress to higher and higher levels of reading. For this reason, it is understood that children who have had an early experience with phonics tend to be far more prone to read at or beyond their grade level.

Good reading skills are the basis for an ability to excel in any area of study. Even with mathematics there is a real need to have a comfort in both reading and understanding the meaning of words that create definitions, instructions and word problems. A child that struggles with reading inevitably struggles in all areas.

The phonic book industry helps children build confidence, both in their reading skills and in themselves. By teaching them not only how to read, but providing the skills to become better readers, this industry helps young readers take control over their self-development. The vast number of products that are offered provide a variety of different ways to keep a child entertained while learning.

The Phonic Book Industry Has Revolutionized Reading

Internet Business Ideas - The Secret Formula to Profits

Starting a business online could be the most important decision you as an entrepreneur.

Dell computers, Microsoft, Google are all testaments to the power of having a profitable idea that leads to the birth of multibillion-dollar internet businesses.  The good news for start up entrepreneurs is there is still abundant opportunity to start your own business based on sound ideas.

While your idea of starting the next multimillion-dollar business may be appealing, it does not translate to making a home run. You need to do more than coming up with ideas. You need to acquire the skills to come up with winning ideas. You want to acquire this skill because a winning idea will end your money worries, give you freedom, and make you wealthy.

The flip side is… Your idea may end up being a money pit, which could wind your business to bankruptcy.  The good news is the internet gives you, the opportunity to test your ideas, easily quickly and cheaply, so you can fail quickly, with minimal cost. And if you have a winner you can roll out your ideas to create a profitable business.

In a survey of Small business done by SCORE, the resource partner for the Small Business Association (SBA), 90 percent of business fail due to a lack of skill, and knowledge on the part of the owner.

My intention is to show you how to come up with winning ideas to start your internet business.

The greatest Myth of all

Have you ever heard this often used phrase in business…? “Do what you love and the money will follow”?

The above statement is only half the truth of the reality in business, because there are many businesses, entrepreneurs and solopreneurs doing what they love….yet are struggling to make ends meet,  or at the brink of bankruptcy.

I will like to upset your ideas about business and tell you the keys to developing a profitable business idea

Keys to success with your ideas

The truth is that your success online has nothing to do with having a website what you need is…

You need passion.

You need to have passion for your new internet business idea.  In addition, your idea must appeals to your strengths. Your strengths are the combination of your talents, education, knowledge, experiences and the skills you have acquired over the course of your business life or career.

A proven market

Your market is important… because   you need to have an idea that people are going to pay you for the products and services you bring to the market place.  The best sign of finding a proven market is to look for: keyword searches on topics related to your business, the presence of competition, sales, promotions and a large number of prospects and buying customers.

The next time the flash bulb lights up in your head about, starting your internet marketing business…you must remember this formula…

Passion + profitable market= Perfect internet business

To your success

Akin osho

Internet Business Ideas - The Secret Formula to Profits

Proceedings of 6th Rocky Mt Region Disaster Mental Health Conf by Ed G W Doherty - Review

Rocky Mountain DMH Institute Press (2008)

ISBN 9781932690569

The 6th Annual Rocky Mountain Disaster Mental Health Conference was held in Cheyenne, Wyoming from November 8-10, 2007. The main theme was: “From Crisis to Recovery: Resilience and Strategic Planning for the Future.” Presenters from the conference put their materials into articles which are in this book. This is an excellent resource for people who attended the conference because they can use this as a reference for the information presented.

The purpose of this conference is to present information, “to promote the development and application of practice, research and training in disaster mental health, critical incident stress management, traumatology, and other emergency response interventions and to promote community awareness, resilience and recovery.” This information is needed by people who deal with critical incident stress management, behavioral health professionals, first responders and others who might be dealing with crisis situations.

I did not attend this conference; however, I found the information presented to be fascinating. Several important topics were discussed, in areas of critical importance to what is happening in our world today. It is imperative that people who are involved in crisis situations read this material. It is all well written and presented in a way that is easily understood and very interesting.

Some of the topics covered traumatic stress in the workplace with issues like police suicide. Others involved emergency preparedness. It is so important that people who deal with emergency and disaster situations are appropriately trained and have resources to handle the stressors of dealing with these situations. Many times, their lives have been impacted in a way in which they are unable to handle the aftermath of having dealt with horrific situations, such as having to deal with an airplane crashing. There are also discussions about the importance of having disaster readiness plans in places such as tourist vacation spots where natural disasters or terroristic acts can occur. In addition to needing to be trained in advance about how to handle these events, people also need to have an understanding of the traditions of the cultures that they might be helping.

“Proceedings of the 6th Rocky Mountain Region Disaster Mental Health Conference” is a must have for first responders and mental health professionals. Addressing the needs of people who work in these fields is critical. The better trained they are to be emotionally equipped for disasters, the better they can help others. I think that the 120 pages of information covered in this book will be some of the most important information needed by people in this field today.

Proceedings of 6th Rocky Mt Region Disaster Mental Health Conf by Ed G W Doherty - Review

A Review of the Book "Confessions of a Shopaholic"

The book “Confessions of a Shopaholic”, by Sophie Kinsella, is a joy for readers who want to read a fun light-hearted romantic comedy. In the novel, the protagonist, Rebecca “Becky” Bloomwood, loves to shop. She shops for everything like Christian Dior replica handbags, Hermes replica handbags, Juicy Couture replica handbags, scarves, designer clothes, and designer shoes. The only problem is, she works as a financial journalist for a relatively small magazine called Successful Saving, which does not pay enough to cover all of her expenses.

The book starts by introducing the main character, Rebecca Bloomwood, who works for the financial magazine Successful Saving in London, England. She is not in love with her job, but she is in love with shopping. She shops all the time, without considering the consequences of her spending. Becky continues to get letter after letter from her bank, telling her she is overdrawn and all of the credit card companies telling her she needs to make payments on her balances. She even comes up with funny excuses as to why she can’t pay her bills. She tells her account manager at her bank, Derek Smeath, that she can’t pay her bills because she has a rare disease and she also tells him that she can’t come to a meeting because her leg is broken. The excuses Becky uses to avoid Mr. Smeath become more humorous as time goes by.

In the middle of all of her financial woes, Becky catches the eye of a man named Luke Brandon, who owns a PR Company, Brandon Communications which represents financial companies.

Soon, Becky uncovers a scam when two of the big financial companies get their clients to switch their pension funds into new accounts before one of the companies is bought out and pays their clients lots of money. The problem is, one of the companies is a company that Luke represents at Brandon Communications. But, Becky releases the story to the press anyway and quickly she gains praise from people all over London, while also catching the eye of a television producer, who wants to have Becky on their show to give financial advice, which is funny because Becky is still in debt. She also gains the respect of Luke, who sees how talented she is and is grateful for her for showing him how bad his clients were to their clients.

