Monday, April 22, 2013

Hater - A Real Thriller by David Moody

You may love this book or hate it but I doubt very much if you will forget it. Imagine a world that is turned upside down in what seems like an instant. Hater shows you a society where friends attack friends and family members attack their loved ones.

Hater is a word adopted by the media to describe the people who suddenly become violent and attack and kill for no known reason. These attacks are happening more and more until they reach the point where people are advised not to leave their homes. No one seems to know what brought on this outbreak of violent killing and no one seems to know how to make it stop.

One minute Danny McCoyne is just your average citizen. Danny has a job he goes to daily but doesn’t particularly like. He has a wife, Lizzie, and three children, Ed, Josh and Lizzie. The family is struggling to make ends meet. They hope to one day have a house instead of their small apartment.

The reader, through the eyes of Danny McCoyne, sees the progression of this epidemic of violence. Danny has seen the violence first hand on the streets. He has seen the effect on his wife and children. As Danny does his best to protect his family he is constantly fearful. Even a trip to the grocery store can erupt into violence.

Hater is a book that describes a situation that we can only hope is the result of a vivid imagination. The world as described in Hater is not one I want to see. Will Danny McCoyne be able to survive this new world? You won’t be able to quit reading until you are sure.

David Moody is a very talented writer that has the ability to make his characters come to life in the reader’s mind.

Hater - A Real Thriller by David Moody

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