Saturday, March 23, 2013

Why You Should Read "The Traveler's Gift" - Gain Timeless Wisdom From the Traveler

It does not matter who you are, how old you are, or what you do for a living – if you have not yet read “The Traveler’s Gift” by author Andy Andrews you are missing out on the opportunity to forever change your life.

In “The Traveler’s Gift” Andy Andrews artfully weaves a life-changing message into a tale that quite possibly could forever change your life. I know it has changed mine. This book isn’t just a “great read” it contains seven critical decisions that we all need to live by to transform our lives.

In the story the decisions are presented to David Ponder, once a successful executive, he has become a desperate man. David has lost his job and his will to live. David Ponder is about to take a divine adventure (much like “It’s a Wonderful Life”) where he visits great men and women throughout history: Harry S. Truman, Anne Frank, King Solomon, Joshua Camberlain, Christopher Columbus, Abraham Lincoln, and Gabriel the archangel. With each visit David is provided with one of seven timeless principles. A single decision can move mountains – can forever change the path your life follows.

In this powerful book Andy Andrews unveils important advice to anyone seeking a better way. You will gain wisdom in only a few hours. These principles have not changed in over 6000 years.

Engage your mind and inspire your heart – allow this book to change your thinking. Take the journey through history with David Ponder. Explore the seven decisions that determine personal success.

Make the decision to read this book.

It has changed my life. I know it will change yours.

Why You Should Read "The Traveler's Gift" - Gain Timeless Wisdom From the Traveler

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