Of course, in the end, Luke and Becky become a couple and Becky is offered a job at the show Morning Coffee, where she gives financial advice to people who call in and tell her their financial woes.

This book is charming and witty. Becky Bloomwood learns important lessons about self-confidence and the importance of controlling her spending. The book’s heroine is lovable and the reader finds him/her self hoping everything works out for Becky. So, if you are a reader who is looking for a fun, coming of age story, then “Confessions of a Shopaholic” is a must read.

A Review of the Book "Confessions of a Shopaholic"

Cash in a Flash by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G Allen

“Cash In A Flash” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen is a sequel to their popular book, “The One Minute Millionaire.” If you enjoyed the first book, most likely you will enjoy this one. However, if you didn’t like the first one, you probably won’t enjoy this volume either. Personally, I thought it was a good sequel, and I enjoyed both as motivational pick-me-ups.

This book is presented in the same unique format of having a “how to” type book of information on the left hand pages, and then a story incorporating the principles of the left hand pages on the blue bordered right hand pages. Confusing? Well, for some, reading the book might be as well. You need to read left hand pages together, and then read right hand pages together.

The story portion of the book (right hand pages) continues the tale of Michelle. It’s 18 months after she won custody of her children as told in “The One Minute Millionaire.” She decides to help some friends with money troubles and forms a mastermind group and leads them toward fortune. It’s a nice little motivating story, just as the one in their previous book. I enjoyed it, and it does illustrate some good principles and mindset for making your own way toward prosperity.

The left hand pages focus on three main principles that the authors believe to be the three key ingredients to financial success: Wow Now, Inner Winner, and Dream Team. The majority of the book focuses on mental attitude, which is a key ingredient to success. Just don’t expect the book to have a blueprint like an architect’s drawings to follow. It rather has advice and exercises to assist you in getting the right mindset to succeed, and to join with like-minded people to multiply your brainpower to succeed.

There is a little about making money with real estate, selling information, and selling in general. It’s more motivational, “You can do it” than actually how to do it.

It’s a simple and easy to read book, and I found it motivating. Reading these kinds of books can keep you motivated and thinking of possibilities. However, you will most likely have to look to other resources to learn how to actually implement your ideas. That is one good thing about their advice to form a team. Getting together with others can be very powerful if you choose the right people to form your mastermind group with.

Sometimes the book makes things simpler than the actually are. That’s okay though, because sometimes we need to think things are easy to get off our duff and try. The book is inspirational and a motivating read. If you are looking for a jolt of inspiration, this might be just what you need. If you are looking for a “nuts and bolts how to book,” you might be disappointed with this text.

I’m glad I read it. I like inspirational and positive stories. It think this kind of book keeps you thinking about what’s possible, and I’m sure that is one of the goals of the authors. Read it, expand your thinking, and work toward turning your dreams to reality.

Cash in a Flash by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G Allen

Beyond the Quiet Time by Alister McGrath

A Refreshing Approach to a Direct Engagement with the Scriptures

In “Beyond the Quiet Time: Alister McGrath presents a refreshing approach to finding a direct engagement with the scriptures. McGrath helps the reader develop a plan which offers a new approach to spirituality as it relates to personal Christian Living.

The book includes both a devotional and a theological importance on reading, studying, and applying the Scriptures to daily life. The book brings a new flavor to the “Quiet Time”, presenting a plan for receiving spiritual nourishment, encouragement, and motivation for living out the Christian life.

The format of the book integrates possibilities for use in a study group or for individual study. The chapters include: a theme, a passage from the Bible relating to the theme, commentary with questions for consideration, thoughts for reflection, discussion points, a “Study Panel,” and recommended exercises for meaningful application to daily life.

Alister writes with clarity as he models this devotional approach to the Scriptures. He defines spirituality, addresses the question as to why it is important, what we can learn from the past, and how the Scripture gives guidance relative to everyday life.

The five chapters of the book provide the groundwork for future devotional study. They cover the foundational essentials of the Gospel message setting the scene with contemporary illustrations which provide a relevant setting for application. McGrath includes the concept of being lost, the need and provision of rescue, involvement in the world, faith, and living life to the fullest.

“Beyond the Quiet Time” provides the reader with a resourceful, creative process for adding freshness to spirituality though direct engagement with the Scripture.

Regent College Publishing, 978-1573832656

As Reviewed for Midwest Book Review

Beyond the Quiet Time by Alister McGrath

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Art of War - Spirituality For Conflict - Annotated & Explained

With a shelf full of versions of “The Art of War” why purchase another one? This is a question one could ask of me. I have a dozen versions of “The Art of War,” yet I purchased and read “The Art of War – Spirituality for Conflict” and am extremely glad that I did.

This version of “The Art of War” annotated and explained was annotated by Thomas Huynh and it is his translations with the editors at his website Sonshi. There is a foreword by Marc Benioff, chairman and CEO of salesforce and a preface by Thomas Cleary. It was Cleary’s preface that helped me decide to purchase this version, since several of my versions were translated by Cleary, and I’ve enjoyed the numerous translations of his I’ve read over the years.

Huynh states that he wishes he would have had this translation when he first started studying Sun Tzu’s words twenty years ago. After reading it, I agree that any student of Sun Tzu will benefit from “The Art of War – Spirituality for Conflict.”

Besides the interesting foreword and preface, there is a good introduction that lays some basic history and information for those new to Sun Tzu and those that have studied various translations already. One impressive fact about this book is that it is the work of twenty years of study with over forty reputable scholars working on it.

I enjoyed how this edition addresses a spiritual approach to conflict through Sun Tzu’s teachings. The book still contains the thirteen chapters that were written by Sun Tzu. They are laid out in a format that has the translated text on the right side page, with the commentary to the translated text on the left side page. If a person wanted to, they could read every right hand page and they would be reading the entire translated text of “The Art of War.”

However, if you truly study “The Art of War” like I enjoy doing, you will not only read the translated text, you will savor the commentary and annotations as well as ponder the lessons beyond Huynh’s guidance.

In the annotations, Huynh provides examples relating to the text from many sources. It is refreshing to see things from the Bible, Buddha, and Lao Tzu not contrasting each other, but illustrating points and guiding toward conflict resolution. The text also includes examples based on General Robert E. Lee, Fourth Geneva Convention, a sermon delivered by Martin Luther king Jr. at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in 1957, George Washington, Robert Gates to the U.S. Congress in 2007, Henry David Thoreau, mathematics professor and investment trader Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Yamamoto Tsunetomo’s Hagakure, and many more. These examples and illustrations of lessons and principles help with the study and application of “The Art of War” to other areas than only military strategy.

This is important, because while many readers of this text will benefit in areas other than in the military. While I first studied “The Art of War” while in the U.S. Army, I study it now for different reasons. It is a text that not only can help the military person, but any person who deals with conflict. And we all face conflict!

