Do you long to get on the road to good health but find yourself making up every type of excuse; ” I just can’t seem to find the right program for me, I just don’t have enough time, or I want to be healthy, but I just don’t know where to start”? You’re not alone. Most folks don’t know a whole lot about their own bodies much less what their ideal lifestyle and diet should be.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could not only get healthier and feel young again, but also learn what makes your body tick; what each and every body part and organ’s function is right down to your fingernail, and what foods make it function better and have more than a few laughs along the way?
Authors and Doctors, Mehmet Oz and Michael Roizen have cooked up a real pull up a chair and listen project that is now available on audio book CD. “YOU: The Owner’s Manual, An Insider’s Guide to the Body That Will Make You Healthier And Younger”.
The title may put you off initially and sound too good to be true, but this guide is a practical down-to-earth hands on resource designed with every type of learner in mind. This audio book, instead of being intimidating, is full of amazing facts and information that even the most knowledgeable and informed scholar will enjoy discovering. For those who had to tough out every subject in school, wishing that learning about tough stuff could be fun, Drs. Oz and Roizen must have read your thoughts, because that is exactly what they did in this audio book. They give a good dose of humor to help you understand the very serious subject of understanding your body. In a recent post on, Dr. Oz says about the audio book, “Mike Roizen and I wrote YOU: The Owner’s Manual to help you understand that 70 percent of how long and how well you live is in your hands. But we wanted to go one step further and move you from just knowing the rules to really understanding how your body works.”
The passion and style in which this reference audio book is written is contagious and is certain to keep you interested and enthusiastic as you learn and put into practice what you come to understand and retain about the inner workings of your own body. Imagine visiting your doctor one day soon, and for the first time the medical jargon doesn’t go way over your head. You will be able to converse intelligently with your doctors and other care providers about what may be wrong or going awry in your body at the time, and participate in the decisions about what treatments are available and what actions to take next in your care.
You will know and understand for yourself why you should reach for the carrot instead of the creampuff, or take that walk instead of sitting in front of the TV. You will finally have the motivation you need to take charge of your own health because you will be more informed and have a strong incentive to take care of YOU.
Congratulations on your new health adventure. Don’t forget to get a copy for a friend too. You wouldn’t keep all this good information to yourself, would you?
This audio book is available at Audio Book Club.
Audio Books - Get Healthier And Younger While Learning About Your Body
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