Saturday, May 4, 2013

Serena's Serenity - A Book Review, Longing to Be a Stay at Home Mom

Serena, yearning to be a stay at home mom, and husband Carl had to be temporarily separated from their twin daughters, Brookelle and Joelle. If that weren’t heart wrenching enough, remembering the death of their precious daughter Allegra brought back the sad memories of the tragedy. How Serena longed to be reunited with her daughter. Life isn’t easy most of the time, but God always provides a way through those tough times.

Bills were piling up and the only solution she and Carl felt they could do was to have Serena’s parents keep the twins for just a little while, until they were on their feet again financially. Serena must secure employment to supplement Carl’s income, but strongly desired to be a stay at home mom again. The distance seemed so vast between Ohio and New York. How they wished it wasn’t so far, but they knew it couldn’t be helped for the present time.

Setting out with references in hand, Serena hoped these would be a help to her in finding a job. How she longed to once again be a stay at home mom and wife. She and Carl wanted so much to bring their daughters home so they would be a complete family again. Serena knew that God knows all about each situation and would work everything out in His time. The hard part was the waiting.

Employment was gained in a well to do home as a nanny. Serena discovered she would be taking care of twin girls. Could she handle this? Would she be able to manage as her employer, Mrs. Emili Huff, expected? Serena really missed her own twin daughters. She felt weak, but was glad she could lean on the Lord to help her.

So thankful for Carl’s understanding and support, Serena meant to do her very best at the Huff’s and for the twins, Blaire and Claire. Maybe being a nanny and keeping busy would help her not to dwell on her own situation as much. She also knew she was gaining important experience for being a stay at home mom. She intended to work hard and be a good example.

Follow the lives of Serena and Carl as they seek to reunite their family, and as Serena becomes a stay at home mom. Discover the wonderful ways in which God worked things out for Serena and Carl in some surprising ways.

Serena's Serenity - A Book Review, Longing to Be a Stay at Home Mom

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