Thursday, April 4, 2013

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

This best-seller is the original ‘Rich Dad’ book by Hawaiian native Robert Kiyosaki. Robert is now famous for his entire series of Rich Dad books, which, because Mr. Kiyosaki seems to be a powerhouse at marketing, have all become bestsellers, as well as his Cashflow games.

This original book, fully titled “Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money – That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!” serves as a good introduction to the Rich Dad philosophy.

According to the story in the book, Robert and a childhood friend learned all about the ways of wealth from his friend’s wealthy and independent-thinking father. This non-formal education served as a catalyst to the wealth that the now-grown Kiyosaki enjoys, and for many years caused friction with his real father, a classically educated teacher with traditional views on money and work-life.

Robert is adamant in his view that our schools do us a disservice in not teaching us the ‘real’ ways of money, and in not helping kids learn about how to become financially independent. I couldn’t agree more!

While the book is not superbly written (there are, sprinkled throughout, grammatical errors), the message is straightforward, effective, and delivered with passion. Some readers have complained that Kiyosaki does not lay out a solid ‘how-to’ plan, to which Kiyosaki has replied that his is a book about mindset, not 1-2-3 how to’s. Each of us is different, and we all have our own potential paths to riches; it’s the thought process which makes these fundamental changes possible.

Robert’s book challeneges conventional financial wisdom, and many, many readers have enjoyed renewed confidence in their abilities to become financially free. In fact, he features a ‘Success Stories’ book in the series which is full of testimonials from those who have radically changed their financial lives based on the Rich Dad philosophy.

The definition of the word ‘asset’ features prominently in the teachings, and we are also taught about how to make money work for us, by investing in assets which provide positive cashflow. While investing in real estate as a means of acquiring assets is a big part of the Rich Dad philosophy, also covered in this book and the rest of the series is the formation and growth of businesses, leverage of intellectual property, taking advantage of legal and tax structures, and much more. In fact, the Success Stories draw from many different segments of society and demonstrate that individual paths to financial freedom vary widely, while all are rooted in an expansion in financial IQ.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

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