The realization that the greatest gold mine is found, not down some mine shaft, but when you learn to control your own mind and set goals, for this is the beginning of your Steps to Greatness.
Be aware there will be things that happen along the way to slow down your progress. So you need the proper goals.
The greatest goal you want to set is controlling your own mind, no matter what happens. That means come rain or shine, sleet, or snow, hell or high water, war or no war, you’re going to control your mind.
You must make a commitment that you will set both short and long range goals. You need both, to help you over the short range obstacles that life will throw at you.
Set your primary goal to be the best you can be, that’s the reason Mr. Turner says there were over 800 millionaires that ultimately came out of his companies.
If you’re not happy right now, you don’t have a good goal. If you allow life’s problems to stop you cold; no matter what happens in your life, no matter what the problem is; you have not yet learned to take control of your mind. You must set the goal of taking care of your mind, laying out the goal to control your mind in plain words, so there is no doubt of your purpose.
You absolutely have to make a commitment to control your mind, no matter what happens. If you have control of your mind, then other people wouldn’t jerk your mind around, other people wouldn’t upset you, other people wouldn’t make you mad, other people wouldn’t lessen your desire of purpose. This will give you control of your life.
If you’re in control of your life you’d always be nice to people and they’d be nice to you. So the first goal you want to set is, control your own mind and ultimately your own destiny. Don’t let anybody jerk your emotions around. It’s just as simple and as plain as that.
Accomplishing control of your mind will allow you to set and have the greatest goal in the world, and that’s the goal of running your own life, totally.
Mr. Turner has a creed that he always uses when he’s selling any of his products. It’s called “The Power Within You”. He said, when troubled times come and they surely will, if you live long enough, “don’t lose courage”. Be ever mindful that something great can be found in every misfortune. Never forget, that after darkness, comes the light. That’s just life. In your gravest hour, know that whatever the problem is, that this too will pass. Believe in yourself, Trust in your GOD whoever that may be. Open your mind and accept that anything is possible, as long as you possess the daring to dream it, you can have it. You can reach for and touch the stars if you stand and stretch yourself, up on your toes. You can be all that you desire to be, the power of life is within you, find it, find yourself, and you can have whatever you want.
Hypnotize yourself into believing that you’re the greatest thing that’s ever happened in your life. Your brain is the most powerful thing you have. It’s more important than your car, it’s more important than your wife, it’s more important than your husband, it’s more important than your worldly possessions, if you can control it.
You need to set the goal today, to learn how to control your mind.
George Floto
Success Greater Than Any Gold Mine (What I Learned From Glenn W Turner)
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