Sunday, April 28, 2013

Is Lose the Back Pain For Real?

Lose The Back Pain is a program designed by Jesse Cannone that is said to help alleviate and sometimes completely eliminate your pain. As someone who has suffered from debilitating pain at different points in my life I was very interested to see what Lose The Back Pain was all about and if it was indeed for real. On more than one occasion I have been unable to work and forced to spend countless days at home on muscle relaxants as I prayed for relief while it hurt just to breathe. So far I have been one of the lucky ones that has only had intermittent issues with his back but I can imagine what life might be like to live on a daily basis with this kind of pain. There is no doubt that at some point again in my life I will hurt my back again so this is the real reason why I wanted to check this program out.

For myself, my problem was caused by doing stupid things like lifting heavy things like 125 pound Rottweiler’s with my back instead of my legs. Of course, the damage done to some of the muscles and the resulting way in which my body compensated for the injury led to further problems… mostly because I was too impatient and stubborn to allow my body to truly heal. Live and learn from back pain, I guess!

It wasn’t just the fact that the author claims that his system will alleviate your problem or minimize it, it was the fact that Jesse Cannone says that he can do so without the use of drugs or surgery. Instead, Lose The Back Pain uses techniques found in Muscle Balance Therapy to remove some of the stress on muscle tissue and instead allow your body to work in a more balanced way….thus the name Muscle Balance Therapy. The Lose The Back Pain system does this by guiding you through a series of stretching corrective exercises to help bring your muscles into harmony so they work together in a more balanced way.

Many people were skeptical when confronted with the notion that a regimen of stretching exercises could cure their back pain, and rightly so. Not just any stretching exercises are ever going to cure you of your back pain though. It is necessary to know what you’re doing… what muscles are the culprit and what can be done to loosen those tight muscles that are spasming and causing your problem. Through careful evaluation, guidance, patience and persistence others have found some pretty good results from Lose The Back Pain by using Muscle Balance Therapy and this is the focus of this system.

Just like anything though, success probably isn’t going to come overnight. Even if you were to go on a steady diet of pain killers, muscle relaxants and bed rest your back pain isn’t going to go away overnight. Likewise, those that used the Lose The Back Pain system said that it took some time but that they did see a reduction in their pain that they felt was directly related to the information in Jesse Cannone’s book. But just like anything, it isn’t going to do you a whole lot of good if you don’t follow through with it and you will probably only find partial relief is you only give it a half-hearted effort. The payoff may be that you rid yourself of that pain that has been making your life miserable. Now, isn’t that worth checking out further?

Is Lose the Back Pain For Real?

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