Monday, May 13, 2013

Four Hour Body Reviews - Is It Possible to Live Super Human?

Is it possible to have a rockin body doing only four hours of training or workouts each week? Many people are seeking positive reviews about the Four Hour Body book by Tim Ferriss to find out if the information within it is worth purchasing or if it’s just a useless table weight. Tim Ferriss thinks its completely possible to live the four hour body lifestyle and he has dedicated over 10 years of his life documenting every experiment, weight loss strategy and collected extensive case studies on himself to prove the four hour body can be achieved.

Tim has been widely known as an entrepreneur who is always perfecting the human life to become as streamlined and productive as possible. We first saw this in his book dedicated to human production called, “The Four Hour Workweek.” Now Tim is focusing in on the specifics of how to tweak the body and make it do “supernatural” things through chemistry, mind training, and body hacks.

The three main areas that Tim’s book focuses in on are:

1. Rapid Fat Loss
2. Incredible Sex
3. How to Become Super Human

The book is really an encyclopedia of information dedicate do re-inventing your body so that it performs at it’s utter peak.

It’s a thick tome, that you would not want to read cover to cover in 1 sitting, but one you’d open up to find a simple home doctor’s remedy from, where you need to find a solution to an ailment that is bothering your body.

One would zip to the specific chapter, read the solution and decide to apply the strategies or ignore them.

This book is full of body hacks and strategies that one can apply to become a much more healthy human being. But keep in mind, it’s not a medical book, nor endorsed by any government approved heath or food agency. So, take the ideas he gives you into consideration before trying any experiments at home.

We’ll see if anyone tries any of the suggestions from Tim and tries to sue him in the future cause it does not work or worse, they get horribly sick.

Check out what people are saying by searching for four hour body reviews and you’ll find many websites that have 100′s of comments from people who have read the book and enjoy it or did not like it.

Four Hour Body Reviews - Is It Possible to Live Super Human?

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