Sun Tzu’s teachings are effective in all conflict, not only war. This new translation, with the annotations and explanations will allow any reader, from those with no previous knowledge of “The Art of War” to those who have studied multiple volumes, to learn and apply Sun Tzu’s sage advice. It is very insightful and will not only help with your understanding and application of the ancient text, but will provide you with guidance to prevent and resolve conflicts in your own life.

If you want to study conflict resolution through a book about war. This is the text for you. If you have never read “The Art of War,” this is a good book to start your studies. It is clear, easy to read, and contains excellent annotations to apply the lessons to your life. If you are a student of “The Art of War,” this is a must add to your collection. You will find it an informative and refreshing look at this classic manual. I am very happy that I decided to purchase yet another volume. Its practical and pragmatic guidance has broadened my understanding of “The Art of War,” and more importantly has helped me bring these ancient lessons into my conflict resolution practice. Highly recommended!

The Art of War - Spirituality For Conflict - Annotated & Explained

Interview for "Jill 9" author J.D. Tynan

Reader Views is talking today with J.D. Tynan, author of mystery/suspense novel “Jill 9.” J.D. is speaking with Juanita Watson, Assistant Editor of Reader Views.

Juanita: Hi J. D., thanks for talking with us today. Please give your readers an idea of the storyline of “Jill 9.”

J.D.:Jill 9 is a suspenseful story of a weathergirl who has been targeted by a serial killer from afar. There is a bit of a love triangle also, keeping the reader very much on the edge of their seats, wondering why these men have come into her life at the same time.

Juanita: What inspired you to write “Jill 9″?

J.D.:I had started off writing women’s fiction and a little romance, but wanted to try my hand at a good mystery. To see if I could create diversions to keep the reader guessing around every turn of the page.

Juanita: Who are the main characters and what motivates them in this story?

J.D.: Jill is a weathergirl who has spent her life in pursuit of her career. In the back of her mind, she’s always thought about a boy she saw on a Connecticut beach many years before. She lives with her roommate, Anita who is a kick in the pants and the best friend a girl can have. Ian is the FBI agent who has been assigned to the Jill murders in CT. He’s divorced, incredibly bitter and a workaholic with no time for a life. His motivation is to stop a killer before they strike again, knowing full well what it feels like to let someone down, Ian is obsessed with never getting to personal ever again.

Juanita: Are any of the characters in “Jill 9″ based on anyone you know?

J.D.: I used a little bit of a couple different men I knew in Connecticut many years ago to create Elias. Sort of a spoiled, arrogant man who gets everything he ever wants. Anita might be a few of my friends all mixed together, but generally, everyone is a creation of my imagination.

Juanita: Did you have to do any research in preparation for writing “Jill 9″?

J.D.: Just a little bit of FBI research, like where the branches are in different US cities. I made up most of the locations in Vancouver, WA, although the story takes place in a city in which I live in. I just tweaked the scenery a bit to keep it fictional. Other than that, I just kept things general and didn’t go into too much detail about crime fighting and all that.

Juanita: Tell us about the theme of love that runs through your story and the love triangle predicament Jill Walker finds herself in?

J.D.:Jill has a long time thing for a boy she saw on the beach years ago. Her friend Anita finally convinces Jill to give up on the mystery boy and start dating ‘real’ men. So, Jill accepts a date with a handsome man she meets. When Ian Hamlin shows up, Jill is already involved with Elias and yet, seeing the boy (Ian) from her past again, has her heart torn in two. It’s a very steamy, exciting love triangle and I can’t say anything more than that without giving secrets away.

Juanita: What do the main characters have to teach your readers?

J.D.:Forgiveness is a huge one. Forgiving yourself and others. I guess following your heart would be another. But I think the huge one is that…Fashion magazines cannot be a deciding factor in who you love…LOL!

Juanita: The book takes place in the Pacific Northwest. What is your connection with this area and how did you decide for this to be the setting of “Jill 9″?

J.D.: I was born in Portland, lived in Bend, Oregon and then 6 years ago, I moved to Vancouver, where the novel takes place. I love the Pac Northwest. It’s a beautiful place to live and I like writing about my surroundings. It helps me stay connected to my characters.

Juanita: Your book has the possibility of a wide range of readers. Who would enjoy reading “Jill 9″?

J.D.: I think fans of both romance and mysteries will like Jill 9. There is a bit of swearing and some steamy love scenes, but it’s a lot of fun. It’s a quick read and very entertaining. I think it’s got something for every reader.

Juanita: What motivates you to write and what about the process do you most enjoy?

J.D.: I get motivated by the voices in my head. Sometimes it’s as if I have a soap opera going on in my head and people are talking and laughing and sometimes arguing. It’s quite distracting, but when I get a chance to sit down and get it all out, I feel at peace. I guess what I love most about the process is just being able to create an entirely different world and I get to say what goes on in that little private world. It’s rather fun!

Juanita: Do you have any other books in the works?

J.D.: Yes, I am constantly editing and rewriting the other 8 manuscripts that I have completely, but right now, I am slowly working on the sequel to Charlie Ford Meets Secret Agent Man, a novel that will be out next January through A Better Be Write Publisher.

Juanita: What has been your experience with self publishing and getting “Jill 9″ out there the public?

J.D.: Jill 9 is not self published. It’s published through a very small company called A Better Be Write. It’s difficult to get the word out just because I have a limited budget and I work two jobs. I think publishing has changed dramatically and now authors are expected to do much of our own publicizing, which can be a downer sometimes when I realize just how many books there are out there. It’s a humbling experience to walk into a bookstore.

Juanita: How can readers find out more about you and your endeavors?

J.D.: They can visit for more information. Also, for all the publishers information. We are small, but we are holding our own and getting our names into the publishing world.

Juanita: Thanks for talking with us today J.D. We look forward to seeing many more books from you in the future. Do you have any last thoughts for your readers?

J.D.: I’d like to say that reading fiction should be fun and I’m trying to do is bring a little entertainment to my readers. Happy reading!

Interview for "Jill 9" author J.D. Tynan

City of Dreams - An Extraordinary Journey Into 21st Century Jakarta

Imagine living in one of South- East Asia’s largest and least known Cities. a City of unique contrasts- often with a very surreal feel about it. Welcome to the city of Jakarta, in the form of true life short stories, which can amuse, amaze or simply confuse you.

When the Dutch first entered what was formerly called, “Batavia,” they did not realize that they would help create one of Asia’s most unusual and growing cities. When they left after Indonesia won its Independence, the leafy “Dutch- Style” city became the multi-cultural mega- city it is today.

City of Dreams,” is a collection of true short stories from this strange and often misunderstood city. Stories that may simply amaze, confuse or entertain you, as you enter the soul of this great city.

