Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Glenn Beck's "Arguing With Idiots"

I got a chance to read this book. Some of it was very humorous. Other parts were frightening and sobering. Glenn Beck goes over many liberal talking points and debunks them with common sense and conservative thought. He goes over topic such as Immigration, Universal Health Care, Unions, poverty and many other issues. These topics have been the sources of debate by congress, tea parties and others who have a stake in them. He does a great job making the other side look rather pitiful. If you want to find good arguments that basically make progressive ideas look silly and sometimes dangerous, look no further.

What I liked about this book.

The setup of the book is very interesting. It is setup in a such a format where a progressive idea is stated and then debunked using common sense and conservative principals. I had a chance to listen to the audio book and it is even more entertaining since Glenn plays the idiot. It is not what I expected, but I really found I enjoyed the humor and wit he displays as he make the liberal arguments look somewhat silly and lacking in substance.

Why you should buy this book.

If you want a book that debunks progressive and liberal arguments, than you found the right book. If you want to do this and be entertained at the same time, buy the book. Glenn Beck does an excellent job in making this arguments legitimate by using good judgment, conservative principals and uncommon common sense.

Glenn Beck's "Arguing With Idiots"

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