The book ‘Power of the Subconscious Mind’ will provide you a great insight into the workings of the mind. The book will give you some really useful pointers on positive thinking and right mindset.
The Power of the Subconscious Mind is a book that will reveal a lot about the power of the human subconscious and the capabilities of the subconscious. The author, Dr. Joseph Murphy (1898-1981) was a world-renowned scientist, radio show host, and an expert authority on mysticism and dynamics of the mind. Dr. Murphy earned his PhD in psychology from the University of Southern California. Dr. Murphy’s works are influenced by Ernest Holmes an Emmet Fox, both of whom have been well known writers on the principles of New Thought. He has also worked as a pharmacist and a preacher but is perhaps best remembered for his best-selling book.
Dr. Joseph Murphy talks about how the subconscious mind can be harnessed for your benefit – to improve health and cure common ailments, how to be more progressive and successful, how to achieve success in personal and professional life, have a positive outlook, how to achieve success in love life, how to overcome obstacles and fight personal demons and a whole lot more! The Power of the Subconscious Mind does not make unrealistic claims and all that the book claims you can achieve by understanding the subconscious is practical and doable. Like for instance, in the first chapter, Dr. Murphy explains how our habitual thinking will eventually become a firmly entrained part of our minds and affects our personality.
The book reveals how the subconscious mind can affect every aspect of your life and most people will not disagree and will identify themselves with the scenarios presented in the book. It is a motivational book and reiterates the importance of positive thinking and positive outlook which will subconsciously affect our lives in a positive way. The style of the book, some critics say, is verbose and the author could have used lesser words and simpler language to explain the complex metaphysical concepts presented. The good doctor has left a summary at the end of each chapter that highlights the key points. And Dr. Murphy, even if he hasn’t explicitly said it, clearly meant that the concepts and ideas presented in The Power of the Subconscious Mind are meant to be tried out and practiced and can really make a difference in your life if followed diligently.
The Power of the Subconscious Mind - A Review
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