From what the simple satay seller sees and dreams of as he earns his living selling his food to a motley selection of expatriates, who frequent a late night bar, to the real experience of getting home in one of the cities worse ever recorded floods.

Stories explore the funny side of a cultural divide, when locals prefer skin whitening creams, and even Americanized Indonesians believe in the power of the traditional Indonesian shaman.

You discover what the fuss was about Mike losing his underpants in a laundry, to maneuvering around traffic rules designed to reduce traffic, but creates an opposite effect.

Meet a beautiful educated Indonesian woman, who has everything except she faces the prospect of living alone, simply because she is too westernized, and Indonesian to find the right partner.. Laugh or cry at the predicament of a very moral expatriate faced with the prospect of serious maid problems.

The City of Dreams,” has something for everyone, and is a unique, often surreal journey into a much misunderstood city.

City of dreams is published by createspace, and also available through amazon books. A free mini- ebook with stories from the book can be downloaded at the link below.

City of Dreams - An Extraordinary Journey Into 21st Century Jakarta

Life Lessons - A Book Review of "The Ultimate Gift"

Are you feeling sorry for yourself? What if your problems were reasons to rejoice? Can you imagine that a crisis might be an opportunity or even a gift in disguise? That’s just one of the lessons Jason Stevens learns in The Ultimate Gift, an inspirational novel by Jim Stovall.

Wealthy patriarch Howard Red Stevens has died, but he still has one last trick up his sleeve. The decedent’s estate plan provides a living for all his greedy relatives. But the benefactor reserves a special gift for his great-nephew Jason, “the last great vestige of hope” for his family. He loves Jason too much to make him an instant millionaire.

In his revised will, Stevens entrusts one final task to his longtime friend Theodore J. Hamilton. The attorney is charged with the oversight of Stevens’ ultimate gift. Webster defines ultimate as final. It can also mean utmost, the best or fundamental. Stevens’ gift to Jason meets all of these criteria.

Over the course of a year, Hamilton shows Jason a sequence of videotaped messages produced by his great-uncle prior to his death. These messages challenge the spoiled young man with a series of tests and launch him on a hero’s mythic journey in quest of his treasure.

Our hero encounters obstacles along his path. He grows and matures as he learns the meaning of a well-lived life. For some readers, the videotaped directives may feel a bit contrived. Swept up in the saga, I journeyed along with Jason, attempting to guess the nature of the gifts. There are no big surprises nor anything esoteric in this tale. Simple truths are often the most profound and always worth remembering.

The Ultimate Gift will probably appeal to readers who enjoyed Tuesdays with Morrie or The Five People You Meet in Heaven. The book refers to a merciful God. It affirms that “life is a gift from The Good Lord.” Yet it does not put forth any religious creed or dogma. Its message is universal. The core values and life lessons are applicable to people of any religious persuasion and to those with no religious affiliation. I imagined the character Red Stevens as a wise and kindly elder like Jim Rohn sharing his philosophy of life.

Crafted as a novel, The Ultimate Gift is a tender allegory. It would make an ideal graduation present. The gifts granted by Stevens resemble an ethical will, a meaningful way to pass on core values, beliefs and cherished memories. Legal and financial professionals may choose to share this resource with clients who want to bestow more than material wealth upon their progeny.

The quaint illustrations and sepia tones give this book an old-fashioned feel that connotes a treasure map. In this case, the treasure lies within. The short chapters allow readers to digest the message in small bites, reflect and apply the lessons in their own lives. This is the type of book that is passed along by word of mouth. The topics and format make it ideal for a family reading circle or a book club.

The imaginary character Red Stevens teaches his great-nephew, “In the end, a person is only known by the impact he or she has on others.” With his book, The Ultimate Gift, real life hero Jim Stovall has made an impact on millions. He has faced the challenge of total blindness and made it possible for us to see into our own hearts.

(c) 2008 Michele A. Nuzzo

Life Lessons - A Book Review of "The Ultimate Gift"

Our Small Group Study Guide

Our small group or what we call “Koinonia” is blessed to have studied three of Bill Hybels’ Bible Study Series. We are truly amazed on how God has used these studies to edify us. During each phase of our study, our group progressively understood that the Christian Community is not just a mere group who study God’s word, but rather it exists to cater to the deeper needs of each members. We are constantly challenged to be confident to share and open up with our brethren in this small group regarding our spiritual experiences and God’s personal dealings in our lives. Our relationship deepened as we learn to love and accept each one’s shortcomings as we walk closely with God.

These Bible Study Series focus on the foundations of the Christians’ relationship with God in the context of community. The lessons move around the roles and disciplines of the Christian Community towards God and men. You will be given guided questions which can stimulate group discussions throughout the lessons and through these, individual life examples can be easily merged to a common conclusion. We are not only motivated to share our own thoughts and convictions on the topic but, are also blessed to hear each other’s own shares of life experiences with God. Illustrations are also available and are easy to relate to practical applications. Furthermore, guide answers for each questions are available at the back of the books for additional insights from the author.

Here is an overview of what each lessons offer:

Making the connection
This portion will give the group a slight preview of the topic to be discussed. It will give everyone a feel of what to expect when the lesson ends. It also serves as an icebreaker to create a more ease atmosphere.

Known and Being Known
This makes up most of the discussion. This is where the guided questions together with the text references are outlined.

Celebrating and Being Celebrated
This will encourage everyone to share life stories of triumphs and victories that are related to the topic.

Serving and Being Served
A portion where you remember and pray for those people who have encouraged and touched you in a specific aspect of your life.

Loving and Being Loved
A constant reminder after each topic of the love we give and we received from the Father and the people He has been using in our lives.

Our Small Group Study Guide

This Abs Ebook Comes With A Guarantee

This abs eBook could be the last book you ever buy in your battle against excess belly fat. Every year diet books top the lists of bestselling books. Many people like myself have shelves of these popular books.

You would think that with this much information available that everyone would have flat abs and excellent health. Yet, the obesity epidemic continues to explode in countries around the world. There are certainly some very good books written on how to lose belly fat and get flat abs. However, many of the most popular ones are mere fad diets. These are usually ineffective because of their inclusion of one or more of the following mistakes:

Drastic calorie reduction. This is why they promise quick results. The problem is that much of the weight reduction comes from fluid loss and diminished muscle mass. Dramatic cuts in your daily caloric intake will not lead to flat abs but will result in a future increase in belly fat.

Impractical long term maintenance. Fad diets are always impossible to remain on for long term weight maintenance. That is why these diets come and go so quickly. Eventually your body will demand proper nourishment.

Impractical grocery shopping. Once you purchase one of these diet books you are eager to jump in and start your diet. You read the first few chapters with excitement and determination to reach your goals. Then you reach the part of the book with meal plans and recipes. You then realize you will be spending a great deal of time trying to find these exotic ingredients for meals that require a great deal of time in the kitchen. After a few days, your book is alongside the others on the shelf.

