Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Modern Man - The Game - Strauss - Secret Society of the Pick Up Artist

“The Game” by Neil Strauss is one of the most revolutionary courses for helping men understand the principles of success with meeting women that has ever been written.

It’s so much more than just getting laid though. There’s so much more to meeting, understanding, and winning women over, just like there’s so much more to a woman than just sex.

“The Game” by Neil Strauss opens up entirely new realms of thought and philosophies for most men. Strauss challenges just about everything that most men of today still believe. It’s good that he does too.

What kind of unsociable fool would any man have to be to really think that the modern woman still expects Victorian era behavior from men? Not that men need to be jerks in their pursuit, nor do they have to settle for “just friends,” but it is time men accept the dating scene reality of it all being one big game.

Does that mean that “The Game” by Neil Strauss is some sort of immature, shits and giggles kind of fun? No way! It might be a game but the game is all too serious. The competition for finding a good beautiful woman to love is just too fierce. Too many men resort to “cheating tactics” of players or so called pick up artist. You can now give yourself the ultimate advantage by knowing how the game works! No cheating required.

In “The Game” by Neil Strauss, Mr. Strauss speaks to you in plain English about the need for meeting a beautiful woman, why we should not feel guilt over wanting a woman in our lives, and a systematic guide to achieving that goal.

Unlike so many other cheap, worthless, mass-produced, “pick-up guides,” marketed by companies that shouldn’t even be in the self-help business in the first place, “The Game” is a refreshing, real-world approach to winning for yourself. Best of all…his stuff works!

Mr. Strauss doesn’t try to fill your head with something that sounds like something off of “The View.” Yet most women who have read “The Game” recognize the information as solid and reliable. While you might think that women would be worried about men knowing how to get along with them and be attractive (that’s part of your problem if you do) the reality is that most women are tickled pink to know that more and more men “get it” when it comes to the dating scene.

They get just as frustrated as we do too.

It’s time to stop the frustration. It’s time to clear up the confusion. It’s time to drop the undeserved guilt. It’s time to read “The Game” by Neil Strauss.

Modern Man - The Game - Strauss - Secret Society of the Pick Up Artist

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