What follows are some of the best trading and investing books of all time – in my humble opinion.
- Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefevre.
First published in 1923, this book has stood the test of time. This book as more solid trading advice than many other books combined. Written well, and an easy enjoyable read, the book offers many insights. Written in a novel format the book allows you to really learn from the mistakes and triumphs of the characters. A must read for any trader.
- The Investors Quotient by Jake Bernstein
The most thorough book on market psychology that I have read. This book should be read by anyone who is involved in the markets. Even for those that are not active in the markets, the book delves into our common natures and is a fantastic journey into the psychological – why we do some of the things we do.
- Beyond Greed and Fear by Hersh Shefrin
Also on investing psychology, this books draws on tons of studies and exposes some major flaws which are common in trading. Certain myths, often accepted as truth are also exposed. It looks into how decisions are actually made and how bias and overconfidence can easily creep into our “objective” analysis if we are not careful. This is as applicable to the markets as it is to everyday life. A very interesting read.
- Technical Analysis for the Trading Professional by Constance Brown
Definitely for a well educated audience (hence the name of the book), this book offers many insights in to some commonly used indicators and methods which can be used in very different ways for excellent results. If you are beginning investor, this would not be the book to start reading first. But if you are experienced in the markets and would like to gain more of a edge, this book is a must.
- Trading for a Living by Dr. Alexander Elder
Covering many topics within trading and investing, this is an excellent book for experienced traders and novices alike. With many reminders and loads of insights into how the markets actually work – and more importantly how we can profit from that – most everyone could do themselves some good by reading (or rereading) this book.
This of course is by no means an exhaustive list of all the great books published on the financial markets. But, after reading these books, it is very likely you will have a greater understanding of what it takes to be successful in the markets, and how you can get there.
Best Trading and Investing Books of All Time
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