Omission of an exercise plan. Most diet books will only give a brief mention of exercise. This is because they are relying on calorie intakes too low to sustain an exercise workout. The net result of such a plan is the loss of lean muscle mass which is your best fat-burning weapon.

NO GUARANTEE. When you go to Barnes and Noble and purchase a diet book it is yours. There is no guarantee that you will get results by following the author’s plan. Or, if you simply aren’t satisfied with the plan the book is still yours.

I don’t know about you, but I realized I’m too busy to keep buying diet books with slick-sounding titles but not delivering the flat abs I desired. That’s when I decided to purchase my first eBook. The price was slightly higher than a hardback book from Barnes and Noble. But one of the advantages was that I had immediate access. Additionally, the author provided a money-back guarantee. Best of all, it was full of great information and motivation. Authors of best-selling eBooks will typically work extra hard to provide the latest and most effective information available.

This abs eBook is not a fad diet but instead is a sound and balanced program that guides you day by day to losing excess belly fat and getting the flat abs you desire.

I strongly recommend purchasing a great abs eBook that will end your frustration with fat and help you reach your weight loss goals.

This Abs Ebook Comes With A Guarantee

Dig Deep Into the Ex2 System Review

After breaking up with your ex, now you realized that you can’t live without her. Well, you don’t have anymore option left than to reconcile with her to save the relationship. But how will you do this if you have got no one to run to and ask pieces of advice from? Don’t you worry because the Ex2 System is here to the rescue. This is one of the manuals that will provide you with the best techniques and strategies to assure that you will have a win-win situation

But before you purchase it right away, it is very important for you to know if it is the ideal one for you so you need to read an Ex2 System review. Since there are several manuals and guides in the market today that promise to provide you with the best information and techniques to win your girl again, you need to evaluate them well. If you will not do this, you can lose the love of your life forever.

So how will you make this happen? Well, you just have to read the feedbacks and comments of its previous users through the Ex2 System review. By simply reading this, you can gain lots of insights and you can also weigh your opinion if the Ex2 System is the right one for you.

Most of the men users commented in the review that all the lessons and instructions that had been laid out in detail worked for them when they applied them. Some of the features of the Ex2 System review that they liked the most are the following: blueprint of the steps in getting your ex back to your arms, steps to get her in bed, 4 secret seduction techniques that will make her crazier for you and tips on how to become the sexy man she has always been dreaming of.

With the help of the Ex2 System review, you will surely not regret in the end. So, dig deep into it and you will obtain all the knowledge you need to get your ex back.

Dig Deep Into the Ex2 System Review

Interview with Peter Davies - Author of "Scatterlings of Africa"

Interview with Peter Davies
author of Scatterlings of Africa

Literally Publishing Limited (2006)
ISBN 9780955440908
Reviewed by Olivera Baumgartner-Jackson for Reader Views (4/07)

Today, Juanita Watson, Assistant Editor of Reader Views talks with Peter Davies, author of the action/adventure novel “Scatterlings of Africa.”

Born and raised in Africa, Peter Davies served as a territorial soldier in Rhodesia from 1963 to 1975. He saw action, and took part in captures and interrogation. This gave him insight into terrorist minds, many of which were successfully encouraged to ‘turn’ and fight alongside Rhodesia’s soldiers against their former comrades. Davies wrote his novel, “Scatterlings of Africa,” using his own recollections of how the war was fought, and how it affected Rhodesia and its people.

Juanita: Welcome to Reader Views Peter, and thanks for the opportunity to talk with you today about your new novel “Scatterlings of Africa.” Your story takes place in 60′s-70′s Rhodesia. Would you paint a picture of this area for readers, and tell us what was happening politically in the region?

Peter: Well, thank you for inviting me, Juanita. As you know; after almost fifteen years of war, Rhodesia fell under the grip of Marxist dictator Mugabe who changed its name to Zimbabwe in 1980. But Scatterlings of Africa takes you back to December 1972 in Rhodesia’s Zambezi Valley. At that time, the Valley was full of animals that were wild and free – it was what was known as a ‘protected hunting area’, not one of the relatively tame ‘game reserves’ that most people see. I had many encounters with lions, elephants, buffalo and other big game in addition to all the usual smaller stuff like wart hogs, antelope, etc. in this beautiful but wild part of the Valley. Scorpions, tsetse fly and other nasty insects abounded and there was abundant bird life.

Sadly, a civil war was getting underway, and the Zambezi Valley; Rhodesia’s north eastern border with Zambia and Mozambique, was the route insurgents used to gain access to the more populated areas of Rhodesia up on the highveld.

In 1965, Rhodesia’s government had declared independence from the United Kingdom. Radical black African politicians were not satisfied with the slow progress being made by the mainly white Rhodesian government towards universal franchise. Their demand was ‘one-man-one-vote’.

Rhodesians had watched this happen in all the other former colonies of Africa and saw that once that happened, future elections – if they took place at all – were rigged in favour of the incumbent African government. When they discovered that they were worse off than they had been under colonial rule, black African electorates were unable to change their black African governments. It had turned out to be a case of one-man-one-vote… once. Mass murder, corruption and economic disaster became the norm for independent Africa.

Back in Rhodesia, the frustrated radical black politicians soon became exiles and set up external military wings; a bit like radical Muslims and Al Qaeda today. These Rhodesian terrorist organizations were funded by the West; yet trained and armed by the Soviet Union and Communist China. Like the modern fanatics of Islam around the world today, terrorist insurgents set about trying to indoctrinate the peaceful black peasant populations of Rhodesia. Those who did not join the ’cause’ were intimidated, tortured and sometimes killed. That is why I – along with many others – was a civilian soldier and hunting terrorists in the Zambezi Valley during the 1960s and 1970s. My book is a novel, and all the characters are fictional; but the events are based on what I saw and experienced during those years of war.

Juanita: What was your history with Rhodesia at this time?

Peter: I was born there. When I was a child in the 1940s and ’50s, my family lived in the bush many miles from the nearest town and I had only black friends. I spoke the local African language, ‘Ndebele as fluently as I spoke English – possibly better. But we moved to areas where other languages were spoken and I was sent away to attend school. So through lack of use, I’ve since forgotten all but the most basic greetings in ‘Ndebele… It was an exciting childhood: I clearly remember my mother’s anguish when a small herd of elephants came through one night and wreaked havoc with her flowerbeds. That was an unusual event. But I often lay awake, terrified by the distinctive grating snarl of a leopard outside my open bedroom window as he prowled close by looking for a tasty dog or cat – or maybe even me – as a snack; and the row when he broke into the chicken run. It was too hot to keep the windows closed. Snakes abounded – everything from the huge, deadly black mambas, notorious for their aggressive nature down to the smallest adders; almost as deadly. I remember seeing a cobra once and it looked all of twelve feet to me, but my father scoffed at that and said it was ‘only’ about eight feet! I lived and worked a regular civilian life in many parts of Rhodesia and Northern Rhodesia – now Zambia.

