Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Shovel by Baker Fore and Tom Massey

Lessons on Personal Transformation

Imagine rookie architect Jason Clark reporting for his first day on a new job with the Lincoln Construction Company. He is awed by the prospect as he tours the massive building prior to a planned luncheon meeting with his new boss, A. B. Lincoln, president and founder of the company. Jason’s becomes curious by a single gold shovel displayed prominently on a wall of the complex.

“The Shovel” is a first person narrative. Jason Clark relates the story behind the laws of “The Shovel” as told him by the successful A. B. Lincoln. During their first lunch Mr. Lincoln initiates Jason to the laws of the shovel by telling his life story. He tells of past hurt and personal grief. He explains to Jason how he turned these obstacles into opportunities.

Tom Massey and Baker Fore masterfully crafted a story of mystical meetings with an old prospector into a springboard for presenting universal truths and self actualization principles for personal transformation and satisfying success.

“The Shovel” models the concept of mentoring throughout. A. B. Lincoln, as a young man, learned the practical principles of a work ethic, and job knowledge and how these translate into building character. His mentors were men like Jeff Howell, Mr. Stevens, Andy Rodriquez, and others.

This imaginative combination of highly developed story telling technique with the potential of coupling adversity and determination, provide practical action steps for establishing and realizing personal goals. “The Shovel” is destined to become another best selling book for authors Baker Fore and Tom Massey.

Robert D. Reed Publishers, 978-1934759349

As Reviewed for Midwest Book Review

The Shovel by Baker Fore and Tom Massey

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