“Cash In A Flash” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen is a sequel to their popular book, “The One Minute Millionaire.” If you enjoyed the first book, most likely you will enjoy this one. However, if you didn’t like the first one, you probably won’t enjoy this volume either. Personally, I thought it was a good sequel, and I enjoyed both as motivational pick-me-ups.
This book is presented in the same unique format of having a “how to” type book of information on the left hand pages, and then a story incorporating the principles of the left hand pages on the blue bordered right hand pages. Confusing? Well, for some, reading the book might be as well. You need to read left hand pages together, and then read right hand pages together.
The story portion of the book (right hand pages) continues the tale of Michelle. It’s 18 months after she won custody of her children as told in “The One Minute Millionaire.” She decides to help some friends with money troubles and forms a mastermind group and leads them toward fortune. It’s a nice little motivating story, just as the one in their previous book. I enjoyed it, and it does illustrate some good principles and mindset for making your own way toward prosperity.
The left hand pages focus on three main principles that the authors believe to be the three key ingredients to financial success: Wow Now, Inner Winner, and Dream Team. The majority of the book focuses on mental attitude, which is a key ingredient to success. Just don’t expect the book to have a blueprint like an architect’s drawings to follow. It rather has advice and exercises to assist you in getting the right mindset to succeed, and to join with like-minded people to multiply your brainpower to succeed.
There is a little about making money with real estate, selling information, and selling in general. It’s more motivational, “You can do it” than actually how to do it.
It’s a simple and easy to read book, and I found it motivating. Reading these kinds of books can keep you motivated and thinking of possibilities. However, you will most likely have to look to other resources to learn how to actually implement your ideas. That is one good thing about their advice to form a team. Getting together with others can be very powerful if you choose the right people to form your mastermind group with.
Sometimes the book makes things simpler than the actually are. That’s okay though, because sometimes we need to think things are easy to get off our duff and try. The book is inspirational and a motivating read. If you are looking for a jolt of inspiration, this might be just what you need. If you are looking for a “nuts and bolts how to book,” you might be disappointed with this text.
I’m glad I read it. I like inspirational and positive stories. It think this kind of book keeps you thinking about what’s possible, and I’m sure that is one of the goals of the authors. Read it, expand your thinking, and work toward turning your dreams to reality.
Cash in a Flash by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G Allen
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