Juanita: What inspired you to write this book?

Peter: That’s a good question, Juanita; mostly my love for the Africa that was. And its people – especially the black Africans who, unlike most of us white Africans had nowhere else to go when the bad guys took over. The decent, often kind and gentle, black Rhodesian Africans were the ones who suffered most during the war. They’re suffering even more today…

Juanita: What happens in “Scatterlings of Africa”?

Peter: By December 1972, the war is beginning to hot up. Civilian soldiers are increasingly being called upon to leave their families and careers to fight terrorists ‘in the bush’. Unlike most of his compatriots, protagonist Lieutenant Ron Cartwright prefers his life as a soldier. But things are changing back home. His wife, Angela; desperately unhappy about her husband’s obsession with the war feels neglected and becomes involved in an illicit romance with her long-lost cousin, Mark. Cartwright is suspicious and trouble brews; he’s a hard-bitten, tough soldier by choice and not a man to cross… There’s a dramatic end involving all four of the main characters.

Juanita: How did you own experience influence this story and its characters?

Peter: The military parts are very much based on what I experienced during the war. There’s one hard-to-believe scene involving an elephant during the story, but I served alongside a man that this actually happened to. All I did was take a number of incidents, many of which happened to me personally, and wove them into the Scatterlings of Africa story. I’d better make it clear that the romantic part did not happen to me – my wife will be reading this – but I knew people whose marriages came under serious strain because of the war, and I knew about wives who had affairs while their husbands were away – it happens more than usual during wars, I think.

Juanita: Would you tell us about Lieutenant Ron Cartwright’s obsession with catching the freedom fighter, Gadziwa, and why he chooses to focus his attention militarily rather than on his family?

Peter: Well, it begins with Ron’s inclination for the army life in the bush in preference to the rather more mundane life of a civilian at work and home. Cartwright is a hard man. Working as an accountant is no match for the comradeship and excitement of the military. A pretty wife and even limited involvement with three small female children is a mixed blessing and rather boring by comparison with life in his beloved wilds of Africa. The terrorists are bad guys but a good excuse to get away from it all. But atrocities committed by one particular insurgent group turns Ron from general hatred of all terrorists to an obsession with one in particular – led by Comrade Captain Gadziwa, a proud but ruthlessly cruel guerrilla. This gets Cartwright into serious trouble with his Army superiors. In the end the two of them battle it out in hand-to-hand combat.

Juanita: Peter, who are the “scatterlings of Africa”?

Peter: Another good question. During the early 1980s an artist listed as Juluka released this distinctly Africa sounding song – I think it’s the same person who is today known as Johnny Clegg… ‘They are the scatterlings of Africa Each uprooted one… Scatterlings and fugitives Hooded eyes and weary brows Seek refuge in the night’.

It’s really about how Africa is the cradle of humankind, and how we are all scatterlings of Africa. When my wife and I eventually left Africa in the late 1980s we felt like scatterlings – we’d lost our homeland, and I still miss it. So when I was looking for a title for the book I’d written, I decided to use Scatterlings of Africa. If Johnny Clegg’s lyrics – and current anthropologists are to be believed, the whole of humankind are scatterlings of Africa. But I believe that we exiled former Africans, black and white, are the modern-day scatterlings of Africa. Those who read my book will see how this fits.

Juanita: You have delved deep into the characters of your book, making this a significant exploration into relationships and personal motivations. It is quite profound. Would you comment?

Peter: Yes, I’m glad that many readers have found this and delighted that you asked the question. I wanted Scatterlings of Africa to appeal to both men and women readers. I also wanted it to be a story about people and how they’re affected by war – not just a book about war. So I worked hard at taking my readers deep into each main character’s viewpoint – to become one with each character and to understand what he or she was feeling and why they were acting they way they did. Readers will be able to understand what motivates the terrorist, Gadziwa – why he’s fighting for his cause, his country – the Zimbabwe that belonged to his ancestors. And why Cartwright is equally determined to fight for his country – the Rhodesia where his settler grandparents and parents carved out a living for themselves from the barren bush. Gosh, that sounds a bit like the American West doesn’t it? I want my readers to be able to feel as if they’re living in Rhodesia in the 1970s, experiencing some of what people felt during that earlier war against terror.

Juanita: What is the take home message of your book?

Peter: Mostly that there’s more to what happened in Rhodesia than the media and governments of the West would like people to know. In reality, there are many sides to the story. And your reviewer, Simon Barrett recognised the link between what’s happening in the world today and what happened in Rhodesia way back in the 1970s. I see the same cynical manipulation of the media – propaganda, and similar terror tactics being used in the wars of Afghanistan and Iraq as those used by Mugabe and his insurgents in Rhodesia.

Juanita: The rawness of your story that exposes the reality of violence/turmoil in Africa and juxtaposes it with love/romance is an interesting statement in itself. Would you elaborate? Do you think this dichotomy is true to the African experience?

Peter: Great question – you really have hit the nail on the head. I’ve tried to take the tragedy of Rhodesia and make it into a readable novel that will entertain as well as educate. After all, we who lived through it had good times as well as bad – mostly good times until near the end. Of course love happens during terrible times… I think love is even more intense; people’s inhibitions become less constraining.

Juanita: Many readers of your book remark that your story isn’t politically correct. Would you comment?

Peter: You’re right there, and I was aware that I’d fall foul of the PC brigade as I wrote the book. I told the story from the viewpoint of the people who were there and lived through it… People who have never been at the sharp end, set the agenda for so called political correctness. With the benefit of hindsight some things could have been done better in Rhodesia; that is the case with almost any endeavor. Could the Romans have ruled the world better and prevented the downfall of civilization that plunged Europe into the mediaeval ‘Dark Ages’ if they’d done things differently? Maybe Pearl Harbor wouldn’t have happened if the Americans had been more alert in December 1941? I don’t happen to go along with current thinking on political correctness. One day I think we will come to regret much of what has been and is being done under the guise of political correctness. But Scatterlings of Africa reflects what I saw and believed when I lived through those times. I make no apology.

Juanita: Peter, what are your thought about Africa today, and the continued civil unrest in many of its countries?

Peter: Despair; and anger. It’s not just civil unrest that’s happening in Africa; the terrible situation in Darfur, for example is close to being genocide. Thanks to liberal western media and politicians, millions of innocent black Africans have died and are still dying; some due to war, others from famine and disease. None of this happened on any scale during colonial times. In 1970s Rhodesia, life expectancy was the highest in Africa – well over 60 years. Now it is 37 years for men and 34 years for women there (see the World Health Organization statistics on Zimbabwe). No wonder there’s civil unrest. The (mainly white) liberals and socialist agitators who called for, and financed “freedom” for Africa – many of whom had never actually lived in Africa – mostly now live safe, comfortable lives in Britain, the US and other civilized countries.

