What would you do if you had heard that there was a secret gateway into another world? Would you set out to find it? Then this new book is for you! What an adventure! I thoroughly enjoyed Four Paths to Forever by Richard S. Lucas!
When Sandra Adams was just a little girl, she often traveled with her father, one time visiting the ruins in Canyon DeChelly in northern Arizona. There, their guide, Joe Eaglefeather, shared with them the story of the “Sipapu.” At the age of ten, she eagerly asked what it was. And then learned about “the gateway from the Inner World to the Upper World.” A gateway that you could only go through once and never go back! A legend? A story told to delight a young child?
What it did was create a life-long goal for Sandra-to find the Sipapu! Her career choice was in fact selected to help her; and as a professor of archaeology, nearly 25 years later, she was asked to take over and head up a dig that had been found in Kentucky. Her boss, Dr. Julius Weather, who was head of the archaeology department, was quite open with Sandra-this was her last chance to prove herself as a faculty member. Many had heard of her “hunt” for the mythical gateway and considered her an “embarrassment” to the university.
The group was small, two civilian volunteers; but as she worked there in Kentucky, she could not help but notice Tom Bentley-as more than a team member. Indeed, they soon acknowledged their mutual attraction. Tom revealed an important secret about meeting her. In fact, he had once enjoyed meeting Joe Eaglefeather as a guide himself!
As they worked the new site, there were many things that did not fit with their earlier expectations; i.e., that it was once the home of Adena Indians. However, when Sandra needed to present their findings to the University, she was both ridiculed and fired. Her primary opponent was Professor Jerry Sims, who had originally been assigned to the site but had been unable to go. But Tom had already offered her another job-and now she was free to accept!
According to legend, the gateway to the Upper World had first occurred in 2000 B.C. At that time a group of individuals, named the Kulato, had come through at the command of their gods. They were to meet the people across this land and share with them their knowledge and teach them how it could be used. The 200 that came through had been divided and sent in four directions, according to maps and instructions that had been provided.
Lucas moves back and forth from the past to the present so that readers are able to see the historical perspective of the story, as well as what happened as Sandra, joined by Tom, and others decide to determine whether the sipapu was real or not. Led by dreams, spirits, and the intelligence of those finally brought together, an adventure of a lifetime begins-to find the gateway-and, yes, if it was real, to go through into the other world!
Lucas has weaved a beautifully crafted story that will speak to the very hearts of readers who look for adventure-seek that buried treasure-or follow their fate! Were they successful in finding a gateway? Is there an inner world that those who are seeking may find?
I, for one, certainly hope that a sequel is already in the works! We want to know the end of this lifetime adventure! In the meantime, I highly recommend that you take your first step-read Four Paths to Forever!
Four Paths to Forever
By Richard S. Lucas
Eloquent Books
ISBN: 978-1-60693-079-3
255 Pages
Four Paths to Forever - Great Adventure!
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