Friday, May 31, 2013

Earl Nightingale's "You Become What You Think About!"

My favorite author, speaker, and business coach Mr. Earl Nightingale once wrote in a book “You Become What You Think About” Ever since the first time I read that phrase my life has changed in a big way and I hope to be able to pass that on to others.

I grew up in a very small town in Northern Canada. The whole time I was growing up I thought that once you hit the town limits the world just came to an end. As I grew up I saw that wasn’t the case, but my world was still very small.

In my early twenties I had chosen my career path to be a greens keeper on a golf course (remember Bill Murray’s character from the movie Caddy Shack, that was me) I loved my job but wasn’t always sure it was going to bring me to the promised land.

On my 24th birthday I received the book “The Strangest Secret” It changed my life forever (my Ah Ha! moment) Earl Nightingale wrote “You Become What You Think About” I didn’t like the person I thought of myself as, and from that moment on, made a conscious effort to change my thought patterns to the person I wanted to be.

It didn’t happen overnight. I struggled for a few months to see the person I wanted to be, but I continued to work on it. Mr. Nightingale challenged me to complete a 30 day challenge where I would continue to be in control of my thoughts. I failed to stay positive many times for 30 days, and forced myself to start my challenge over many times. But after I completed my challenge, everything was changed forever.

In the next few years I worked on 2 of the top golf courses in North America, I started two successful businesses, I got married, had my first child, bought our first home and travelled to some of the most beautiful places in the Northern Hemisphere. I became what I thought about, and continue to do so today.

I carry a card in my pocket that I look at every day. As Mr. Nightingale suggested on one side of the card it reads:

You Become What You Think About
Ask; and it shall be given to you
Seek; and you shall find
Knock; and it shall be opened unto you

On the other side of the card my most prominent goal is written:

I am a millionaire earning over 1,000,000$ per year
By serving families and helping others
Become wealthy by the age of 30

Create your own card today and carry it with you. Look at it several times a day and especially when negative thoughts enter your mind. Try for 30 days to think about the person you want to become and then watch how “You Become What You Think About”

Earl Nightingale's "You Become What You Think About!"

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