I’m not suggesting we should go back to having colonies. That’s not possible in Africa anyway; Islamic fundamentalists are taking over north of the equator and Communist China to the south. Africa’s vast mineral resources are being exploited today more ruthlessly than was ever the case under colonial rule. And the Muslim religion is being imposed on black African Christians and other ‘non-believers’ more ruthlessly than Missionaries of old ever preached Christianity. But democracy, as we know it, does not always work in all parts of the world. I even wonder if it’s the right thing for Iraq or Afghanistan.

Juanita: Peter, did you find it difficult writing this book? I imagine you would have had to dig deep, into memories that have been buried for years. What was the experience like for you?

Peter: Yes, I did dig deep; I have written this book from my heart. It was difficult, sometimes painful, but at the same time immensely rewarding.

Juanita: Do you ever go back to Africa?

Peter: Juanita, there’s an old saying; “you can take the man out of Africa, but you can’t take Africa out of the man”. Africa is in my blood, my very bones; so yes, I do visit from time to time. It’s such a beautiful place. I get depressed with the dirt and poverty now though; it was never like that when I lived there. But the game reserves are still wonderful. I loved going on safari in the Okavango Delta in Botswana a few years ago. And South Africa is a huge country that still has much of its infrastructure intact – and the scenery there is wonderful. On the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia is the mighty Victoria Falls – one of the original seven natural wonders of the world.

Juanita: The writing style in this book, including your realistic descriptions of the land, its people, the conflict, combined with its fast-pace, is receiving high accolades from readers. What is your background with writing?

Peter: Apart from non-fiction, none. But even as a young man I always wanted to write fiction, so I took early retirement some years ago and began the business of learning how to do it. I attended writing courses, read books about writing and went to writers’ workshops. When I’d finished writing Scatterlings of Africa, I asked a professional appraiser, who is a published author herself to read and criticize the manuscript for me. She did a wonderful job but I had to virtually re-write the whole book. I sent it back to her a year later and she found less to criticize, and more to praise; another six months of hard work. Last year I gave it to her again and she passed it as being up to publishable standard. The whole thing took me over three years of hard work. Even now that I’ve learned the trade, every time I read another good book, I learn more.

Juanita: Do you have any more projects in the works?

Peter: Yes, I’m working on a new novel, which I hope will take much less time than Scatterlings of Africa did because of what I’ve learned. The research takes a lot of time; even though you know your subject well, you forget details after more than thirty years. I want my novels to be authentic, so that veterans will say – ‘yes, that’s how it was; this author knows what it was like…’

Juanita: How can readers learn more about you and your book?

Peter: For more information about Scatterlings of Africa, please take a look at my website: it’s quite easy to find on any of the main search engines – just key in the words Africa Peter Davies and should be near the top of the page. There’s a section that enables visitors to read the first few pages; I keep it up to date with the latest reviews, plus links to Amazon. There are a few pictures from my last visit to Botswana, and the unique Okavango Delta – a wildlife-filled water paradise in the middle of a desert, deep in Southern Africa.

Juanita: Peter, thank you for the opportunity to talk with you about “Scatterlings of Africa.” Your life experience is incredible and readers will certainly be intrigued by this fascinating dialogue. Before we depart today, do you have any last thoughts you’d like to share?

Peter: Yes, please Juanita; I wrote Scatterlings of Africa to entertain people who like a good action-filled adventure story. I’m grateful that people who have read and reviewed it seem to be saying I’ve achieved that.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to say thanks to Olivera Baumgartner-Jackson of your organization for his excellent and perceptive review of my book on your site; and to thank you for undertaking this interview with me. I found your questions profound and have really enjoyed answering them.

Interview with Peter Davies - Author of "Scatterlings of Africa"

Fahrenheit 451 - The Temperature at Which Books Burn

The scariest story I’ve ever read is not a horror story at all. Ray Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451″ is the story of a world where books are illegal. They’re burned by firemen who wear the number “451″ on their uniforms because that’s the temperature at which books burn. Its science fiction at its best, but to an avid reader like me the thought of a world without books is truly horrifying.

Bradbury’s original short story was reworked and published as “The Fireman” in the February 1951 issue of Galaxy Science Fiction. He created a future where the government keeps everyone happy by destroying anything that might cause debate or conflict. Literature is forbidden. It is thought to be a source of discord, disorder and disturbance. Special task forces composed of firemen are sent out to search and burn illegal books, such as literature by Whitman and Faulkner, historical texts and the Bible.

Guy Montag is a fireman. At first he enjoys his work, but after talking to Clarisse, his seventeen year old neighbor, her free thinking, inquisitive nature makes him question what he’s doing. He realizes he’s unhappy with his personal life as well. His wife is addicted to tranquilizers and television, refusing to face reality.

One day while searching an old woman’s house for books Guy reads a line that catches his eye and he steals the book. The woman will not leave her house or her books. She lights the kerosene herself and burns with them. Guy is disturbed by her suicide and he takes sick leave. The fire chief visits him and explains that society in its search for happiness and political correctness prompted the government to suppress literature. Guy continues to hoard books and hides them in his own house. Betrayed by his wife, he is ordered by the chief to destroy them. Guy makes a choice that turns him into a fugitive and has him running for his life.

Although the story seems to center around censorship another prevailing theme is the decline of reading due to television. In Bradbury’s dystopian world mass media has taken the place of reading, leading to a society where individual thinking is destroyed. It’s easy to spot the resemblance between his world and ours. His vision is prophetic in the light of today’s media consciousness with easy access to television, movies and the internet. These are valuable tools, but should be used to encourage reading, not replace it.

This is an entertaining story with memorable characters. It’s also a thought provoking read that ends with redemptive hope for the future – a true classic that has stood the test of time.

Publisher: Ballantine Books (August 12, 1987)

ISBN: 978-0345342966

Pages: 208

Price: $6.99

Fahrenheit 451 - The Temperature at Which Books Burn

The Traitor

The Traitor by Stephen Coonts

The Traitor is the most recent and fourth novel in the Tommy Carmellini series by Stephen Coonts. Another outstanding effort by Coonts, this is a classic spy/mystery novel which keeps the reader guessing about what will happen next from beginning to the end. Carmellini is joined by a few characters from previous Coonts work including Jake Grafton, the former protagonist as well as well as Carmellini’s on again, off again romantic interest Sarah Houston.

Set in present day Paris just two short weeks before a G-8 economic conference the American CIA has information that Al Qaeda plans to assassinate the eight most powerful leaders in the world in one dramatic terrorist event, but the head of French intelligence has a source within Al Qaeda which could stop this terrible event. Unfortunately, the head of French intelligence will not share any information from his source and outsiders are ambivalent if the source truly exists.

