There is an incredible amount of truth to the reality that whatever you can imagine in your mind you can achieve in the waking hours. Thus, combining this strength of mind to your archery talents is a match made for the superstars of the sport. There is a famous book on this topic, it is a classic called; “Psycho Cybernetics,” by Maltz written in the late 1950s.
He explains the power of the mind, and does not go into too much scientific detail because at the time we really didn’t know that much, but he shows after many studies of athletes, movie stars, politicians, sports heroes, military generals, and other notable human professions that the advantage goes to those who can imagine the outcome of the events prior to them happening in reality.
In one famous study basketball stars were divided into two groups. One group would sit in a chair at the free-throw line and imagine swishing baskets one after another. The other group would practice for the same amount of time actually shooting the basketball into the hoop. When it came to game time it wasn’t the basketball players that shot the basketball and practiced that had the highest free-throw statistics, rather it was the ones who sat and imagined that they had.
If we take this and apply it to the sport of archery and we consider this psycho cybernetic strategy, we could predict that the archer who stared at the target and imagined hitting bull’s-eye after bull’s-eye would in fact win the event come the day of the competition. This provided that both archers had superior skill in archery to begin with. Guess what, it turns out that is correct, that is exactly what happened. Please consider all this.
Archery and Psycho-Cybernetic Strategies
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