Monday, May 6, 2013

"Pieces of Existence" by Joe Hartman - Poet Joebirdies

Pieces of Existence is just that. A medley of all Joe’s feelings, inspired by the reality of life, by his hopes and wishes, but most of all by the deeply caring love that he has within himself! For Joe the reality of life though wonderful can unfortunately be very sad, that it can be horror more frightening than fiction and most real for so very many people in the world today. It is with seeing all the vast differences in lives that people today live, especially very many young helpless children that moves Joe into speaking out, so that he can hopefully bring them out into the light and shake people into standing up for the under privileged.

So it was with this all in mind that the cover picture of the book done to Joe’s specification, was designed to highlight especially all the differences seen and reflected in our society today. Such as the wealth and grandeur of all the cathedrals we see, in comparison to the real desperate poverty of people living in nothing more than a shack or even worse, nothing! His poems speaks out greatly about wild life and how some animals, birds etc are free to roam and fly, while others are caged or hunted to extinction. Yes! When reading it is very clear to see just how much Joe is moved with all the bondage of poverty. as he compares those with a poor existent in life, to the ones that he sees with all the privilege wealth, thus pointing out the differences such as the quiet lovely suburbs that are always miles away from the ghettos.

He writes about the pain and loss of war, and the injustice of how it can make some men really rich and other men dead. He also touches upon death itself, how it brings comfort to some, yet great sorrow to others. All pieces of life, like a jigsaw puzzle that forms to put tragedy always clearly seen along side of jubilation. Believing that you don’t have to be sad before you should be made aware, Joe portrays in his book all these pieces of existence in life, just as he has seen them so far, in the hope that maybe one day someone who may be in a position to help will read his words and be moved enough by them to want to go about making the much needed changes. Here is one poem of Joe’s that in his own words show some of the reasons for his writing poetry to express himself and all his thoughts, so others that read will understand him and join him in prayer to see some changes for equality made.

Children who are innocent, the homeless that are cold.
Sick folk needing medicine, that are all the lonely old.
The birth of one’s first baby, families on the mend.
The passing of an old friend, love that sparks again.
Feelings for an old house, lives that slip away.
Thoughts that I he finds funny, meaning things that people say.
Wars that cause destruction, soldiers that have died.
Kids that don’t know where to turn, parents who have cried.
Staring at a September flower, watching fall leaves turn.
Winters that go by too slow, summers that you yearn!
Blue jays eating peanuts, geese I’ve seen in flight.
Pieces of existence, the reasons that I write.

Yes! This book is about all these things, it is moving and uplifting, within its pages you will find poems that will greatly inspire you, to try and make you do more than ponder on your own love of life and hopefully also, to create a deeper caring love within you for your fellow man, particularly for all the children that are seen suffering in tragic situations the world-wide over.

Everyone reading will without doubt see all this caring love that Joe honestly feels, because Joe does not in any way disguise it comes from his great love of God. For it is God’s words that moves Joe, it is Gods love that guides him, and that is why Joe Hartman is without doubt one of today’s most loved and respected poets.

"Pieces of Existence" by Joe Hartman - Poet Joebirdies

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