Characters begin to arrive in Paris and fit into the stereotypes that many of us have about each of them; diplomats are more concerned about appearances than doing the right thing, intelligence officers have long ago forgotten which side they truly work for, the President will come to the conference no matter what personal risk and many more.

With a ton of plot twists, break ins, car cashes, explosions and what does seem to be a realistic battle between a well funded and advanced terrorist organization and several intelligence services which are naturally skeptical of each other this is an interesting read and look into the thriller genre from one of the true masters.

The Traitor

The Adventures of Willowby Went

This is definitely a fantasy novel. Being a Tolkien fan, I found many days of enjoyable reading here in J.S. Harrison’s world. This is a place that is crowded with Fairies, Leprechauns, friendly Trolls and Ogres, Wizards, Knights, Dragons, Vampire assassins, large evil black rabbits and ghouls along with Men, Dwarves, Elves and Trofkins.

With an anti-racist sentimism, the author places many different races together to embark on a journey that may bring hope to the people of Werdanbabadood and to save their world from the Evil Wizard, Sardego. This strange mixture of people go through many trials and adventures to find the Knights, only to arrive at a time when so few were able to come to their aide. Regardless of the odds, they carry on and work together in a desperate effort to break the magic staff of Sardego and end his war mongering.

Though everyone plays a very important part in the interwoven web of events, it is the Trofkins, a tree-dwelling people of writers and lovers of food and mischief, who are the heroes of the world. This race was thought unlikely to produce heroes, being a people of many social constraints and clear definitions of what is proper or not. Yet with war on their doorstep, they had little choice but place their only hope in their young chieftain-to-be, the one Trofkin who seemed the least likely to be responsible enough to accomplish this dangerous task. Young Willowby goes far beyond any expectation the Trofkin could have had for even the greatest of their kind. He proves his worth to himself and his people and gains the necessary confidence to rule with a fair, yet just hand.

I very much enjoyed J.S. Harrison’s writing style. It was like being drawn into a big sitting room with a large fireplace, where a deep grandfatherly voice tells the story of Willowby Went. Then without realizing it, I felt sucked into the scenery and it was if I had become the cameraperson at a real, live historical event. It was an effort to put aside the book to carry on with my own tasks!

Keep an eye out for future work by J.S. Harrison folks! I have a feeling he’s going to be one of the ‘great’ writers of our era.

The Adventures of Willowby Went

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Third Eye Development, Crystal Healing & Psychic Ability

2 excellent books by Lynn Claridge

Crystal Healing

This excellent well written 140 page book teaches you everything you need to know on how to practice crystal healing.

Lynn will teach the historical background of crystals and how to be in touch with the ‘Mineral Kingdom’ just by using nature. She also shows how to start using your third eye to a higher dimension. Visualization techniques and exercises are demonstrated, directing the energies in your inner system to activate the third eye.

Your intuition is also accessed through the third eye development. As your intuition grows, your knowledge, understanding and memory of the astral plane will become clearer while in a fully wakened state. Through practice, your third eye will be activated more and more thus allowing flashes of intuition come with more regularity. She explains that we can focus our minds on the middle point between the pineal gland and the piturity body creating a magnetic field which allows us to have greater imagination to visualize something also helping the energy of the mind to give life and direction to this form. Do you want to know how to use a crystal pendulum…..?

We can all see images or shapes after closing our eyes, but not many of us can understand the point to these images. This book will show you how to realise and where they came from including your higher self, your spirit guides or other spirit friends.

Many traditions and mystical practices have the ability of third eye seeing with the awareness of higher level energy fields.

By utilizing the third eye we can access other layers or dimensions of the soul. The soul is referred to as what most people would define as time, the past, the present and the future which hold memories from all these time frames. The third eye is the opening into another dimension where we can travel. Lots of people have already partially experienced this through visions and/or dreams. Being able to tune the third eye allows us more freedom and clarity.

Moods, food, drink and drugs all affect the very sensitive third eye. An over stimulated person generally indicates that their third eye is open almost all the time and they could find that tv or radio could cause them irritation resulting in sensorial overload. This could stress the body and distort the communication of the soul.

Using the techniques in this book to use your third eye, your senses will be enhanced feeling that you are floating on a sea of energy. Note: The activity does not generate the sense of the third eye but the third eye that generates the sense of focus and attention allowing balance and co-ordination for your performance. The third eye is responsible for the freedom of choice, individuality and creativity.

Lynn’s easy to understand style of writing allows us to follow the more complex topics such as:

  • the art of healing using crystals and their ‘make up’,

  • the energies within gems and how to feed your energies into the crystals,

  • general healing and healing with crystals including treatment using crystals

  • chakras, auras, colours and gems

  • how to cleanse and use gems and using gems around your home

  • types of crystals and how to choose and purchase crystals.

Crystal Healing is jam packed with information and is easy to understand although very comprehensive. You will learn all there is to know to become a Crystal Healing Practitioner. This book will give you the knowledge to change your own life with the powers of crystals, help your friends, even starting your own therapy business.

Try this exercise.

Sit comfortably in a quiet room and empty your mind. Take some slow deep breaths before starting to focus on the screen in your mind.

You should be able to see colors. Relax still breathing slowly and deeply. Keep watching the colors and they will now change into a shape. Keep focusing, you might even recognize that shape.

If you saw nothing then try again later when you can be more relaxed and focused.

Unleash your Psychic Ability

In this book, Lynn Claridge will teach you how to understand your emotions, your energy centers and your thoughts. You will transform your life on an emotional level. You will realize how detaching yourself from your emotions will lead you to understand your inner-self, your insecurity, vulnerability and control stress through inner guidance.

Lynn will help you discover how through meditation and relaxation you will gain inner peace and harmony. Enhancing your daily life, controlling stress and dealing with problems. With this insight you will change your life for the better.

She will teach you how to trust your intuition and insight and how to use your third eye, your psychic vision. You will trust your judgment by making accurate decisions in the making things work process.

You will learn how to balance the energy flow around your body through balancing your Chakras. You will understand and see the colors of energy around the body as by reading other people’s auras you can establish their physical and emotional well-being.

Discover how you can relieve pain and stress by balancing the bodies energies, to help others. Healing with, and through crystals and healing through color.

By understanding sleep and dream interpretation will allow you to see into your subconscious. This is an important aspect as much can be learnt and told to you whilst you are asleep. I will teach you how you can control your dreams and how you will reach the spiritual world through the astral plan and astral travel.

Discover how by using psychic tools such as the Tarot Cards and Clairvoyant vision will empower you to predict future events.

You will learn how to contact your chosen spirit. Understanding messages from the spirit world. Plus speaking and listening to your spiritual guide and how to communicate with loved ones.

This 210 page book is a must for anyone interested in unleashing their psychic ability.

Third Eye Development, Crystal Healing & Psychic Ability